Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 503: 2 times open

"Now, what do you think?"

Looking at the huge seemingly endless white jade square, the towering light gate is like a heavenly gate.

And An Qisheng sitting cross-legged in front of the light door, and the inquiry that sounded from his ear, Sanxin Lan Lingtong was in a complicated mood and didn't know what to say for a while.

It never thought that it would see such a magnificent dream on such a planet, such a short-lived species of low civilization.

This is almost the nightmare world of the nightmare Hydra family.

The only difference is that the nightmare of the Hydra family is like a arsenal, where terror killing machines are produced. This dream is very peaceful.

Yes, the world is hungry and the dreams of successive years of war seem to be very peaceful.

"Will Mr. Monster give me the right to choose?"

Sanxin Lan Lingtong shook his head and had no choice.

This dream cut off its connection with Russell. He must have thought that he had betrayed him, even if he immediately got out of trouble and explained.

The nightmare Hydra family never listens to the wailing of the weak.


An Qisheng calmly stated: "You can choose to die."

This little blue-skinned monster is to some extent ten times more dangerous than the descendant of the nightmare Hydra, and he can never let it go anyway.

At this time, the good talk and humility are all laid on the premise that it is suppressed by himself. This is clear to him.


The fairy tale of Three Hearts Blue Spirit lags behind, and then pats the right arm on the left chest, lowers the head: "So, Mr. Monster, cooperate happily."


Not waiting for An Qisheng to answer, it has turned into countless light blue light spots, flew into that light door suddenly, and disappeared without a trace.

The huge Baiyu Square seems to be left alone.

It's not right, it's extremely far away. On the other side of Baiyu Square, which is completely isolated from here, Mu Longcheng also closed his eyes with his knees and became expressionless, as if he was asleep.

Since saying goodbye to Sa Wuling and returning to the infinite cave, Mulong City never opened his eyes again.

It seems that he is caught in a deeper level of enlightenment, either, or is sorting out the income, or, is deducing his own way forward.

An Qisheng took a deep glance at Mulong City, the first person to see the **** Xuan Xing, both spiritually and spiritually, to an extremely high level.

He was also curious about what he could understand.


In the next moment, he has disappeared into the infinite cave, reincarnation in blessed land.



Walking out of the inquiry room and watching the magic neon flashing neon, endured by the breeze of the night breeze, Chu Fan was in a trance in his heart.

He never dreamed that he just searched for ‘dreamer’ and ‘king power dream’ at home in the afternoon, and within 40 minutes, he had been brought to the inquiry room.

If it were not for the good cooperation of Miyoshi citizens, the law enforcement officials of Modu were also affable, I am afraid that this time they will be planted.

‘I’ll never search for ghosts online again…’

Looking back at the inquiry room, the two law enforcers waved their hands with a smile.

Chu Fan shivered and was about to take a taxi home. A cool silver-grey car was parked on his side.

The window shook down, a cold and beautiful beauty: "Get in the car."

"you are?"

As soon as Chu Fan hesitated, he saw the window slowly closing, and he didn't think much. He pulled in the car door and sat inside.

Only then did I find that there was a beautiful and enchanting beauty on the co-pilot, who looked at him with a charming smile: "Little handsome boy, how is the taste of the inquiry room?"

"You are?"

Chu Fan raised his vigilance, and since he last lived with a zombie for a few months, he is now very vigilant about beautiful women.

"Special Affairs Bureau."

The charming woman like a fox shook her certificate, and Chu Fan looked at it carefully. This woman was named Jiang Shili.

"Miss Jiang."

Chu Fan immediately sat up and just came out of the inquiry room. When he saw the background of the mansion, it was hard not to be agitated.

"We know a little about your situation. Dreamers, what's so strange, I have seen much more in recent days."

Jiang Shili withdrew his documents and flicked his long hair.

"See, see you a lot?"

Chu Fan smiled stiffly: "What do you mean?"

"Of course it means what you think! Do you think you can't hide the government house?"

Jiang Shili's mouth twitched with a smile: "It's just as cooperative as you are, but it's rare."

In the era of big data, it is difficult to say whether there is any personal privacy, all kinds of browsing, all kinds of software, almost everyone's information is exposed on the Internet.

Of course, ordinary people cannot find it, and naturally there is no problem for the government.

Through the account of them, Lu Shiping and others, the government house was in operation for only a week, and most of the "dreamers" have been pulled out.

The reason for this is that most of them are because there must be people who understand the government's methods as they do. Such people are difficult to find unless actively exposed.

"Ha, ha."

Chu Fan's smile was awkward, and he didn't know what to say.

"There are always people who don't believe in the mansion, which is really sad."

Jiang Shili shook his head slightly.

Dreamers don't cooperate much, and all dreamers are elites from all walks of life, and the worst are folk martial arts with inheritance. They have been busy enough for these days.

‘It’s not the government, but some people. ’

Chu Fan's heart slandered, but said nothing on the face.

The government is to maintain order, it is the protection of the weak, the cornerstone of stability, but their "dreamers" are not worth it. For the government, are they "instability factors"?

This is why many dreamers are unwilling to cooperate.

Three hundred years after the founding of the Great Xuan Kingdom, there are very few people who do not trust the government.

But people's hearts are unpredictable...

At this time, Wang Zhixuan's voice drifted over: "Name, address, martial arts, master."


Chu Fan just wanted to report his name, and he stopped the car when he heard ‘Martial Skill’ and ‘Teacher’.

After hesitating for a while, he replied: "Family teacher Fan Zimin, but I am just a named disciple and have not learned any advanced martial arts..."

Before Chu Fan finished, Jiang Shili blurted out: "Fan Zimin? What kind of sperm do you write in The Biography of King Power?"

After many people's argument, everyone will get the same paragraph of introduction in various ways the first time they enter the'kingdom dream'.

Of those words, they remember the most, of course, the only one who left the name Fan Zimin.


Chu Fan's mouth twitched, suddenly speechless, just want to swear, elder sister, I just reported myself to the master, you scolded me Master?

But thinking about the three words "special bureau" still dispelled the idea of ​​cursing people.

"Okay, let people continue, don't interrupt."

Wang Zhixuan skillfully held the steering wheel and spoke softly: "The only person who can be left with a name, although it is because of "Legend of the King", it is impossible to be just a villain, think about Tai Shigong."

"My teacher is not too old. He is a storytelling family and has learned martial arts, but he is very famous..."

Chu Fan thought about it, said it, or said it all, and said it all:

"As for the address, no one in the inquiry room asked me. I probably don't need to tell you."

He doesn't know how high his teacher's martial arts are, but obviously it is not something that ordinary people can threaten.

"It's probably useless for you to hide. Your teacher is so well-known. You just know it if you ask."

Jiang Shili didn't force it.

What is the chance of ‘Kingdom Dreamland’? All ‘dreamers’ know that although the other world is dangerous, they are still reluctant to disclose too much, especially the place and name of their dream.

Otherwise, who knows if the leaked news will attract other "dreamers" to peep and snatch?

Although they could not enter it after that night, they could not believe that such a big battle was just for that night.


At this time, the car stopped.

"Little handsome boy."

Jiang Shili smiled softly and handed over a business card: "My name is Jiang Shili. I am from the Special Service Bureau and from the Central Guoshu Museum. Similarly, I am also one of the hosts of the Law Enforcement Martial Arts Forum. Call me."

Wang Zhixuan also handed him a business card: "The country may not be doing well in some places, but trust the country."

"Trust the country..."

Chu Fan was startled~www.ltnovel.com~ stood on the side of the road for a long time.

After a cool breeze blew, he recovered, and took a deep look at the direction of the car's dust, before he squeezed two business cards upstairs.

It was late at night, but the lights were still on at home. Chu's father and mother didn't sleep. They waited anxiously. When Chu Fan came back, he was relieved. He wanted to ask, but held back.

Chu Fan's heart was uncomfortable, and he couldn't say clearly that he had to eat hastily and returned to the room.

In the room, the computer screen is still on, and the ‘fishing’ post is on it.

"It's not bad to be a civil servant."

Chu Fan smiled bitterly and turned off the computer.

After an afternoon of inquiries, he was also sleepy, and even did not have the mentality to work hard, lying on the bed, and then fell asleep.

On this sleep, he slept very sweetly, and when he woke up, he felt that all his sleepiness had disappeared, and his body was full of sound.


Stretching his waist halfway, looking at the antique familiar scene in front of him, Chu Fan was stunned: "This is, has come into the king's dream again?"

This is a small and large bedroom, the light of the sun penetrated through the thin window paper, shining on him, slowly warm.

"It's back again!"

Chu Fan got out of bed in his clothes and pushed open the window. In the yard, several children were punching with fists in a loud voice. The air with higher oxygen content was very sweet since he smelled it.

The whole person could not help feeling relaxed.


At this moment, Chu Fan's heart was shocked, only to realize that there was a line of data falling like a waterfall in front of his eyes, turning into a line of text:

[Main task 1: within one year, successful blood exchange. 】

[Complete, reward dragon and tiger pure yang, fail, lose the identity of the dreamer]

Ren, task?


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