
Xiaobai deducted 100 value points from Bai Ye, and sent a notification to all the customers in Xinsheng World who had Zhutian mobile phones.

Almost at the same time, in the new world, all Zhutian City customers who held Zhutian mobile phones all received messages from Bai Ye.

"A message from the city owner?"


New world.

At this time, Nie Fengbu, who was looking for a good fortune, Jingyunxiao Sanxiao and others, all clicked on the message, and a string of astonishing messages appeared in their eyes.

"Monster? Heavenly evil thoughts?"

Before, they also learned through the news that there was a huge monster in their world. At that time, they didn't care too much. After all, it was just a monster, and it should not pose a threat to them, just like the fire unicorn in Lingyun Cave. As long as the monsters stay in one place, they will naturally ignore them.

But what Bai Ye told them at this time was different. These monsters are not only one, but hundreds of them. The lowest strength is at the top of Tier [-], and these monsters can grow rapidly in a short period of time until they are powerful enough to devour this big world. , the newly born heaven.

"¨"What should I do, Senior Brother Yun, Senior Xiaosanxiao, I didn't expect these monsters to be transformed by the evil thoughts of Heaven. If they are allowed to continue to grow, the consequences will be disastrous."

Nie Feng looked anxiously at Bu Jingyun and smiled and asked.

"Don't worry, the city lord of Zhutian City has already given a method, as long as the powerhouses from other worlds are brought in to eliminate demons, this matter can be resolved soon, but this matter requires all of us to hold Zhutian mobile phones. people agree to it.”

Xiaosan smiled calmly and said, he has seen too many storms in his life for thousands of years, and even put his life and death aside.

"Senior Xiao Sanxiao is right. Let's see what other people think. After all, this world doesn't just belong to us. Thirteen worlds are fused together. What's the matter, we need to decide together."

Bu Jingyun also spoke immediately.

Nie Feng directly opened the group chat interface. When their thirteen worlds were going to merge together, all the people who held Zhutian mobile phones in their thirteen worlds were all pulled into a group.

All the people in the thirteen worlds with mobile phones are there.

However, it wasn't Nie Feng who sent the message first. He took a step back, and Ying Zheng was the first to speak.

"Everyone, I think everyone has received the message from the city lord. Our world is facing a huge crisis. Do you agree or deny the city lord's proposal? Let me make a statement first. I agree with this matter. I will follow. Send a vote, vote yes if you agree, and no if you don't."

Before everyone could speak, Ying Zheng immediately organized a group vote. After a while, all those who received the message did not hesitate, and all voted in favor.


Chapter [-]: New World Mission

New world.

Everywhere in the new world, some of the main characters, did not hesitate to express their position.

The Marquis of Hulong Villa, the proud world Yue Buqun, the Tianlong world Qiao Feng, and the Tang Dynasty Li Shimin, did not think for a long time when they heard the news, and immediately decided.

"Lord City Lord, we have all decided to ask the peerless powerhouses from the outside world to take action to deal with the monsters!"

Ying Zheng ordered Li Si to get in touch with Bai Ye immediately and agreed to let other world powerhouses enter their world, but they had one condition that other people enter their world and cannot plunder and destroy their world. order.

"Okay, I see, I'll arrange it right away."

Bai Ye sat on the top floor of the Zhutian Building, hung up the connection with Li Si, and then said to Xiao Bai, "How much value does it take to get rid of the monsters in their world this time?"

"500 million value points! The city owner can take an additional [-]%."

Xiaobai replied very calmly.

"500 million value points is not too much. Just extract the corresponding treasure value points directly from their world."

Bai Ye touched his chin and said.


Xiaobai responded, and immediately shot several rays of light from the city of the heavens, sweeping the entire new born world, and after a while, many treasures flew from the new world to the city of the heavens.

Aesculus green dragon grass, a fifth-order intermediate ancient medicine, 40 value points.

Tianxin Meteorite Iron, fifth-order advanced material, 71735 million value points.

Diyan Qilin Lotus, a fifth-order intermediate ancient medicine, 40 value points.

Bodhi ancient lotus seeds, fifth-order high-grade ancient medicine, 80 value points.

Bitan Gu Lingquan, the fifth-order low-level Lingquan, 30 value points.


A series of treasures from heaven and earth, all of which add up to more than 500 million value points, and the extra tens of thousands of value points, Xiaobai explained, counted as the hard work of Zhutiancheng.

All of these treasures were recovered by Zhutian City, and one million worth of them was assigned to Bai Ye's name.

Bai Ye didn't care much, as 100 million value points were optional for him.

Whether he is promoting Zhutian City or improving his own strength, the value points he needs are huge, and 100 million value points really can't do much for him.

"Xiaobai, let's release the task, and notify the powerhouses of various high-level worlds, as well as the powerhouses in Zhutian City, whoever is willing to take action to get rid of the monsters in the new world will get 400 million value points, Zhutiancheng does not Take a cut from it, but it is recommended that the fifth-order top-level strength, or the powerhouse of the sixth-order or above, take action, if it is not a single person, it needs the fifth-order intermediate and above powerhouses, and ten people form a team to enter."

Bai Ye had already thought about it in his heart and blurted out his debut.


Almost all the fifth-order powerhouses were notified immediately.


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