Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 785: Fenghuang cuts the sky

"A meteor shower..."

An Qisheng's heart moved slightly, and he already guessed that the meteor shower might be the primordial spirit that he dispersed.

He asked himself that he had the blessing of Daoyitu, and the scattered pieces of the soul would not be easily noticed or even captured.

But the fact is that after he came to this world, he lost his perception of other soul fragments, and it seemed that an inexplicable force had isolated his perception of the soul fragments.

"According to legend, that meteor shower came from the outer sky, and it didn't attract too many people's attention at first, but later, a big change happened between the sky and the earth..."

At this point, the white-clothed man spoke, and a touch of awe appeared on his face.

The black-robed man took the conversation, but did not interrupt the narration: "The Phoenix Emperor defeats the sky..."

Fenghuang cuts the sky?

An Qisheng thought for a while, and found a record about the "Phoenix Emperor" in Gautama's memory.

Legend has it that when the chaos first opened, three supreme beasts were born between heaven and earth.

One is the Candle Dragon, the ancestor of the Earth Dragon clan as it is today.

The second is Shenlin, the **** of endless beasts.

The third is Fenghuang.

According to legend, this Phoenix Emperor was supposed to be the emperor of all birds, but at the end of his life, he fell and became the current Beijuzhou.

Beijuzhou thus became a place where birds, monsters and beasts were entrenched, and no one could enter.

However, after countless tens of thousands of years, there seems to be no legend of the Phoenix Emperor in this world, and it seems that he has really died.

Could it be...

When An Qisheng's mind turned, the white-clothed man's eyes moved and he seemed to feel his absence, without saying a word, the horizontal crying stick had risen from the sky, and it was pressing down like a mountain!


The black-robed man and him had a sharp heart, and they shot almost at the same time. The dark ecstasy chain of Senhan was silent and stabbed like a sinister serpent.

The two of them were extremely precise about the timing, and they didn't even keep their hands at all, pouring all their mana into them.

And at the same time of shooting, they all moved back, back to back, and performed the ‘Impermanence’ escape method.

The moment the void ripples, it is about to break through the void!


But in the next instant, the two of them all changed their colors, and they felt as if they were bumping into Mount Xumi. They couldn't help but stare at Venus, their spine groaned, and they fell on their backs.

When the two of them were shocked, they saw that gold-like fists pressed down again, knocking their screams back into their stomachs.

"Impermanence is not what you use."

An Qisheng's tone was soft, but he shot without mercy, and punched again.


The earth shook violently, and then the mud and sand rolled, spitting out the two together from deep underground.

When they landed again, the two became embarrassed, frightened and angry: "How is it possible? Where did you learn the impermanence?"

The impermanence of the various forms is the mystery they have learned. From the day of self-learning until now, they can easily retreat no matter what the environment is.

Therefore, they didn't care about that Jomo Ke and others at all, and they dared to enter the house in broad daylight.

This is the first time I have seen this situation, and the person in front of me seems to be impermanent!

"too poor....."

An Qisheng shook his head inwardly.

The two of them didn't get the true biography of Xie Qi at all, and even if they had only studied fur, they obviously couldn't be regarded as the heirs of Xie Qi.

If this is all impermanence, Xie Qimo said "Ascension" to the emperor, he would have fallen under heaven's punishment long ago.

"It's planted..."

The black-robed man turned his back to the sky, his neck was almost broken, and his impermanence was broken, his heart was ashamed for a while.

This mysterious person played the two of them under applause. It was obvious that his cultivation was far superior to the two of them, and the impermanence of the various lines was broken, and they no longer had any means.

"...What exactly happened after that meteor shower, no one knows. We only saw the slight record of'Fenghuang's Conquest of Heaven' in the classics of the Nether Palace. We only knew that there should be many great things. The rise of the demon was suppressed by the Emperor's Court and Xumi Buddhism, and finally led to the Fenghuang conquest..."

Two consecutive punches completely broke the courage of the two of them. The man in white coughed up blood and his face became paler: "More, I really don't know..."

At this time, there was no need to ask An Qisheng more, the two of them had already poured out everything An Qisheng wanted to know.

"Many big monsters, does the Phoenix Emperor conquer the sky..."

An Qisheng thoughtfully.

The cause and effect of the emperor heaven are detailed and strict. Dreaming of plants, birds, animals, mosquitoes, snakes and ants is indeed much simpler than humans.

Is the Fenghuang's attack on the sky really related to him?

An Qisheng was slightly lost, but the two who coughed up blood did not try to escape again. Some things were irrelevant. They had a foreboding. If they dared to escape again, they might be waiting for thunder.

"Nether Palace has the Eight Monarchs of Nether Mansion, Kuixing, Civil and Martial Judge, Niu Tau Ma Mian, Black and White Impermanence, we, we are just the little ghosts under the Black and White Impermanence seat, who have been given secret methods to come to Qitang Country... ...."

The person in white gave a sorrowful laugh, secretly regretting.

The Nether Palace has been passed down secretly for tens of thousands of years, and it has a complete intelligence network. They also know that there are no masters in this Qitang State or even this huge Dongshengzhou border, and they will come.

Who ever thought, just like this, even the impermanence given by the two masters was broken.

"The Eight Nether Lords..."

An Qisheng frowned.

Gu Changfeng possessed a magical power, ‘rebirth through calamity’, almost immortal, and a catastrophe must be reborn in another world.

But it may not necessarily be the Emperor Heaven Realm.

Moreover, in addition to the black and white impermanence that soared to the emperor, the other Eight Nether Lords truly fell into the human world.

An Qisheng once met with the heavenly will of the human world, so naturally he would not know it.

So, this so-called Nether Palace was opened by Xie Qi and two people after the ascension, to remember the past?

"...What can be said, we have already said..."

The black-robed man turned over and sat up, his face was gray and ugly: "What can't be said, it is death, and it can't be said..."

The person in white also kept silent, not just not saying, but unable to speak.

If you don't say maybe you will die, but if you say it, it must be to survive and die.

"The so-called secrets of your Nether Palace are of no use to me. It doesn't matter if you say it or not."

Contrary to their expectations, An Qisheng did not force them to answer.

Because for him, the Nether Palace's plan for Dong Shengzhou, or other conspiracies, he didn't even have any interest in it.

In fact, if it hadn't been for them to have a big curse on them, he didn't want to be extravagant, and there was no need to even question them.

An Qisheng waved casually: "Let's go."

"You just let us go like this?"

The two who had closed their eyes to die were shocked when they heard the words, opened their eyes, and looked at each other, both at a loss.

Almost suspected that I had heard it wrong.

This person spent a lot of time chasing down the two of him, but he simply asked a few questions and then let him go?

"Netherworld Palace is far away in Nanzhanzhou. It's not easy for me to go. It would be better to have you two run away for me."

An Qisheng stood with his hands in his hands, his eyes were peaceful, and said lightly: "If I want to kill you, why do I need this place?"

"You, what are you doing?"

Hearing this, the white-clothed man's complexion changed abruptly, and his heart sank suddenly.

"The masters in the Nether Palace are like clouds, you want us to betray the Nether Palace, it is absolutely impossible!" The black robe man flatly refused.

The cultivation of the people in front of them may be higher than them, but how powerful is the Nether Palace?

Tens of thousands of years ago, the lower realm of the heavenly soldiers had not been completely razed, how dare they betray?

"That's not your responsibility."

An Qisheng just smiled, stretched out his hand and patted them lightly, disappearing into the void like the wind.

"This is, the impermanence of all actions?"

The pupils of the man in white shrank.

Move as you step, without the slightest smoke.

The impermanence of this mysterious man actually seems to be higher than the few masters in the palace?

"Not good!"

The black-robed man gritted his teeth and stood up, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot, he kept searching for himself, but he didn't realize the restriction that the mysterious man placed on him.

But he didn't believe that the mysterious person would let them go so easily.

"This person is weird, we might really have to go back to Nanzhanzhou..."

The white-clothed man took a deep breath, feeling a bit cold.



As if landing from nine days, the moment Qin Honghai opened his eyes, he only felt that Venus was full of eyes, and his heart was filled with extreme pain, and he couldn't help but let out a miserable cry:

"It hurts me too!"



It was as if someone had crushed the muscles and bones of the whole body in an instant, and then pressed it a little bit into mud.

Rao is Qin Honghai's disposition is not bad, this time he almost passed his back in pain, burst into tears, and rolled all over the floor.

The crowds who came after hearing the news were confused.

"Hong Hai?"

Jomo Ke flicked his sleeves, UU reading www.uukanshu.com's majestic mana had been emptied and submerged in his body.


Qin Honghai seemed to come back to life at the moment of magical isolation, supporting the ground with both hands, panting heavily, and wet the ground like rain with cold sweat.

"Does your blood come from a certain great demon? Your muscles have swallowed all your mana..."

After regaining his mana, Qiao Mo Ke's eyes moved, a little surprised, and he discovered the changes that had occurred in Qin Honghai.

Qin Honghai is already burly and talented, but now his body is more than ten times stronger than before?

Even if there is no mana, it is still blood.

"Master Xie...what, my mana?"

The pain faded, Qin Honghai was about to thank him, when he heard Jomo Ke's words, his heart jumped.

Introspecting his body, he saw that his muscles, bones, flesh and internal organs had undergone earth-shaking changes centered on his violently beating heart!

But as Jomoco said, the mana he had cultivated for decades, unexpectedly disappeared.

Disappeared cleanly!

So, is this the price of calling God?

"The fate is still there, what does it matter even if there is no magic power?"

Qiao Mo Ke patted Qin Honghai on the shoulder and applauded:

"In the palace, there will be no shortage of your spiritual rice, pill!"

"Thanks, thank you Lord!"

Qin Honghai was a little flattered, but he had guessed the reason in an instant.

Qiao Mo Ke stared at Qin Honghai: "However, this king is curious, what happened to you?"


Qin Honghai said in his heart that he wanted to take the initiative to say this question yesterday, but at this time he hesitated.

But feeling the gaze of Jomoco, he gritted his teeth and spoke:

"Yes, because of a **** statue!"

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