Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 263: Like stepping ants!

Feng Wang stood in the wind, his face disappeared, and when he closed his eyes again, there was no trace of temperature.

He looked up at the sky, thousands of thunderous snakes flew into the sky, and one person and one dragon fought in the dark clouds. The momentum was unparalleled, and the thousands of voids were full of ripples.

Battles at high altitudes have shaken the whole city under the sympathy of air and machine.

Prior to this, he had not seen the power of the Dragon King armor, and he did not really believe in the plans of Taizu Taizong.

However, at this time, the real dragon was seen, and even the Taoist who defeated Pang Wanyang was blocked, and the weight of the dragon king armor in his heart only increased.

A monarch can resist a dragon king armor that has not yet acknowledged the Lord, but what if he acknowledged the Lord?

I'm afraid he is not his opponent.

Once the dragon king armor recognized himself as the master, even if he lost all of this, he could still create an immortal dynasty!

Even after the other soldiers were born, they were sitting on the armour of the Dragon King, so they could lie dormant in the wild.

The heavenly gods and soldiers rise and fall, and fall and fall, and wait until the master of the soldiers is gone. Other heavenly gods and soldiers are hidden, and between heaven and earth, who can stop himself who owns the dragon king armor or the Feng family Junior?

At this point, he made up his mind completely.


King Feng fell on the viewing platform and ordered in the howling wind:

"Go out of the city with widows and do what your teacher never did!"

Yu Tian, ​​who was watching the battle from the sky, heard her words, her heart was trembling, and she turned to the king of Feng, whose clothes were flying in the wind:



Feng Wang snorted, and walked away in the air.

There is no sun in the ghostly two-hundred-year-old lurking underground palace, but it is not to do nothing but suppress the dragon king armor.

In the past two hundred years, with the inclination of countless resources of the court, a group of true masters have been cultivated. Cao Tianzhang is one of the best. Although the others are not as good as him, the Qimai are not a minority!

The 30,000 eunuchs in Wangcheng are not inferior to any major gate in the world!

"Master ... King ..."

Yu Tian stood in place, looking at the distant Feng Wang, hesitant on his face, but he could hear the dragon yelling in the middle of the sky.

He gritted his teeth and turned to order.

King Feng stepped out of the air, but his actions have been stared at.

As soon as he did something, Han Ta Gong had stopped in front of him.


The taste of Han taste palace trembled, and his whole body rose up.

The intangible qi and the divine will follow the spread of his arms, and the enthusiasm of the whole body is stirred up by the air.

Crossed before King Feng:

"That's your military and civilian ..."

Until this time, he was a little unbelievable. He had assisted for decades, watched him step by step from the prince to the throne, and worked hard for decades to push the country's power to the first boy of the Seven Kingdoms.

Back to what it is today.

Would a heavenly man and soldier let him give up 50 million soldiers and civilians and Dafeng they had guarded for decades?

"Han taste palace!"

King Feng looked indifferent, and he saw no trace of tenderness, and when he stepped into the air, his spirit stirred the sky.

Its spirit is like a dragon, and its meaning is overwhelming.

His martial arts were originally the martial arts of heaven and earth stolen from the dragon king armor by the Dafeng dynasties in two hundred years.

Although he is not infinite, it is by no means comparable to ordinary veins!

The divine spirit rises to the sky, it seems that it is dyed a half of the dark sky, and the turbulent air waves are affected by this red streamer, as if the magma is surging!

At the same time as the voice echoed, an iron fist under the plain yellow shirt had broken the heavy air flow, and the mighty fist attacked hundreds of feet. Between the storm and the thunder, he slammed to the Han taste palace:

"The one who stops me is dead !!!"

This punch is almost burning will and determination!

It is the fierceness that destroys everything, completely cut off the feelings of the monarchs and ministers between each other!

It's a completely ruthless fist!


Thunder out of thin air!

As the meteor crashes into the sea, the ripples rise sharply, and the huge shock wave swings away at once, accompanied by the broken and rolling howling wind spreading in all directions.


After a punch, King Feng stepped again.

The fist is like a dragon, it cuts through the sky, and it is wrapped in a raging and burning spirit. Under the decisive heart and soul, one punch hits Han Qiao, who is bleeding from the Qiqiao, but hurdles in front of him!

"It is difficult to test the will of God ......... I saw everything, but I couldn't see myself. The authorities did everything, but it turned out that I had caused all of it ..."

Han Taigong's heart was inexplicable.

Seeing Ba Feilong's fist coming out of the sky, God's will rise up, he will have to show his method of fighting life and burning gas.

Even if it completely dissipates in the world, it will not let you out of the king city!


Just then, the sky once again heard a violent drink.

Liu Yanchang broke through the air, bombarded Baizhang with anger, and flew dozens of Zhangs to Han Tsang Palace, and flew into the night sky.


Baliequan pours the ground backwards, and draws a deep ditch for several miles on the large square of Wangcheng City, with smoke and dust flying, and earth and stones flying across.


Liu extended his knees in the air on one knee, looking like crying and laughing:

"I want to ask you, what exactly do you want to do?"

What happened tonight was too fast. He didn't understand it for a while, but he managed to control the six doors for years.

Some things that he couldn't believe and couldn't accept.

"Don't you already guess?"

Feng Wang's long hair rises, his shirt is rumbling, and his fists rise like smoke:

"Tell Widow your choice!"

"On the king, the minister will always be your hawk, minions. If the king wants to die, the minister will die ..."

Liu Yan extended to his knees in the midst of the air, and Ling Qi's sword swelled up and down as his mood fluctuated.

He was never a good person.

Killed the brothers, heroes, and civilians ...

He has robbed Master of his position and framed his colleagues for his status.

Known as the dog of King Feng, countless people hated their teeth and scolded him, claiming that he was an outrageous villain.


He slowly raised his head, and tears seemed to flow down Mu Ran's face:

"Dogs eat shit, but they don't eat the same kind of flesh ..."


The voice still wandered, and the violent winds and waves of the raging fist had already drowned it.

Then, Feng Feng calmed down until his cold voice drifted in the air:

"What a disobedient dog to use ?!"


Really broken, the sound of bones and bones spattered in the air accompanied by a mouthful of blood.

Liu extended his flight to the ground, broken his suit and crown, and his black cloud boots on his feet shattered into pieces.

In the wind, his face was full of his own blood.

"Brother Liu!"

At night, Han taste palace color changes.

He never thought that it would be Liu Yanchang who saved himself. This was called the hawk dog by the people and was the most obedient catching dog.

"King, today ..."

In the stern sigh of laughter, Liu extended his steps and drew his sword.

The yanyan sword groaned like a thunder dragon rising from the head, and waved tens of millions of swords across the sky. The scattered light is like the Xinghe and reflects the red flame:

"Chin, be a villain!"




Above the sky, between thunderclouds, one person and one dragon collided hundreds or thousands of times without knowing it.

An Qisheng walked between Lei Yun, and his body moved away from Li Xu, fighting the red-golden dragon.

The material strength of the Dragon King Armor is unprecedented in his two lives. In the collision that he struck tens of thousands of times, there is no trace of wear. This strength is stronger than any magic soldier he has seen. Too much.

Because of this, he didn't even use the king gun during this long battle.

The arrogance of the gods and soldiers made him somewhat amazed.

Ripples appeared in his eyes, as if catching some kind of invisible air machine.

His **** is extremely powerful, and even in this intense collision, he can feel what happened below.

Han taste palace, Liu Yanchang, and the tens of thousands of eunuchs who came from all directions and went out of the city.


After a collision, he withdrew thousands of feet away, rubbing gas and air currents to form a real flame, like a meteor piercing the night sky.

He bathed in the thunder and lightning thunder snake, exhaling a spit of gas slowly:

"It's time to finish ..."

Heaven and humans are indestructible. However, a weapon cannot be invincible, especially the Dragon King armor has not yet recovered to its peak, and there is no warrior to manipulate it.

Ang ~

Between the sonic shocks, the Chikin Long Dragon seemed to be aware of it. It rushed out from the thundercloud, and the dragon claws crossed the road and thundered the electric snake and caught it towards An Qisheng.

Huh ~

In the air that was fiercer than the sword, An Qi was standing still, his eyes half open and half closed, and his mind climbed to the limit.

Look at the red-gold dragon that dives in the night under the bright and dark thunderclouds!

The gods and soldiers of the heavens and the heavens are not qi and god, but they are virtual and real, but they are magic weapons between the virtual and the real, because they are not indestructible, and have no flesh and bones, and there is almost no flaw.

However, it is almost just, there is nothing flawless in this world.

Heaven and man still have flaws, let alone heaven and earth soldiers?


A thunder rushed across the airstream, briefly illuminating the night.

At this moment, An Qisheng's eyes were suddenly bright.

In the middle of the mountain-like dragon's first head, he saw a painful and twisted face flashing in the eyes of the dragon!


At this instant, An Qisheng broke out completely.

It seems like a big day is shining brightly, and the light of an instant illuminates the dark night, it seems to penetrate thunder clouds.

Under the flash of light.

An Qisheng stepped in the air, raised his arms and raised his palm, and between his fingers, 54,000 kinds of fists changed, and finally turned into a ‘Nantianmen’!

The towering Shenmen is reappeared, the immortal light path is sprinkled, and the mountain is displaced and hits the red dragon.

That's the trick again ...

There seemed to be a taunt of mockery in Dragon Eyes.

But the next moment, this taunt became a shock!

I saw that between the fists, the ‘Nantianmen’ suddenly opened!

Hum ~

The black and white colors of the interlaced sky fluttered with his hands, turning back into a streamer.

Suddenly, it seems that an ancient **** was pulling out the Tianzhu and beating down from the clouds!

Amazingly, whip!

And his left arm, ~ www.ltnovel.com ~, was in the middle of the bounce, but also started at Nantianmen, but turned into `` Zhanxiantai ''.

In other words, it's 'Chan Longtai'!


He also stepped on his feet, and the violent force of the unparalleled force pierced through hundreds of feet in an instant, like a substantial tornado, falling suddenly!

In the blazing air currents, I stepped on the Feng Wang who just sent out a dragon fist and spit out Liu Yanchang!


Feng Wanggang flew Liu Yan in a punch, and his heart was beating. The unprecedented crisis filled the heart.

When he looked up, he saw the monarch who was fighting the dragon king armor,

Step on yourself!

Like stepping on ants!

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