Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 784: That 1 meteor shower


"Black and white impermanence, Nether Palace..."

An Qisheng, who had been in deep thought before the start of the war, slowly returned to his senses, and temporarily pressed many thoughts in his heart.

As soon as his mind moved, the giant spirit **** in Qin Honghai's heart trembled, as if he was about to come alive.

Tai Chi God Court is the great achievement of An Qi Sheng Dao Fa at this time. In a sense, the conceived **** is even an external incarnation independent of him.

Manipulate naturally.


With a loud noise, Qin Honghai's heart suddenly lost consciousness, and in a daze, he seemed to see the majestic figure of the **** once again.

At this moment, he was blessed to his soul: "I beg God to take action and retreat from this enemy!"


The moment Qin Honghai's thoughts rose, Qin Honghai only felt that his mind was suddenly lifted up, and suddenly, it seemed to have risen to the sky.

He can still perceive his body, but he feels like an outsider.

Watching myself stand up from the ruins.


This body was accompanied by a shocking roar.

The invisible and intangible spirit turned into mad dragons visible to the naked eye, tearing the airflow and making sonic booms, flooding down extremely violently, and crashing into Qin Honghai's body.



"this is?"

The sudden change immediately alarmed the four people who were fighting. Several people including Jomoco were concentrating, and they couldn't help looking at the center of the intertwined spirits.

I saw the gust of wind blowing, the spirits like dragons, collisions and entanglement between each other, unexpectedly burst out an aura that shocked all the four.

"That's... Hong Hai?"

Rao was in the middle of the fight, and Jomoco couldn't help but his heart shook, and as soon as he punched out, he backed away.

As his former soldier, Qin Honghai certainly did not know him.

After decades of fighting, even he nearly survived several times, and his first group of soldiers survived even a handful of them.

Qin Honghai is one of them.

It's just that Qin Honghai's qualifications are average, he has cultivated for decades, and he is no more than a ‘bodily’ cultivation base. Even though he has a different talent and strong physique, he is no better than a Taoist monk.

But the breath at this time is more than just entering the Tao?

Even a few of them may not be comparable!

"Blood back?!"

Seeing the aura rising in layers, the figure swelling among the spirits, the white-clothed man's pupils shrank, and his heart turned upside down.

Legend has it that the Nine Turns of the Golden Core can change fate against the heavens, and since then surpass the mundane and the unimaginable transformation.

Their bloodline has been completely changed. Even if they are passed on to future generations, they may return to their ancestors, and once they return to their ancestors, earth-shaking changes will occur!

"This person is really weird!"

The black-robed man was also taken aback, brandishing the lonely old man like a dragon and repelling him, before he looked at Qin Honghai with a serious expression.

In the tens of thousands of years since the unknown accident in the legend occurred, few of the legendary powerhouses have appeared.

What kind of bloodline can last tens of thousands of years without awakening?


Suddenly, the look of the white-clothed man changed, and the funeral rod suddenly fell back and slanted above it.


In the next instant, a strong wind blew up.

A fist made of gold suddenly broke the romance, and under the gaze of the crowd, it seemed to slam on the crying stick slowly and quickly.


With just one punch, the two in white clothes standing with their backs just felt the roar of their minds, as if they were smashed into their faces by stars, just for an instant.

Only felt that a terrifying force that was so pure and powerful to make them all look down on the mourning stick, it penetrated their magic barrier very easily.

Spread over their limbs and hundreds of skeletons.


Accompanied by a flashy roar, huge smoke rose into the sky.

Then the earth blasted like a drum like thunder, and a powerful shock wave surged along the ground. Wherever it passed, the earth squirmed and the sand was like a tide.

With this ruin as the center, one after another houses fell down!

The eyelids that made Qiao Mo Ke all see jumped wildly, and Qiao Sheng, who was watching the battle, was dumbfounded and could not believe his eyes.

This, this is Qin Honghai? !


At the same time as his heart beat, Jomoco stepped on it step by step, and the powerful blood came out through his body, evolving into the shape of a dragon and falling under self-control.

Smashed heavily on the ground.

With this smash, the shape of the dragon elephant was like an illusion, sinking into the earth at once, and under the spread of the tide of mana layers, the shaking like an earthquake was suddenly eliminated.


Zen Master Guyue swept away his sleeves and flattened the smoke, but where was there a figure?


Jomo Ke's eyes condensed, and he already felt the three breaths rushing through the ground.

The speed of these three breaths is extremely fast, but it is faster than flying in the underground, but he has a slight delay in smoothing the aftermath.

But it can't catch up!

"This is a coincidence!"

Jomoco's face was not good, his chest was up and down, his eyes swept around, and people's shadows had just stepped into the air.

After decades of expedition career, of course the masters he has made are not only Zen Master Gu Yue.

But how can I think that just before the launch, there will be branches?

"If these two people are not eliminated, the prince's big plan will be difficult to accomplish!"

A middle-aged Confucian scholar came with the wind and landed on the ruins, his expression also has a solemn expression: "The power of the two masters and Master Guyue can not win the two. Where does the king come from? Find such a master?"


People's shadows fell on all parts of the palace, feeling the aura remaining on the ruins, and their faces were all unsightly.

It didn't take long for the four to fight each other. They were waiting for Jomoko's call, but they didn't expect to slow down.

"This happened to Qiao, after all, it is difficult for people to calculate."

Qiao Mo Ke slowly calmed down, before he arched his hands around: "I also want to thank you fellow Taoists for coming to help."

"Where did the prince say?"

The middle-aged Confucian shook his head and said with a serious face: "The prince has to prepare early..."

The master sent by King Qitang already dared to go straight to the Zhenhai Prince's Mansion in broad daylight. It doesn't matter whether it was the meaning of the king or the two masters.

The important thing is that the two most powerful people in Qitang State and even the other countries have really broken their faces.

"He deceived me so much, I don't need to bear it anymore!"

Jomoco let out a sigh of relief and made up his mind.

There is only a thousand days to catch thieves, how can there be a thousand days to guard against thieves?




There were two roars and blasts, and two figures broke through the surface, carrying dust and sand into the sky like a dragon, and a large amount of sand was sprinkled like rain in this quiet mountain forest.

At this time, it was just noon, but their hearts were a little cold.

Because the figure that was supposed to be behind them, I don't know when, has already stopped in front of them.

For people like them, the distance of thousands of meters is no different from the face-to-face.

"Who are you?"

Seeing "Qin Honghai" with a completely different breath in the spirit lingering, the white-clothed man's chest rises and falls, and his heart is extremely jealous.

A punch broke the mana barrier of the two, and each was injured.

Even if there is a reason for this person's sudden action, it can be seen that this person is strong!

He didn't believe that bloodline awakening alone could have such an effect.

Compared with Bloodline Awakening, he believes that this person hides his cultivation and has other plans.


The black-robed man didn't speak, just dropped the ecstasy chain wrapped around his wrist and stared at'Qin Honghai'.

"Dare to speak of impermanence in the slightest cultivation base?"

"Qin Honghai" spoke loudly like a bell, and through the connection of the giant spirit god, An Qisheng looked at the two faintly.

Compared with the Seven Masters of the Human World and the Eighth Masters of the World, the difference in cultivation level of these two people is ridiculous, and they are far worse than they were back then.

If these two people are really their heirs, it can only be said that their inheritance has long been broken.

"You, do you know our Nether Palace too?"

The white-clothed man turned his wrists imperceptibly, the mourning stick was indeterminate, as if he was hesitant to make a move.

"You are not my opponent."

An Qisheng didn't realize it, but just glanced at the two people's crying stick and ecstasy chain: "If it weren't for these two things, you are dead at this time."

He observed carefully and naturally saw Jomoco's back hand.

The cultivation base of these two people is naturally higher than that of Qiao Mo Ke and Zen Master Gu Yue, but with mental arithmetic and unintentional, it is very likely that they will be planted in the Zhenhai King's Mansion.

"Your Excellency is too arrogant."

"If you want to kill me, I'm afraid it's not enough!"

The two spoke one after another, and the whole body mana rippled, seeming to be ready to go. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"I have three questions. If you answer, I can let you go."

An Qisheng slowly raised his head, and closed his five fingers one by one:

"You can also try if you can beat me."

The inspiration can be destroyed, the realm will not retreat!

Even though his primordial spirit was weaker than a hundred at this time, his control of the spirit machine was far from the two.


There seems to be a cold wind blowing.

The black-robed man and the white-robed man looked at each other, and their hearts were a little cold, faintly feeling a great threat.

"If you only ask three times, just ask!"

"But it may not answer."

The silence is only an instant, and the two have responded. This is not only the cultivation of the person in front of them, but also the inexplicable emotion in both of them.

Let their hostility subsided for a while, and their desire to shoot was greatly reduced.

Seeing the two agreed, An Qisheng stared at them and asked: "I heard you talk about a drastic change 30,000 years ago that forced Sumi Buddhism to close the mountain. What kind of change was it?"

Qiao Mo Ke is considered to be a hero in the frontier, but he has been rooted in the world throughout his life, and he has little understanding of Dongshengzhou, let alone the whole land.

He did not learn about the incident from Jomoco’s spiritual imprint.

But Xumi Buddhism and Emperor Tian's court, the name of Earth Demon Abyss, is Earth Immortal Dao, and even the strongest forces in the entire Emperor Tian.

Behind him, there is a faint shadow of a saint, and he is naturally very interested.


The person in white was a little surprised, as if he didn't expect the person in front of him to ask this question, but he was relieved.

"This matter is a long story..."

The white-clothed man's eyes flickered for a moment before he said: "This matter, I have to start with that earth-shaking meteor shower..."

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