Zhutian Avenue

Chapter 120: Forbearance is like a fly meson, Tengru 9 days of dragon!

[Does it cost nine points to search for general information about Kongsan? 】

"Nine o'clock?"

An Qisheng was slightly surprised.

Tongzhengyang is only ten o'clock. This is the original possibility that Tongzhengyang can be promoted to heaven. This hole three is just as close as Tongzhengyang?

This is also a master who is expected to become the strongest under heaven in the future?

Or are there other factors?

The thought flashed, choose to confirm.

Hum ~

Deep in the soul, a picture of Tao blooms, and many words flow like water:

[Kong San (27)]

[Life trajectory: Born in Jiufu Realm, Dahan Prefecture, Luliufu, bereft of his father and mother, he happened to worship the Extreme God Sect. He was originally of ordinary talents and had poor understanding. He has n’t practiced for 20 years, The adventure met outside practice in January, and broke through the internal practice.

Ji Shenzong shook, and then someone peeped in secret to see its secret. Kong San was killed by anger, and then rebelled against Ji Shenzong, killing more than a dozen practitioners of Ji Shenzong all the way, but he was also hit hard, fleeing other states ... .....

The twenty-seven-year-old changed his blood, condensed the seeds of Qi, killed six gates and captured the first few, all the way to kill the war, to support the war by war, the more the battle became stronger ......... After joining the Six Prison Demon Sovereigns, it has already been accomplished, and later became one of the Six Prisons, the Lord of Hell Demon Sects ....]

The text is still flowing in the perspective, telling the story of Kong Sanyi's life, An Qisheng's eyes flashed.

A mediocre disciple, suddenly enlightened, soared into the sky and became the Lord of Hell's Demon Sect?

You should know that Liuzong Mozong has hatreds with almost all sects, but it still exists for so many years. Its strength is much more powerful than Huangjue Temple and Ji Shenzong.

The masters of the six prisons of Mozong are all masters who are not inferior to the teaching of a large force.

Joining halfway can become one of the six prisons, but you can imagine how difficult it is.

This is open ...

"Twenty-eight, that is to say, because of this adventure, for more than a year, from an ordinary disciple who has never practiced outside, he suddenly became a master of blood exchange and condensed the seeds of true energy? "

An Qisheng was shocked and became very curious about Kong San.

He couldn't help remembering the day when Wang Quandao was attacked. A man in black rushed into the place where he was retreating, and a fight made him shake the 70-year-old boy's strength.

After that, five fingers spread out, and in a way that looked extremely scary in Wang Quan's old way, he took away his 70 years of boy power.

Unfortunately, at that time, Wang Quan Lao Dao was too frightened, leaving no other useful things at all.

"The adventures that Kong San got are such as martial arts such as suction power, star power, and Beiming Shengong? It seems different. Wang Quan's physiques have all fallen short, and it is not just internal forces that are taken away ... . "

An Qisheng frowned.

His power was insufficient, and he could not search all the information of Kong San in detail. Without contact between them, he could not dream.

At this point, only guessing, there was no clue at all.

In the long-awaited realm, there are magical powers similar to capturing other people's internal forces, but those martial arts have great consequences. I have never heard of those who can promote the Qi pulse, let alone become the top power under heaven.

[....... Dafeng 216, the main hole of the **** demons, Kong San, died under the sword of heaven and the gods.

The text flashed to the end.

"At this time, it was Dafeng in 1996, that is to say, Kong San would die under the extreme devil cut sword of one of the eight celestial beings twenty years later ..."

"So, in just 20 years, he actually practiced from a foreign practice all the way to a master who approached heaven and earth?"

"Also, the gods and soldiers will also appear?"

Many thoughts flashed in An Qisheng's mind.

Searching for Kong San's information this time, the harvest is huge.

Not only knowing the fate of Kong San, but also knowing that Ji Mo Zhan Tian Jian will be born within 20 years, or is it already born?

The Lord of the Cut Sky Sword can kill Kong San who is approaching the realm of heaven. It is conceivable that his realm will not be much lower than Kong San.

The Lord of the Heavens Sword was born, so will the other soldiers of the heavens and gods also be born?

"I don't know if I can kill Kong San with my current strength ..."

Opening his eyes, An Qisheng's mind was thinking.

He came to this world to fight with people not many, the only one who can be regarded as a master is Zhao Qiandu, and Zhao Qiandu is only a dirty practice, the internal force is not very high.

Compared to Kong San, who may be about to change blood now, the gap is huge.

He has never played against such a master, nor can he judge whether he can defeat such a master at this time.

"I don't feel good about not killing him ..."

An Qisheng turned his thoughts, put away the ancient books in front of him, and picked up an antique box beside him.

In Zhao Hongxuan's secret room, gold and silver jewellery were placed at random. Only this box and a few cheats were best placed.

He naturally took it away.

Papa ~

Jin Li spit open the wooden box, and saw that there was a fully-finished Polygonatum spp. On the pale yellow satin. When it was opened, there was a scent of light vegetation mixed with soil.

It smells shocking.

"Good things in vintage are much better than gold and silver jewelry ..."

An Qisheng's eyes brightened.

Huang Jing is also known as Goblin. Although it is not a magical medicine, it has the title of King of Herbs in the folk.

The difference is that some are used as the main medicine and some are used as adjuvants.

But anyway, this is absolutely good.

In Zhao Hongxuan's opinion, so too.

In Da Xuan's legend, some people even swallowed the millennium Huang Jing to become immortal. This is a good thing that is considered to be a fairy grass!

"Unfortunately, I don't have any of those Danfangs, and those Danfangs in Tong Zhengyang's memory don't need such good things ..."

An Qisheng shook his head slightly, lifted the Huang Jing in the box, and swallowed it with a full tail.

Things are good. It will be better to wait for Dan Fanglian's medicine, but it is never his habit to wait.

Good things are naturally swallowed for the first time.

The tongue grows, and the Huang Jing goes down.


Huang Jing swallowed a hot iron egg.

For a while, from the throat to the stomach, there was a burning sensation.

Huang Jing is also known as ginseng. He has not eaten much on Xuan Xing.

But never seen such an immediate drug.

"It is the heaven and earth reiki ... it is absolutely impossible for such a simple medicine to be so powerful. The reason why the wonderful medicine is cherished may be that it has more reiki in it."

An Qisheng's face turned red instantly, and the exposed skin was like a red iron.

Now he couldn't sit still.

When he moved, he punched slowly in the room.

He sensed it slightly, only felt that the internal organs were burning, as if the furnace was burning, and the rolling heat spread to the limbs and bones very quickly. The blood seemed to be ignited and boiled.

The hot air almost broke through the membrane and broke out of the body.

An Qisheng only knew that the Huang Jing that had been used for years could be used as the main medicine, but he didn't know that a ginseng with a full tail was enough to make dozens of hundreds of elixir!

The reason why Zhao Hongxuan did not swallow is to wait for refining the elixir. Zhao Qiandu returned this time for half of the reason because of this Huangjing!

He swallowed this bit. If it was an ordinary person, he would scream and die for three days and nights!

Even his physique at this time was somewhat unbearable.

"This breath, you can't let it go ..."

An Qisheng's mind was hanging high, and his thoughts were turning clearly:

"In the past few months, my strength has reached the whole body and my bones have become strong. In February, the tiger and leopard thundered. The internal force mixed with the strength had washed the bone marrow viscera. Perhaps, I could follow this medicine.

Try to hold Dan, no matter how bad it is, you will be able to pierce the viscera and bone marrow in one fell swoop! "

His heart was clear.

The Six Realms of Daxuanquan can't get rid of the ordinary people's scope until the energy is great. Even if the strength is ten times stronger, it is still in the category acceptable to ordinary people.

With Baodan alone, this can almost be counted as a leap of levels.

In the Daxuan martial arts world, Baodan was a boxer before Baodan, and a master after Baodan!

Baodan sits on the cross, the whole body is full of energy and spirit, the blood pulp is concentrated a little, and it bursts open. Cheng can really break the human limit.

As paranoid as Mulong City, he even thought that once he held Dan, he would no longer be human.

It's another creature of genetic evolution!

An Qisheng didn't know if his savings were enough, but his physique at this time has already surpassed the previous Huajin Boxing Master under the washing of the internal force. Among the dozens of Huajin Boxing Masters he has dreamed of, none is better than his physique Stronger!

This is the result of the internal force and the internal boxing complement each other.

In addition, he has realized that Baodan's strength has changed for almost two years, and his grasp of Baodan's strength has reached a very high level.

As long as this breakthrough is three points possible, he can turn it into ten!

As soon as I thought about it, I couldn't hold back anymore.



An Qisheng punched slowly.

Initially, his movements were not fast or slow, and his footsteps turned well.

As his thoughts moved, his movements slowed down ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ the more he hit, the slower he got.

On top of his fists and feet, as if pressing a heavy object, slowly, as if the train started, the sound of 'whine' came out through the body. This was the sound of his blood boiling and his muscles rubbing fiercely.

Gradually, the heat in his body accumulates more and more under the action of the medicine, visible to the naked eye, his pores are protruding, turning into soya-sized puppets!

This was caused by the fact that he tried to close the tone!

Baodan does not condense Jindan in the body. There is no such saying in Neijiaquan. The so-called Baodan is to hide gas and enter the body.

Forbearance is like a fly fly meson, Teng is like a nine-day dragon.

This refers not only to physical strength, but also to the spirit and the sublimation of mood.

An Qisheng didn't know if he could cross the threshold, but he wanted to try it.

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