After Lieutenant Colonel Cao and Colonel Jin listened, they were obviously surprised, and some couldn't believe it. In their impressions, there were many people who lost their way and had a bad sense of direction.

But in a regular room, you can get lost. What attribute is this?

Does such a person really exist?Are you sure that the simulation data is not wrong?

Bai Ye saw that Lieutenant Colonel Cao was still a little uneasy, and said to Lieutenant Colonel Cao: "It's okay, if you don't believe it, wait for him to come out and ask him, there is really a problem, let's test it again."

Lieutenant Colonel Cao nodded leniently and began to carefully observe the data on the screen.

At this time, the Time Dao Shenjian has come to the vicinity of the wormhole. The location of the wormhole, Lieutenant Colonel Cao simulated is the wall in the middle opposite the glass wall.

At this time, the time and the gods have come, the corner of the side door.

Because the space inside has a degree of extension, Bai Ye doesn't know how far the Taoist God of time is from the wormhole at this time. He can only see that the Taoist god among the gods is infinitely close to the wormhole.

After a while, the Taoist God of Time stood still and did not move forward at all.

And Lieutenant Colonel Cao has also recorded the experimental data, and shouted into the room with a special sound: "The simulation experiment is over, you can go back to the door."

Bai Ye saw that the Taoist God of Time waved in the direction of the glass, indicating that he heard it.

When he came back, the God of Time was very careful, he didn't let go of the hand on the wall, he walked slowly to the door against the wall, he opened the door and walked out.

When the God of Time walked out of the test, he saw the strange faces of Colonel Jin, Colonel Han and Colonel Cao as soon as he went out.

He was slightly taken aback and looked at Bai Ye inquiringly.

"What's wrong, my data is not good, I think it's okay, it's basically the same as the feeling in the water, but it's weaker than the wormhole."

Bai Ye looked at the innocent-faced Dao God of Time, and didn't know how to explain it, but he could only smile stiffly, encouraged the Dao God of Time to look at him, and nodded.

Lei Dao Shen saw that Bai Ye did not tell the truth, so he stepped forward.

With a sigh, he patted the Taoshen of Time on the shoulder.

He said with a bit of disappointment: "Shi Jian, you don't need to be sad, it's okay, everyone has weaknesses, but your weaknesses are more obvious, just now Colonel Jin and the others also know it."

Time Taoshen suddenly reacted, his face flushed.

Some shyly said: "I'm sorry, I wasted everyone's time."

Lieutenant Colonel Cao took a step forward: "Mr. Shi, there was nothing unusual in the simulation room just now, right?"

Time Taoshen nodded again and again: 583 "Nothing unusual, everything is normal, it's my own fault, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I was worried that if the simulator data is wrong, it may bring you danger, so I asked Mr. Bai, it's okay, we can help us seal the wormhole, we are too late to be grateful, how could it be? Blame you?"

Bai Ye saw that the atmosphere was a little weird, so he turned his head and said to the Demon God.

"Brother Du, you go first, I'm the last one."

The Demon God nodded, then looked up at Lieutenant Colonel Cao: "Can you go in directly now?"

Lieutenant Colonel Cao reacted, immediately returned to the console, and pressed a few buttons.

Then he turned his head to the Demon God and said, "Mr. Du, it's alright."

The Demonic God opened the round door and walked in directly. This time, the Demonic God did not have something as confusing as the Time God did.

After the Demon God entered, he walked slowly to the vicinity of the wormhole, and then paused.

Bai Ye is estimated to have been hindered.

Then, seeing the Demon God walking forward for a while, he stopped and waved his hand in the direction of the glass wall.

Lieutenant Colonel Cao immediately pressed a few buttons, saved the data, and then used the microphone to tell the Demon God that he could come back.

The whole process of the Demon God test can be said to be very smooth. .

Chapter 877 Update Data Schema

After the Demon God returned, it was Bai Ye's turn.

Bai Ye looked at Lieutenant Colonel Cao, and after seeing that she was ready, he opened the round door and walked in.

This round and transparent door, like a barrier, like their great formation, isolates water and sea creatures from the inside, but does not isolate the outside.

When Bai Ye went in, he felt himself immersed in the water, and then he looked up.

I looked at the position of the glass wall. Normally, the glass wall and the round door are the same side.

The difference between the two is only 1m, but when Bai Ye looked at it at this time, there was a difference of 10m.

That means that the distance in this room has a 10:1 relationship with the outside world, which means that the previous wormhole is still 3m away.So in this room, the distance between yourself and the wormhole is about 3cm.

After calculating the distance, Bai Ye started to move forward.

The speed of the Baiye Tour was very fast, because before that, I didn't feel any pressure at all.

Slowly in the white night, the wormhole is getting closer and closer, about 1m, and the white night feels a little resistance, but it is like the summer wind.

He just felt resistance, but it didn't stop him from moving forward.

Bai Ye continued to move forward, and sure enough, just a little bit, Bai Ye couldn't touch the wormhole.

Bai Ye's hand was on the surface of the wormhole, but he couldn't touch it, and the pressure of the wormhole was also very high.

Bai Ye tried to use his spiritual power and found that he could push forward, but he didn't move forward immediately.

Sure enough, after a while, Lieutenant Colonel Cao heard the end of the test.

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