The God of Time, because he was always lost before, and people were a little confused, so he had never participated in such a large-scale event and battle.

In the previous time valley, there were actually many such battles, but the time Taoist had a poor sense of direction, and it was easy to drag the entire team, so basically he never took him, which made him stay in the time valley.

Coming out with Bai Ye this time, he really fulfilled all the things he didn't dare to think about before, but wanted to do.

In my heart, I am more and more grateful to Bai Ye and work harder.

He also tested some of the techniques that he had learned before and had never used before. The insecticides also played tricks, which also opened Bai Ye's eyes.

And Bai Ye was not idle either. He also learned a lot of subtle laws about time and space in the magic of the Taoist God of Time.

Zhutiancheng is also a system that can break through time and space, so with the time Dao God, Bai Ye has also learned a lot.

The Zerg in the wormhole may have noticed something, so in the later time, the wormhole seemed to give up and no longer output the Zerg.

At the end of the day, the God of Wealth and God of Food sat on the side and quietly admired the scenery.

Because they also discovered that they seemed to have killed a little too much. The surrounding soldiers began to kill the Zerg, and some almost fought. How could the kind God of Wealth let this happen.

So he kept his original position and watched the soldiers kill the enemy from the deck.

In this way, with the death of the last Zerg, everyone also ushered in the dusk.

The warm sun shone on the water, and the sea became gentle. The soldiers watched silently, enjoying the dazzling and warm sunshine, enjoying the joy of victory.

Under Colonel Kim's order to return to the base, everyone cheered and returned to the base.

Bai Ye and the others were at the back of the team, chatting casually and sharing their fighting experience. .

Chapter 874

After returning to the base, the soldiers first gathered the Zerg corpses they had collected into a fixed warehouse.

Bai Ye and the others were surprised when they saw the mountain of Zerg corpses in front of them.

Lei Dao Shen sighed and said: "You see those charred ones, they were all killed by me with lightning, isn't there a lot?"

On the other side, the Taoist God muttered dissatisfiedly: "Me and the Demon Taoist have also destroyed a lot, but we both destroyed the corpses by the way, to help everyone save effort, otherwise there will be more here, right? ~ Big Brother Du."

The Demon Dao God nodded inexplicably on the side, and patted the Time Dao God's head in approval as encouragement.

Yaoge Taoist God on the side looked at the puddle of meat foam and took a step back in fright.

Yao Wu Dao Shen put his sister in his arms, and said comfortably, "This should be done by that cook." After speaking, he gave Dao Shen a cold look.

Eat Taoshen patted his round belly, not very satisfied with the title, so he looked at Yaowu Taoshen with grievances.

"Yao Wu, how can you say that to me? I'm going to be angry, how can you say I'm a cook? Even if I'm a cook, I've always wanted to be your cook, okay?"

After speaking, Chi Dao God wanted to step forward and hold Yao Wu Dao God's shirt, but was stared at by Yao Wu Dao God's cold eyes.

Eat Dao Shen cowardly put down his hand.

It was not only Bai Ye who was disgusted by the Taoist gods just now, but also the other eight gods.

Even Colonel Jin, who was standing on the side, and a group of warriors were not good enough to eat the flattering attitude of Taoist God.

The hero who just killed the Quartet on the battlefield, suddenly, like the little daughter-in-law at home, is really shocking.

Colonel Jin coughed and said to Lieutenant Colonel Cao on this side: "Lieutenant Colonel Cao, put in the reagents and destroy the body."

"Yes, Colonel Kim." Lieutenant Colonel Cao gave a military salute and answered loudly.

Then Lieutenant Colonel Cao went to the console and pressed a button, and in the whole room, a transparent glass cover descended from the roof, wrapping all the Zerg corpses in it.

Then on the roof of the shed, small nozzles appeared one by one and began to spray transparent liquid.

Bai Ye didn't know what this liquid was, but soon, the Zerg's corpse was corroded visibly in words, and then turned into a pool of ginger-colored liquid.

It flowed out through the water outlet on the floor of the room.

Bai Ye had never seen this reagent, so he asked Colonel Jin curiously.

"Colonel Kim, is spraying this century a strong acid?"

Colonel Jin smiled and shook his head: "Our initial research direction was also strong acid, but we found that the Zerg shell was too hard, and all the strong acids we knew could not corrode. Later, Lieutenant Colonel Cao changed his mind and used this."

Colonel Jin also sold a pass when he said that, and looked at Bai Ye with a smirk.

"Guess what? It's a very common thing in nature, and it's easy to ignore."

Bai Ye lowered his head and thought for a while, and suddenly a flash of light flashed, and he said to Colonel Jin tentatively, "Is this a decomposing enzyme?"

Colonel Kim looked at Bai Ye in surprise.

"I didn't expect Mr. Bai to do research in this area. Yes, you're right. It's a decomposing enzyme. It decomposes corpses in nature. After refining and gene decomposition, we finally succeeded."

Bai Ye looked at the Zerg corpse that had disappeared in the room and said with a sigh.

"This is also a big killer. Why didn't Colonel Jin use it on the battlefield?"

Colonel Jin shook his head with a wry smile: "It's not that I didn't think about it, I'm just worried that if it is really put on the battlefield, this thing will not only decompose the Zerg, I'm afraid it will decompose wherever it sticks, and the consequences are much more serious than the Zerg. already."

Bai Ye imagined the scene and nodded again and again: "That's true. This thing has no natural enemies, and it can't dissipate on its own. It's a headache."

"Okay, let's not talk about him, we won this time, let's go, let's go together and celebrate."

Colonel Jin made a gesture of invitation towards Bai Ye and the God of the Nine Great Dao after he finished speaking.

Finally, everyone came to the cafeteria on the negative second floor.

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