At this time, the couple was shocked when they saw Bai Ye, and they also saw Bai Ye holding their child in their hands.

So he brought his son to his side very quickly, and said to Bai Ye.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Bai Ye, has my child caused you trouble? If it causes you trouble, I'll apologize to you on his behalf. You must not have the same knowledge as a child."

Of course, the couple knew who Bai Ye was, so they were really a little nervous now.

You will feel that your child has collided with Bai Ye, so Bai Ye personally brought the child to ask the guilt.

After hearing the question of the two of them and the expressions on their faces, Bai Ye knew that the two of them should be quite scared.

But Bai Ye was a little curious at this time. Could it be that his own face looked like a face that was looking for trouble for others?

But Bai Ye wanted to ask them two things now, so his attitude was more sincere than before, and then he said to the two couples.

"You two don't have to worry, he didn't do anything terribly wrong, he got separated from you two, so I brought him back, and I have one thing I want you to help with now, I don't know. Would you agree with ¨.."

After Bai Ye finished saying this, the couple was taken aback, because they were just working in this crew.

As a result, Bai Ye actually said that he wanted them to help. They really couldn't think of anything. There was something they could do, but Bai Ye couldn't.

But Bai Ye has brought their children over now, so they should go and pay back Bai Ye's favor, so he said to Bai Ye.

"Mr. Bai Ye, if there is anything, just say it. If we can do it, we will definitely do it."

After Bai Ye heard these words from the two of them, he still wasn't so sure in his heart.

But now that they have done this, they have to give it a try, so they said to the couple.

"I don't know if you have heard about these scenes built in this place before. Do they meet the standards?"

Bai Ye originally thought that this question was his own, but after asking it, the couple would probably be reluctant to answer this question.

As a result, what he didn't expect was that after listening to their own question, the first look in their eyes was happiness.

After seeing his look in Bai Ye's eyes, he knew this matter, and it seemed that there was hope, so he continued to talk to the two of them.

"As far as I know, this place was built in just one day and one night, but with so many houses, how can it be built according to the standard in one day and one night? So there is something wrong with this place. It should be clear, right?"

After hearing what Bai Ye said, the couple looked at each other subconsciously, as if to determine whether the matter could be said or not.

But just before Bai Ye asked them the next question, the two of them made the same action, looking at their child.

Then Bai Ye immediately understood that their actions should not want the children to know these things.

So he nodded, and then decided to see what the two of them wanted to do.

After the couple nodded when they saw Bai Ye, the child's mother squatted down and said to the child.

"It's like you play in the room by yourself for a while, and then Mom and Dad go over."

As if the child already knew that his parents had something to talk about with these two uncles, they ran back to their house very obediently.

After seeing their child leave, the couple said to Bai Ye as if they had nothing to be afraid of.

"¨"We really didn't expect that one day someone would be able to bring this up, and this person is still you as the starring role, we always thought..."

The second half of the sentence was not finished at all, and the woman went silent. He knew in Bai Ye's heart what he wanted to say.

It's nothing more than that they all think that the person who is the lead actor must be on the same front as the director team.

As a result, they did not expect that one day they would bring up this matter, and they still reported the director team.

This kind of thing may be unbelievable in the eyes of others, but in Bai Ye's eyes it is normal.

So after seeing that woman's expression that she didn't dare to speak at the end.

Bai Ye felt that they might think of themselves as the same people as those people, so he said to him.

"Let's not talk about other issues, just safety is not enough to reassure others, not to mention that I still have to act in this place. If the safety of this place endangers my life, it is even more necessary. Expose them."

In today's society, they have long felt that as long as it is not related to their own interests, it is impossible for others to speak up.

So Bai Ye attributed this matter to himself, so that these two people would believe in themselves, and there was a proper reason and a correct explanation for doing so.

And the two people slowly put down their guard after hearing what Bai Ye said, because they thought the explanation was quite reasonable. .

Chapter 993 Self-safety

On the premise of maintaining your own safety, you can also expose this matter and increase your favorability. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?

So after thinking about this, the two of them felt that it was right for Bai Ye to do so, so they decided to cooperate with Bai Ye, so they asked Bai Ye.

"What do you want the two of us to help you with? As long as it doesn't involve the work of the two of us, there are other things we can do for you."

People like them are different from Bai Ye, who lost the job of the crew, and other crews would rush to find him to star.

But once they lose this job, they lose the opportunity to support their family, so they don't offend other people.

It would be the best result to help Bai Ye complete this matter. Bai Ye listened to them and understood their situation after they said this.

At the same time, he didn't think about making them lose their jobs. After all, they only needed a little help from them, and they didn't need to show themselves in the mirror, so he said to them.

"It would be very simple to do this, I don't need you to do anything for me, I need your children to do me a favor, and I won't let him know what he's doing. means something."

Bai Ye was really afraid that the couple would not agree to let their children do this for two months, so the explanation was very clear.

But the couple hesitated after hearing what Bai Ye said, because they didn't know what happened after that.

Those people recognized their child, and will these people in the director team choose to dismiss their family because of this?

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