The test booth is a rectangular room. After entering it, it is like a consultation room like a hospital. There is a glass wall outside and a room inside.

From the outside of the room, you can see the situation inside, and Bai Ye looked back at Lieutenant Colonel Cao: "It's just one, so do we want to test one by one?"

Lieutenant Colonel Cao nodded: "Because the base's resources are limited, this kind of technology is hard to come by at home, so we succeeded in a simulator, but this simulator is our exclusive, only suitable for submarine wormholes."

Bai Ye looked back at the Nine Great Dao Gods: "Then who wants to test it first?"

At this time, Colonel Jin came over and said to Bai Ye, "Since you can get so close, you don't need to test everyone. According to your current situation, it is estimated that three people are enough."

Bai Ye nodded, in fact, he also felt that with the strength of ten of them.

It doesn't take so many people to seal a small wormhole, but he is embarrassed to say that his abilities are far above this world.

That's why Bai Ye didn't say anything. Since Colonel Jin had already realized it at this time, he didn't hide it anymore...  

Bai Ye turned his head to look at the God of Nine Great Dao: "Well, let's test it first when we fought underwater last time."

Bai Ye took into account that other Taoist gods were embarrassed to say they would quit, and the last battle just gave him an inspiration.

Last time, only the Demon God, the Mechanic God, the Time God, and Bai Ye fought underwater, and the other five Dao Gods were all on the water, so this time they used this excuse.

Bai Ye could clearly see that the two female Taoist gods didn't like it very much, and they came into contact with the water that had been left by the Zerg.

It can only be said that girls, a little bit of cleanliness is understandable.

Bai Ye thought of this, and suddenly turned his head to face the mechanical Taoist god.

"Brother Li, don't test it. This time is equivalent to performing a mission. Your own defense ability is not very high. Your puppet is a weapon to fight against the Zerg. If you want to seal the wormhole, I will be more worried. ."

The Mechanic Taoist nodded in agreement, and said a little embarrassedly: "I wanted to quit just now, but Brother Bai thought about it for me, then listen to Brother Bai, to be honest, I don't think I'm too Suitable."

When these Taoist gods have reached their current state, they naturally know what they can do and what they can't do, and they don't need to be brave like young people.

Therefore, several people felt reasonable and reasonable for Bai Ye's arrangement.

Among these people, the God of Time is the one who has the most thorough grasp of space and time. Last time, he and Bai Ye were 2.1 close to the wormhole.

Needless to say, the strength of the Demon God, apart from the first God and the Sword God, is also super powerful among several people.

Although it is said that the Thunder God is also very powerful, it is just that the Thunder God is taking advantage of his thunder and lightning. If it is true in terms of strength and fighting skills, the Demon God is better.

So a few people quickly decided to enter the test room Time Dao God, Mo Dao God, and Bai Ye three.

The Taoist God of Time intends to be the first to go in. He wants to go first and see what is the difference between the simulated device and the wormhole?

I saw Lieutenant Colonel Cao opened a screen and tapped on it a few times. Then, the test room was filled with water instantly, and there were some plant creatures in it.

Not to mention, just looking at the environment decoration inside, it is super like the wormhole on the bottom of the sea. .

Chapter 876 Start the experiment

After it was filled with water, Lieutenant Colonel Cao turned his head and nodded towards the God of Time.

He made a gesture of invitation and said to the God of Time, Bai Ye and the God of Demon, "Three, you can go in and change the submarine combat uniform, so that the simulated data will be more accurate."

The three Bai Ye followed Lieutenant Colonel Cao into the changing room and waited until they were all dressed.

When he came out, he saw Lieutenant Colonel Cao waiting at the door. Lieutenant Colonel Cao pointed to a side door beside the glass wall.

"Mr. Shi, please go in through this door."

This side door is a round shape.

The Taoist God of Time tentatively opened the door of the round hole.

Behind it is a transparent barrier that allows you to see the creatures swimming inside.

The Taoist God of Time tentatively stretched out his hand, touched it, his hand went in, and then the Taoist God of Time got in, and Lieutenant Colonel Cao walked to the side and closed the door.

Go to the glass wall in the middle again, in a vertical position on the sides of the glass wall.

There is a big screen with a lot of data flashing constantly updated.

After a while, Bai Ye and the others saw the Taoist Time God through the glass on the wall. It turned out that the space inside was not as small as it was seen outside, but extended a lot. 29

This principle is similar to that of the space ring, but it is not as convenient as the space ring, and has certain limitations.

In the room of this simulation device, except for some marine creatures, there is nothing else, only the Zerg wormhole in the farthest place, which is particularly conspicuous.

Otherwise, Bai Ye is really afraid, and the God of Time cannot be found.

Even if this is the case, the Taoist god of time has gone wrong twice, once in the direction of the transparent glass wall they observed in Bai Ye, and walked over.

After seeing Bai Ye and them, the Taoist God of Time immediately turned around.

The second time, I touched the wall where I entered the door, but fortunately, the God of Time is quite smart.

Knowing that you are in a bad direction, and the simulation room is a rectangle.

So he stretched out his hand to touch the wall and walked along the line. When Bai Ye and the Eight Great Dao Gods saw this outside, they both blushed and couldn't bear to look directly.

On the operating table, Lieutenant Colonel Cao looked at Bai Ye in surprise, a little frightened and at a loss.

"Mr. Bai, I'm sorry, maybe I adjusted the data wrong. Don't worry, your friend will be fine. I'll start adjusting now."

When Bai Ye heard it, it was obvious that Lieutenant Colonel Cao had misunderstood. She probably thought that she had made a mistake in the data.

The helpless Bai Ye could only explain: "Lieutenant Colonel Cao, don't panic, your data should be correct, but my friend has a very poor sense of direction, and he often gets lost."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he pointed to the simulation room, and said with admiration: "Fortunately, this wormhole simulation room is square and upright, if you really want to simulate the whole system under the sea, I am afraid I will also go in there. "

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