Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 504: A legend that stretches for 3300 years


Chu Fan shook his head in his heart, a kind of indescribable feeling.

The last time he came to this "kingdom dream" he was guessing that there was only one person behind the kingship dream, but now he knew that it was not just himself who came to this "kingdom dream".

With this task, his suspicions grew deeper.

What do the people behind want to do?

It's just that his doubts are doomed not to be answered, but that the invisible light curtain in front of him has changed again:

[Chu Fan (identity of the dreamer Chu Da)]

[Cultivation: The third level of external practice, martial arts: snake-shaped step, exhalation method, ancient door heart fist]

[Dreamland where you live: The first year of King Power]

[Main task: one-year blood exchange]

The concise data panel gives Chu Fan a deeper sense of violation.

Could it be that the person behind this kingly dream is also a Daxuan person?

"Change blood..."

After the doubt, it was urgent. Chu Fan knew that the martial arts system in this king's dream was divided into three folds of bones and skin, and three visceral blood inside.

Blood exchange is the beginning of a reborn and a necessary condition for condensing true energy. It can be said to be the next step.

This step is a hundred enemies.

If you want to cultivate a blood exchange within a year, you can't do it slowly.


At this time, a shout came.

When Chu Fan recovered, he saw a young man in a green shirt walking into the courtyard without any trouble.

The young man's breath was calm, his face was white as jade, his eyes were divine, his long jaws were neatly groomed, and the book was full of gas but there was a sense of indecision.

But Chu Fan knew that although this young man looked like he was 30 years old, he was already a 50-year-old man, because this man, his master, was called Fan Zimin by Jiang Shili as a ‘horse fart’.


Chu Fan responded, went out, and saluted respectfully.

"In the past year or so, you have made rapid progress, and internal cultivation seems not far away. If you can exchange blood, you will be accepted as a disciple."

Fan Zimin's eyes lit up slightly.

He was a disciple who he picked up from the Liudui heap. He didn't make rapid progress at the beginning. Suddenly he began to learn more than a year ago. In just one year, he became a foreign cultivator. He can be regarded as the fastest-growing among his famous disciples. Too.

"Thank you Master."

Chu Fan quickly thanked.

He is very grateful to this master, and the inheritance of a spirit is also very valuable.

A master of aura, who can break the heavy armor with his finger, can cross the river and step over the river, is a master of enough to run across a state, and has a very high status.

I am able to get into his eyes, I am afraid that it has a close relationship with the boxing techniques I have learned for a few years.

"Take one or two, and go out for the teacher to collect the style. In recent years, there is no good book to come out, so a few old people often talk about it, and they can't spread it."

Fan Zimin plucked his beard and shook his head gently.

Some people are good at martial arts, some are horny, some are rich in money, and some are delicious. He only loves his name. Whenever he hears his own writing, the inductive deeds spread from other populations, and he has an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

This sense of satisfaction even transcends his own energy.


Chu Fan's mouth twitched and nodded.

Things, there is nothing to pack up, half an hour before and after, Chu Fan has followed Fan Zimin out.

"Master, where are we going this time?"

Watching Fan Zimin pull out two two horses with a shoulder height of eight feet and a flying mane of BMW, Chu Fan knew that he was going out this time.

He is deeply aware of the value of Jiao horse. Fan family has more than 10 Jiao horses, which cost more than dozens of servants every day, and Fan Zimin simply does not allow others to raise Jiao horses.

Those who serve these'Master Ma' are all famous disciples like Chu Fan.

Eating eggs and forages, drinking boiled spring water, and requiring disciples to use their internal force to massage every day. Such treatment is naturally a ‘great master’.

Fan Zimin will not take the wandering horse at all when he goes out.


Fan Zimin turned his horse and whispered: "I heard that the Son of the Six Prison Demons descended from the mountain, and it is estimated that he would go to Zhongzhou."


Chu Fan's heart moved, and he turned himself up.

He has been serving this Jiaoma for more than half a year, and of course nothing will fall.

Prosperous in the city, desolate outside the city.

This is Chu Fan's first time out of the city in more than a year. Don't have a sense of freshness. It's just that after a while, looking at the bones that died by the road and no one buried, this freshness was replaced by a heavy one.


Fan Zimin flicked a hand, vigorously swept across more than 20 meters, and killed a wild dog in the grass on the spot.

Chu Fan looked carefully, and there was a bone in his mouth.


Fan Zimin's expression was calm, it seemed commonplace, Chu Fan smiled bitterly in his heart, but he could only keep up.

As soon as I came out, I knew what was called Jingshan Vast. The strategy of running horses was different from that of high-speed trains and planes. Under such a real perception, the distance was no longer a number.

Horses rely on swords and travel through rivers and lakes. This kind of life has never been experienced by Chu Fan. Here, there is no 9 to 5 work, no pressure on mortgage loans, a freedom from the inside out let him from Soothing in my heart.

I can't stand it except the thighs are really worn.

Along the way, Fan Zimin began to truly teach Chu Fan's martial arts, especially a set of techniques of tuna practiced on horseback. The more tired and hard the work of this set of ‘moving skills’, the greater the progress.

Chu Fan was addicted to the exercises, and he could not even feel the hard work of sleeping in the mountains and the boats.

On this day, the two came to Qingzhou and heard noises as soon as they entered the city.

"The devil is hateful. He killed Haoran Longsword, Ke Mengfan, and Ke Xia in broad daylight! It is a total indignation!"

"Poor Heroes of Heroes I, it ended so miserably, miserably, miserably!"

"The wind is blown away by the rain and wind, sadly, lamentably."

The entire Qingzhou government seems to be discussing the same thing, but for the most part it is just talk about capital, and there are few who really regret it.

"What? Ke Mengfan has been killed?"

Fan Zimin's face changed slightly, and he walked away from the horse: "Ada, looking at the horse to find an inn waiting for me, just come for the teacher."


Chu Fan just wanted to say something, but he had disappeared from Fan Zimin's figure. He could only lead two horses to find an inn, and settled for the time being.

Fan Zimin was quite generous in his efforts. Chu Fan certainly wouldn't treat himself badly. He burned three large barrels of hot water to wash away the hardships and asked for a good table.

After a glass of sake, I felt the motility of the viscera and a new body. Chu Fan exhaled for a long time:

"Good wine!"

"The days of Chu Shaoxia are chic and cheerful."

At this moment, a chuckle came in from the outside.


Chu Fan's wrist moved, grabbing the long sword beside him.


With vigorous effort to break through the window, in a white robe, a brilliant young girl was sitting opposite Chu Fan.

"Jiang Shili?"

Looking at the girl with a different appearance and different temperament in front of her, but with a familiar tone of speech, Chu Fan couldn't help but blurt out.

"Recognize your sister is coming?"

Jiang Shili covered her mouth and chuckled, her voice tweeting gently.

"how did you find me?"

Chu Fan let out a sigh of relief, but still had a trace of alert in his heart.

"With the six-door intelligence system, is it not easy to find someone?"

Jiang Shili flipped his wrist, and a booklet had suddenly fallen in front of Chu Fan: "You followed Fan Zimin all the way, haven't you seen this before?"

"this is......"

Chu Fan glanced at it, with three big characters on it: weapon spectrum.

"This is the spectrum of weapons of the lakes and lakes arranged by the Dafeng court. It records the top ten masters under the gods, your master Fan Zimin, ranked thirty-one......."

Jiang Shili tapped the table gently.

"Master only ranked 31st?"

Chu Fan was shocked. He came along the way and saw that Fan Zimin shot, and the cottage of thousands of people was flattened by him alone. Is such a powerful force only 31?

Unable to help, he opened the weapon spectrum.

At this point, his pupils shrank, his eyes fixed on the second place on the first page:

[Weighbridge second, blood devil An Qisheng]

"Which An Qisheng?"

Chu Fan couldn't help losing his face.

He is too familiar with this name, not to mention that he was rescued twice by him, nor to say that this Xuan Xing has been as hot as the screen on the Internet these days.

Just the piece he picked up, suspected to be a token of Huaimu, who made him a dreamer, is enough for him to remember his name deeply.

"What do you say?"

Jiang Shili asked back.

She was far from being as calm as she had revealed. As a man among the six doors, she clearly knew how arrogant she was in the second place.

The ‘human’ in this ‘ten thousand enemies’ does not refer to ordinary people, but refers to well-trained, armed with internal force, which can itself be elite in an army of ten or even dozens of enemies!

But this is not the most terrifying thing.

But what she saw through the six-door intelligence system...


Chu Fan's heart was banging, and that Mr. Ann was so arrogant?

It is not clear what concept is the second place on the list, but his master Fan Zimin is already so arrogant, but it is only 31 on the list, you can know how terrible the second list is.

If it is calculated according to the internal force he brought back, wouldn't that Mr. An want to be invincible in the world?

No, this Mr. Ann is invincible...

"There are more than 320 people who are registered as dreamers in Daxuan, of which one and a half have never been exposed to boxing and most of them have practiced martial arts, but not all of these three hundred people are at this time... ..."

Jiang Shili thought about it, but still told some secrets.

"Why, what do you mean?"

Chu Fan was confused.

"The previous census of dreamers did not force dreamers to tell their secrets, but it was not without gains. Dreamers still said a lot about things that were not in their own right... ."

"That is, time."

Jiang Shili spoke slowly: "Although they are all called "The Biography of Kingship," you and I are in the first year of kingship, and some people are in the kingship for two thousand years, and some are even in the kingship of 3,300. year!

Is it hard to believe? This dream is a legend that has spread for more than three thousand years, maybe it is not a person we think! "


Chu Fan was a little embarrassed. Compared with intelligence, he was far from Jiang Shili, who had a country as a backer.

I couldn't even plug in the words, only shocked.

At this time, he was somewhat thankful for his cooperation. Not to mention that, at least for now, the benefits of cooperation with the government are obviously greater.

"According to the big data of artificial intelligence, the real opening of this dream world should be 3,300 years later..."

Jiang Shili said, an indescribable expression appeared on his face: "This group of people in our first year of kingship does not seem to be optimistic..."

"Or, in a way, the requirements are not met..."

Chu Fan frowned suddenly: "Are we a group of people who are not optimistic?"

"The same can be said..."

Although he didn't want to admit it, Jiang Shili couldn't help but sigh and replied: "If the expectations are not bad, you must have received the task."

Chu Fanmu nodded.

"I have been in contact with many dreamers in the past two months. As far as I know, all of them have received the tasks, and all of them will lose their identity as dreamers as long as they do not accomplish anything!"

Jiang Shili's eyes glowed with light: "Then, the completion of the task may be when we really enter the'main line', that is, after the three thousand and three hundred years of the king's power..."


Autumn is high, the sky is light and the clouds are light, and the breeze is slow.

On a mountain top, An Qisheng sat cross-legged and overlooked the clouds~www.ltnovel.com~ with a little bit of memory.

He does not have the power to create the world. This dream world is a summary of all his knowledge in Jiufujie. The gathering of all spiritual imprints is what he walked in the last 33 months of Jiufujie and hid the world. .

And the world of kingship after 3,300 years is where the people of the two worlds meet in their dreams.

"Mr. Monster, why don't you send everyone to the meeting point, but do it all the more?"

Lan Lingtong flapped his wings, wondering: "Is it because these people are weaker?"

An Qisheng gave him a lot of freedom, he can perceive all dreamers through the dream, and convey the task of An Qisheng.

real-time monitoring.

"Dream is the reflection of the soul, the manifestation of the mind, and the mind must not be completed. If the mind is missing, the dream will have flaws. It has nothing to do with its own strength, but only with the heart."

An Qisheng's eyes flowed down, which reflected many pictures, and every move of the dreamer flowed through his heart:

"Gu Changsheng was paranoid, Gong Qingzhu lacked personality, Jiang Shili had a childhood misfortune, Chu Fan witnessed his girlfriend dying in front of him, and there was a shadow in his heart. Grandpa Lu Shiping was selfless and sent him to prison...

These people have more or less deficiencies in their minds. Naturally it does not matter at ordinary times, but it will be harmed if they encounter nightmares..."

Lan Lingtong was lying on top of Yunwu, with his hands on his chin: "So, Mr. Monster wants to help them? But, how do you want me to do it?"

"The hurt of people's hearts is nothing more than resentment, love parting, and unbelievable. If you have experienced enough, you will naturally not care."

An Qisheng's voice seemed to be like a cloud, and the people disappeared with it:

"You have the ability to understand text messages, see more, you should know what to do..."

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