Super Seminary World

Kesha's bedroom.

"Queen, do you want to accept this quest? According to the news released by the city owner, there are as many as a hundred monsters in the new world. All the powerhouses who enter the new world will gain value points by killing the monsters. I believe that the seventh-order powerhouse should Wouldn't they join in the fun? They probably don't like these value points."

Angel Yan looked at Kaisha respectfully and asked.

"Well, although there are a lot of monsters, if you can kill more monsters, you can get considerable value points. In addition, there are many unexpected good things in this new world. If you can get a little bit and improve your strength, then Worth more than anything."

Keisha stroked the long hair on her chest and smiled slightly.

As her words came out, Angel Yan accepted the task.


The world of fairy swords.

"Feipeng, are you interested in taking a trip?"

Zhonglou specially flew to the realm of the gods, and discussed with Feipeng about going to the new world to eliminate demons.

"What? Are you interested? This time the reward isn't so amazing, you shouldn't be worth that much, right?"

Fei Peng sat on the throne, looked at the heavy building lightly and said.

"Those value points really don't matter to me, but the creation of the new world and the evolving world rules are of great benefit to us. There are not many opportunities to watch the birth and evolution rules of the new world, maybe What can we learn from it and break through the current bottleneck.”

Chonglou stood there, watching Fei Peng eagerly opening his mouth.

Feipeng sat quietly on the throne, lowered his eyes slightly as if thinking about something, looking at him like this, Chonglou knew that Feipeng was persuaded by him.

"Well, since you're interested, let's go to that new world for a walk."

Fei Peng slowly raised his head, walked down from the throne, looked at the heavy building and said with a smile.

Fei Peng knew that even if he didn't go, he would go to Chonglou. He and Chonglou were lifelong friends and rivals. The two cherished each other. If Chonglou walked in front of him, he would not feel comfortable. Without his opponent in this world, he would be very lonely.

Whether it's for himself or his friends, he has no reason to refuse the request to rebuild the building.

"Haha, I knew you would be interested!"

Zhonglou patted Feipeng on the shoulder and laughed.

Feipeng smiled and didn't speak, and turned to Xiyao who was sitting beside his own throne and said: "Xiyao, you stay in heaven, I will go to the new world with Zhonglou, and it will take a long time. return."

"Don't worry about it."

Xiyao spoke very gently.


Journey to the West to Conquer the Demon World.

On Lingshan, the Tathagata sat high on the golden Buddha platform.

With a solemn expression, he said to Chen Xuanzang and Sun Wukong below: "This time I will send you to that new world, you must seize the opportunity."

"Buddha, my grandson doesn't understand, what do you mean by opportunity?"

Sun Wukong jumped up and down to look at the Tathagata and said.

He knew that the Tathagata liked to play dumb riddles, so he had to ask to understand.

The Tathagata looked solemn, glanced at Sun Monkey, and said solemnly: "You will know when you go, this time is not only an experience for you, but it will also be accompanied by unimaginable benefits. The new world is for the strong. It is an absolute treasure, and you should cherish it."


Before Sun Wukong came and asked more questions, Sun Wukong and Chen Xuanzang were sent out of Lingshan by Tathagata.

"Master, what does this Buddha mean?"

Sun Wukong asked Chen Xuanzang, because of a bet, Sun Wukong still became Chen Xuanzang's apprentice.

Chen Xuanzang slowly shook his head and said, "I don't know if I'm a teacher, only we will know when we go."

After speaking, he disappeared in place, and Sun Wukong was itching for not getting an answer.

"My old grandson wants to see what opportunities the new world will have!"

Seeing Chen Xuanzang disappearing, Sun Wukong hesitated for a moment, then followed.


Chapter [*]: Entering the New World

The soul travels the world.

Ah Cha and Chi You sat opposite each other, discussing about the monsters in the new world.

"Brother, this incident may be an opportunity for us, should we go?"

In the Hall of Hades, Ah Cha, King of Hades, looked at Chi You and said.

Chi You leaned lazily to the side, a pair of secluded eyes shone with light, as if he was lost in thought, and after a while he looked at Ah Cha and said seriously: "The opportunity is good, but what I worry about is that our current strength is not enough. , The city owner clearly requested that if you want to go to the new world to eliminate demons, you need at least the strength of the fifth-order intermediate, you and I have only broken through the fifth-order, and it is a bit difficult to face the fifth-order monster.

Seeing Chiyou moving but worried, Ah Cha said with a faint smile: "The city lord is just a suggestion. According to the information given by the city lord, most of the monsters are still at the top of the fourth-order strength. We should deal with such monsters. It should be relatively easy.”

"It seems that you are very moved. Then my brother will accompany you there. Even if there is any danger, my brother will accompany you."

Chi You suddenly looked at his sister Ah Cha tenderly and said.

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