Although they asked 29 to let this little friend do something for them, the thing they did was good.

He will never expose this matter without the consent of his parents, so they are now figuring out what his parents are doing.

If they are the staff in this crew, and they are also the people involved in this matter, wouldn't they just nip this thing off?

As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing one another can win a hundred battles, and what they have to do now is to understand all things.

And when the kid heard Bai Ye's question, he immediately said to Bai Ye very happily.

"My parents work here. I've been here with them recently, but when they were busy just now, I sneaked out to play, and I couldn't find my way back. Uncle Bai can take me go back?"

After hearing this, Bai Ye felt that this kid was really familiar, and he believed too much that he was a good person.

But thanks to his public face, otherwise, he probably wouldn't be able to say these words to himself now.

And he now knows that the parents of this little child are the staff of this place, so Bai Ye is a little hesitant now.

Just like what he thought just now, if he told her parents what he thought.

If his parents did not agree with this statement and this method, didn't they expose themselves?

So he is really not sure what he should do now, and at this time Cheng Yu saw the tangled expression on Bai Ye's face.

But he was a little unclear, because he didn't understand why Bai Ye hesitated at this time.

Obviously they had already figured out a solution just now, so they lay on Bai Ye's ears and whispered to Bai Ye.

"Why are you hesitating at this time? If we solve this matter, then I will have a way to make everyone not scold you, but praise you, and the safety of the crew is not necessary. Worry no more."

What he needs to do as an agent is to make the artists under his hands a perfect person.

At the very least, let the fans outside the world think that the idol they fell in love with is the most perfect person in the world.

And once this matter is exposed, he has a way to make everyone think that this is Bai Ye's grievance.

And the fact is really like this. He chose to expose it because he was not used to these cutting corners of the crew.

After hearing what Cheng Yu said, Bai Ye knew that Cheng Yu really had the ability to do what he said.

But what he is struggling with now is not what Cheng Yu said, but whether he can do it now, so he said to Cheng Yu.

"If her parents didn't agree with us, and instead told the chief director of our plan one step ahead, wouldn't we end up stealing chickens without losing money?"

After he finished saying this, he pushed Cheng Yu away, because he had seen the doubtful look in the eyes of the little boy just now.

If the two of them continue to talk about it, it is estimated that this little child will not know what to think in his heart.

After listening to what Bai Ye said, Cheng Yu also knew that Bai Ye's concern was reasonable, but he couldn't think of a better way now.

But Bai Ye already had his own thoughts in his heart at this time, although he couldn't do it first.

But they can first take a look at the opinion of the child's parents.

If they want to expose this behavior with themselves, then it shows that the two of them have a conscience.

So after thinking of this, Bai Ye walked slowly to the little boy, bent down and said to him.

"Then Uncle Bai will take you to find your parents now. Can you follow me?"

"it is good!"

So in the next time, there was Cheng Yu in Bai Ye, and the two of them took the child back to the 667 square where the crew was filming.

The staff were very happy after seeing Bai Ye coming, and then they were shocked when they saw a child behind Bai Ye.

At the same time, the first thought in their hearts was, if this scene were being filmed by those dogs.

It is estimated that the next headline is that Bai Ye has children, and they are already so old.

So after seeing this little boy, he immediately came to Bai Ye's side and asked in a very low voice.

"What's the matter with this kid? Why did you bring him to the crew..."

When the staff member said this sentence, his tone was a little cautious, and his eyes kept looking at the child.

After listening to what the staff member said, Bai Ye understood what he was thinking at that moment, so he glanced at him and said to him.

"Don't worry, it is absolutely impossible for me to know any trouble for myself, and it is absolutely impossible for me to bring these troubles to you. This kid is the child of your staff. I will bring him to find his parents. ."

Cheng Yu, who was behind Bai Ye just now, certainly understood what these staff members meant.

Although he doesn't agree with Bai Ye's method, it is absolutely impossible for him to allow others to say that Bai Ye is not. .

Chapter 992 Professionalism

So after Bai Ye took the child away, Cheng Yu immediately said to the staff member.

"Our artists have absolute professionalism, so you don't have to worry about these things. After we return this kid to his parents, he will not appear in front of you again, and we will not let the paparazzi. photographed."

After Cheng Yu said this, he left the place directly, and the staff member was very embarrassed now.

But his embarrassment was also created by him. If it wasn't for her suspicion of Bai Ye first, the two of them would not have had such a bad attitude towards him.

What's more, they just said a few words, and did not make any outrageous actions.

Compared to the other so-called big stars, they were much more polite, so the staff member was just a little embarrassed.

She soon returned to her work, after all, there were some things she was not qualified to participate in.

In Bai Ye, the two of them took the little friend and quickly found his parents.

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