He has already known everything Ah Cha has done for him. He feels that he owes a lot to his sister. He once swore in his heart that he must use the years to come to make up for Ah Cha, no matter what the danger is. Will accompany her to go, even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​flames~.

"Brother, it's nice to have you."

When Ah Cha saw Chi You's promise -, she smiled sweetly.

Chi You stretched out his hand and touched her head. In his eyes, his sister was always a child.

"As long as you like things, my brother will do it." Chi You said lightly.

Then he changed his words: "But speaking of this mission, many strong people will be very interested, we don't need to worry about them, even if there is any danger, we can ask for help, the big deal is that there is less value. Just a point."

"Well, the value of this mission is nothing, the main thing is the opportunity of the new world."

Ah Cha nodded and said.

"It's not too late, let's go."

Chi You suddenly stood up and said.

"Li Zhao, just stay home and watch the house."

Before leaving, Hades Acha spoke to Zhao Li.

"Don't worry, Lord Pluto, Zhao Li will help Lord Pluto take care of things in the underworld."

Zhao Li stood aside and said respectfully.

Pluto Acha nodded, then disappeared with Chiyou in the underworld, and rushed towards Zhutian City.


City of the Heavens.

The streets were bustling with people, and it was a busy scene.

Outside the gate of Zhutianlou, all the powerhouses who accepted the task of eliminating demons in the new world gathered here.

"A-cha, Chi You, are you going too?"

Bai Ye walked out of the Zhutian Tower, looked at Ah Cha and Chi You, and said somewhat unexpectedly.

All the powerhouses present looked at Acha and Chiyou, among them there were many sixth-order powerhouses, Hades Acha and Chiyou suddenly felt some pressure.

They did not expect that this mission could actually attract so many sixth-order powerhouses.

But they recovered quickly, they understood the purpose of their trip very well, Hades Acha slowly stepped forward and said respectfully to Bai Ye: "Yes, Lord City Lord, this time we not only remove demons, By the way, let's see if we can get some opportunities, with the strength of the two of us, even if we can't kill powerful monsters, self-protection should not be a problem, and with so many strong people entering, safety should not be a problem."

Bai Ye listened to her words, wrinkled slightly and said, "You should be very clear that this mission is clearly not allowed to plunder the resources of the new world, although I don't know what your plan is, if you are found to violate the The rules of Tiancheng will be expelled from the city of the heavens."

"The city owner can rest assured that we will keep our duty and will not do anything out of line."

Pluto Acha calmly responded.

"That's good. I hope you can remember that the rules of Zhutian City must not be violated. Otherwise, you should be very clear about the consequences."

Bai Ye's eyes were withdrawn from Hades Acha's body, and he glanced at all the powerhouses present, and said coldly.

"I'll wait to understand."

The crowd answered in unison.

In the moment when Bai Ye spoke, they could clearly feel the enormous pressure emanating from Bai Ye.

They will never violate the rules of Zhutian City.


They also hope to follow Zhutian City to be promoted infinitely and reach their dream realm. How could they violate the rules of Zhutian City for some resources and good fortune.

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"Well, since everyone has arrived, let's go."

In the dark, Bai Ye ordered Xiaobai to open the channel of the new world, a huge golden light rose from the city of heaven, and a world channel appeared in front of everyone.

"Let's go, I wish you all the best."

Bai Ye said.

Looking at the world channel that appeared in front of them, everyone stood up.Dive into the new world.


New world.

In the new world, dozens of powerful rays of light fell.

"The aura of this world is really amazing. Thirteen worlds are merged together, and the new world born is different."

Mo Zunlou opened his mouth and took a breath, and the spiritual energy poured into his mouth, and he suddenly felt a burst of coolness.


The aura of this new world is much richer than the world he is in.

The dozens of powerhouses around were also breathing in aura, and some people even obtained a wisp of aura energy in this short period of time.

"The pure energy actually made my grandson break through a small realm."

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