Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 264: End of war

One kick,

Step on yourself!

Feng Wang's complexion and eyes turned red.

How long?

He can't remember how long.

Ever since he came to the throne, has he suffered such humiliation?

For a moment, his heart burst into horror, and all of his hair spread, and he shouted:

"Royal monarch!"

Furious and tumbling, Feng Feng whistled, Feng Wang screamed, raised his arms and squeezed his fists, and punched from bottom to top!

He did not escape, nor could he escape!

With An Qisheng's current strength, he suddenly fell into a killer. Someone in the world may be able to resist it, but it can never be avoided!

Even Tai Yin Wuji!

Although Feng Feng had long established his veins, he was not as good as Ji Chonghua, and had little experience in fighting with people.

Even if the practice environment is superior and the exercises are powerful, it can never be compared to the masters of the Tai Yin Promise!


This punch, Feng Wang has no trace of reservation.

The powerful qi that emerged from years of practice pierced through the body. Like a substantial flame, it ignited several miles of sky. When the flames soared into the sky, the sky seemed to turn into a sea of ​​magma.

Along with his punch, the boiling void and the rolling 'magma' flowed against it, in the fierce sound of breaking air.

As if the angry dragon ascended to the sky, it hit the turbulent force that fell down like a tornado.


The next instant, the air dragon and the fire dragon collided with each other!

In a split second, the burst of fire spread out at an unbelievable speed, and its turbulent force pushed out the air within a few miles.

The scattered streamer flames uttered a 'whine' sound and fell in all directions, as if there was a fire rain over the King City.

In the boiling air flow, Feng Feng's heart was trembling. At this moment, he finally felt the power!

In his induction, only a few hundred feet of sky became material at this moment. Under the steps of the monarch and Taoist, he fell down on him like a mountain!

The horrible and violent power shattered his infuriating dragon almost instantly.


Feng Wang's eyes seemed to have blood and tears flowing, and his fists, arms, and even the whole body's bones and bones made unbearable wailing sounds at this time.

It seems like it may turn into powder at any time!

He was unwilling. He was angry.

However, no matter how unwilling he was, how divine arousal was, he could only watch the energy pouring down like a tornado.

Shocked his protective suffocation, shattered his fist torrent, shattered his anger, fist, arm.

The rest of the momentum fell on his chest!

This alone, he could not feel anything.

The spreading power penetrated almost every minute place in his body almost instantly!

Boom ~~

It looks like a meteor is falling to the ground, the ground is moving, and the smoke is rolling!

Rockeries, pavilions and pavilions, as well as the observation platform up to several hundred feet, and even outside the King City, the huge bronze statue soaring into the clouds trembled.

With the King of Feng as the center, the ground within hundreds of thousands of feet was surging. The hard white jade slab was instantly shaken into powder, and a large area of ​​mud and sand beneath it rolled like the sea at the time of the tsunami.

Suddenly, the curtain of earth and stone was raised with a little wonder!

咻咻 咻 ~~~

The scattered earth and stones seemed to instantly turn into the most fierce hidden weapon, and in the most terrifying gesture, they overwhelmed Yutian and many **** masters he led.



"Do not!"

The sky was filled with screams of screams.

This earth and stone came too fast, and they came too fiercely. Even though each of these eunuchs was a hundred enemies, they could not hide away.

For a time, I don't know how many people have broken muscles, and even closer, they were sieved on the spot.


Feng Wang nearly spit out his internal organs with a mouthful of blood, and the eyes were no longer visible in the blood flowing across his eyes.

His whole body was cracked and he knew not many words.

The sticky blood was accompanied by Bai Bupao's bone meal, sprayed from the rotten skin that seemed to be stewed for three days and three nights, and wet the surrounding earth, earth, stones, and dust.

Slamming the real dragon in high altitude, stepping on it at will, you have already been so powerful!

For a time, in the mud and gravel that fell from the crackle, everyone was silent about it except the screaming eunuchs.

Where is this still human.

Obviously a natural disaster!

The battle in the sky was terrifying, but it happened hundreds of feet in the dark under the night, even though the aftermath spread and it was huge.

But there is no such spectacular, terrifying effect of this foot on the earth!


During the beating of sand and stones, Yutian rushed into the sand like crazy.

In the middle of the air, Liu extended his hand to Han Ta Gong, both of whom were extremely dull. Looking at this scene, he fell into a dead silence.

Nearly half of the once majestic king city has been ruined.

How can there be no wave in their hearts?


In the sky, An Qisheng stepped down, but did not look at the underground King Feng, his arms raised, his arms whipped like a whip, and the big dragon was pumped down.

Howl ~~~

Sonic raged, the Chijin Long Dragon gave a roar.

And in that roar, accompanied by a weird scream that was not male or female.

Beat the whip, hit people and fight immortals, kill people and kill gods!

Even if Dragon King armor defends the world unparalleled, it is impossible to completely defend against all attacks without flawless recovery.

This whip whipped down, and above the dragon head, a scarlet twisted God's intention emerged, which was pulled out of the body by this whip!


The illusory screams of the terrible people cut through the sky as if they were real.

Then, the thundercloud tumbling in the sky was actually provoked. Thousands of thunders swooped down like rain. In an instant, ten miles of sky had turned into a rolling ocean of thunder!

Heaven and earth do not seem to allow God to come out.

At this moment, the violent thunder of thunder caused An Qisheng's face to change. The whole body sighed and uttered a 'click' moan, which was actually about to break.

And even if not broken.

With his physique and muscles, he also felt numbness and overpowering.

But he did not shy away, slamming down his right hand with five fingers, sulking in anger, and pulling the red Jinlong Dragon back down to meet the Thunder.

At the same time, the combined left palms, such as the extreme sharp sky knife that converges the world.

Towards the god-like spirit of Wuwu and Dragon King armor, slashed away!

The divine intention of the Taiyin Promise is already extremely tyrannical, and there are already some human figures, and you can even see the distorted features on it.



The divine whistling sounded as if ten million silver needles were pulling the scarlet silk thread and rushed out to An Qi.

This silver needle is extremely insidious, its speed is extremely fast, and it is the ghost soldier.

At the same time, he withstood the severe pain of the soul, and was about to retract into the Dragon King armor.

But at this moment.

For a moment, the heaven and earth in his sense seemed to be still.

Between the crickets, while the hand knife slashed, he seemed to see a simple and desolate party with blood stains on it.

And a seemingly ordinary bite, but it seems to contain the most murderous intentions in the world, the dark red sword!

Kill the Dragon!

In previous legends, the heavenly court had a slashing dragon platform, or a dragon dragon platform, which is the torture of all heavens and earths, and all dragon species who have committed the rule of heaven will experience torture.

As soon as the dragon is cut, the dragon and fish and shrimp, and the Taikoo dragon god, they must be completely cut off.

"this is......."

Sneaky spirits felt an unprecedented crisis.

He wanted to resist, but the next moment, that guillotine, was already slamming down, severing it off. It took him two hundred years to establish the spirit and soul connection with the Dragon King armor!

"I'm not willing !!!"

Endless sadness in ghostly hearts.

During the thundercloud tumbling, a ray of divine thought cut through the night sky like a shooting star, and plummeted toward the ruins of the hall filled with smoke and earth and stones.

That's where the tablets of Dafeng's kings.


The electric snake was roaring in the tumbling thunder sea.

An Qisheng had no intention to resist, and at the moment he cut off the connection between the old **** and the dragon king armor, and he already held the dragon king armor.

His body flickered and moved a few miles to avoid the fierce thunder sea.

Click ~

Almost at the same time as he stepped out of his body, the defensive breath of his body was also broken.

His long hair suddenly stood up like electricity, and his whole body was numb.

‘Heaven and earth, it seems that the rejection of God ’s separation from the body is unimaginable ....’

There was a slight vibration in my heart.

An Qisheng looked at the Dragon King armor in the palm of his hand.

Losing the old **** ’s will, the Dragon King armor changed from extreme movement to extreme silence, instead of the violent dragon shape before, but instead turned into a pair of gray fluttering armors, with no strange armor.

It seemed to fall back to what it was before the recovery, and there was no singularity.

The fetish is self-defeating.

"Heavenly soldiers ..."

Ripples appeared in the light of An Qisheng's eyes, and he had already jumped into the sky.

Subsequently, the sky-thunder and Thunder Cloud also slowly dissipated for them, revealing the seven red moons that hung above the night.

After the extreme darkness, it was slightly lighter.

Everyone in Fengdu City just felt the world bright.

Many experts watching this battle are even more genuine.

That man beheaded the Red Golden Dragon!

In other words, ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The man has defeated the heavenly gods!

Nearly half of the royal city turned into ruins, countless armored soldiers, soldiers saw Taoists fall high, and their hearts were trembling.

Jingle ~

A soldier trembled, and the sword fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

He was startled, and had no time to react in the future, and the sound of 'ding dong' sounded all around.

Nearly all the soldiers lost their blades.

Whispers ~~~

In the tumbling air, An Qisheng was standing in the air, his long hair dropped behind his shoulders.

He looked at Feng Feng who had not completely died, and said lightly:

"Your dependence is not as great as you thought ..."

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