The canteen on the negative second floor is generally responsible for such large-scale celebrations or banquets, and the kitchen has already prepared a sumptuous dinner.

This meal is different from the meal that just came to catch the wind.

This meal is more about infused excitement, and a sense of pride.

So in the end, the Nine Great Daos Gods indulged themselves somewhat, but even if they indulged themselves again, they would not be afraid of anything if they had spiritual power.

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So in addition to Colonel Kim Cao Lieutenant Colonel, Han Lieutenant Colonel, there are several high-level.

Other people are a little drunk, and with the development of technology, no one is worried about a hangover.

Lieutenant Colonel Cao had already been considerate. In each soldier's dormitory, he was ready to learn about alcohol and medicine.

I drank it before going to bed, and the next day it was just like nothing, and it was alive and kicking again.

Bai Ye was particularly interested when he heard that there was such a hangover reagent. He discussed with Lieutenant Colonel Cao all night and understood the principle.

Of course, he also copied a lot of points in the space.

Early the next morning, Bai Ye and Jiu Dao Shen were on their way to the cafeteria together.


There are constantly passing soldiers, saluting and greeting them.

To be honest, when they first came, they really didn't have this kind of treatment. Bai Ye couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, the soldiers are pure, and they will accept you wholeheartedly if they approve you.

That's the beauty of warriors.

Although the gods of the Nine Great Daos have already seen it, it is still very happy to be recognized, especially in this completely unfamiliar world.

During dinner, they met Colonel Han.

Lieutenant Colonel Han took the food tray and went to Bai Ye's side, and then said to him, "Mr. Bai, in a while, Colonel Jin said that we should find him a few times and plan to discuss and seal the wormhole."

After listening, Bai Ye nodded: "Okay, no problem, we'll follow you later."

Lieutenant Colonel Han said excitedly to Bai Ye, "I'm excited when I think about it, and the wormhole here is really sealed, which solves a major hidden danger of mankind. This is the pain of all mankind!"

Bai Ye patted Lieutenant Colonel Han on the shoulder comfortingly.

"Don't worry! Things will be solved perfectly. You have to believe that after so many hardships, human beings will win in the end. Of course, this time is the same. These Zerg are just the ladder and stepping stone of our human progress."

Lieutenant Colonel Han laughed after hearing Bai Ye's words.

"Mr. Bai, this is the first time I heard such a statement, but I don't know why, but I feel so happy. It turns out that Mr. Bai is not only powerful, but also has a high literary quality." Nai.

Chapter 875 Wormhole Simulator

"It's just a statement, it's not as exaggerated as you said." Bai Ye said to Colonel Han with a smile while shaking his head.

After a few people finished eating, they followed Colonel Han to Colonel Kim's office.

Lieutenant Colonel Cao had also arrived. Seeing Bai Ye and the others, he took the initiative to come over and say hello.

After everyone chatted, Colonel Jin asked Bai Ye and Jiu Dao God to sit down and discuss together.

Bai Ye said proactively: "Colonel Jin, this time the Zerg attacked, I took the opportunity to check near the wormhole in advance, and found that the force near the wormhole is very strong, I can only approach 3m, and then I can no longer advance."

After listening to Bai Ye's words, Colonel Jin stood up in surprise: "Oh?! You can get close to 3m, and the result is terrifying!"

Bai Ye's face was full of doubts, and Colonel Han explained with a smile when he saw this.

"Mr. Bai, you don't know. Among our bases, the closest to the wormhole is Colonel Jin, but the closest he is to the wormhole is 46m. There is no way to get as close as Mr. Bai."

Bai Ye turned his head and looked at Colonel Jin as if seeking evidence.

And Colonel Jin stood up excitedly, walking back and forth while laughing: "It's really God helping me, that's great! Now the feasibility of this plan has improved a lot."

Bai Ye thought to himself, I haven't told you yet. This is the distance between the gods of the Nine Great Dao.

Because yesterday Bai Ye was pulling the Time Dao God, the Time Dao God couldn't move forward, and he didn't go any further.

Bai Ye wisely chose silence.

Colonel Jin turned his head to look at Bai Ye and said, "At first I thought you should be about the same as me, about 40m, but there are so many of you, so I thought that everyone could work together, but now I'm afraid the plan needs to be changed. already."

Then Colonel Jin turned his head towards Lieutenant Colonel Cao and said, "Lieutenant Colonel Cao, take everyone to test it. We need an accurate number. When the time comes, we will re-plan the plan and find a real, feasible and non-dangerous method."

Lieutenant Colonel Cao immediately stood up, gave a military salute, and replied, "It's Colonel Kim, I received the order."

Then Lieutenant Colonel Cao said to Bai Ye and Jiu Dao Shen: "Mr. Bai and everyone, come with me. I will take everyone to the wormhole simulator to test everyone's strength. It seems that our plan was a bit rushed."

Bai Ye stood up, nodded, and then said to Jiu Dao God, "Let's go, let's go test it together."

Then Colonel Kim and Lieutenant Colonel Han also followed behind Bai Ye, and everyone left the office together.

Lieutenant Colonel Cao led the way and introduced the wormhole simulator to Bai Ye and the others.

"Mr. Bai, this wormhole simulator is based on the data brought back by Colonel Jin's exploration of wormholes. We made a simulated device. If the effect is different from the real wormhole, the proportion is not that large, and the error is basically should be within 1m."

After listening to Bai Ye, he asked curiously: "Is this 1m gap on the wormhole or on the simulator."

"In the wormhole, there is another kind of power in the wormhole. I haven't studied it thoroughly, so there is no way to achieve such a strong power, but it should be almost the same." Lieutenant Colonel Cao explained.

Bai Ye understands that if he is in the simulator, he should be able to approach the wormhole.

Waiting for Bai Ye and Jiu Dao God to follow Lieutenant Colonel Cao to the test hall.

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