It was Sun Wukong who got the strange energy.

At this time, he looked a little excited and surprised.

"It turns out that Buddha Tathagata did not say empty words. This new world has many opportunities."

Sun Wukong's eyes lighted slightly.

"Warning, you can only obtain no more than three strands of strange energy in the new world, otherwise it will be regarded as plundering the resources of the new world."

Just when Sun Wukong was planning to find such strange energy, a cold voice suddenly sounded in their minds.

Everyone's heart suddenly froze, and they didn't need to guess, they also knew that this mysterious voice was Bai Ye.


Just when everyone was stunned, a monster with a monstrous dark demonic energy suddenly approached them.

"Is this the monster of the new world? It looks very ferocious, but it is still too weak for the deity."

A magic sword appeared in Mo Zunlou's hand, and it gently swiped forward, a shocking sword energy, piercing the sky, and directly splitting a monster the size of a hill.

The green blood spurted out, and the monster let out a loud roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth, and fell down.


Chapter [*]: The Ruthless Emperor

New world.

"So powerful!"

Sun Wukong and the others were amazed, the Demon Zun Lou shot shocked them, the sixth-order peerless powerhouse was really not what they could imagine.

Gently swinging a sword, separated by dozens of miles, he killed the monster with the fourth-order peak strength.

Only Fei Peng stood aside and smiled.

He is still very clear about the strength of Mo Zunlou, a top fourth-order monster is not worth mentioning to him at all.

What they didn't discover was that after Mo Zun Lou slaughtered the monster, a ray of pure dark energy silently turned into a light and disappeared out of thin air.

The body of the monster seemed to have lost all its energy and spirit in an instant, and quickly decomposed into black powder, which drifted away with the wind and disappeared completely.

Watching the monsters dissipate, Mo Zunlou slowly turned around.

"Let's act separately, solve the monsters in this world as soon as possible, and then look for your chance."

After Mo Zunlou beheaded the monster, he said coldly to the crowd.

He has always been unsmiling, and when matched with absolute strength, he speaks like a domineering president.

The crowd nodded.

They know that they must first complete the task of eliminating demons in this world before they can find other opportunities.

This is stipulated by Bai Ye, if they just blindly look for opportunities and ignore the monsters in this world, then they will suffer severe punishment from Zhutian City.

While speaking, everyone formed a group of several people and flew towards all corners of the new world.

Before Bai Ye came, they had already marked the locations where the monsters existed. They only needed to go to the designated locations one by one and clear the monsters.

In this way, the powerhouses started the task of tracking and hunting in the new world.

The fifth-order powerhouse tracks the corresponding fourth-order top monsters, while the sixth-order powerhouse hunts down the fifth-order monsters.


City of the Heavens.

Just when the strong men landed in the new world and began to hunt monsters, Zhutian City welcomed a new customer.

A peerless woman in white walked into the City of All Heavens with a mask that seemed to be crying but not smiling, but not smiling.

Bai Ye was sitting in the Zhutian Tower, his eyes were fixed on the woman, and his face was full of surprise.

"The Ruthless Emperor!"

"I didn't expect that this strange woman, whose talent is the highest in the world, would come to Zhutian City."

When the Ruthless Great Emperor entered Zhutian City, all her data were presented in Bai Ye's eyes.

Ruthless Emperor

Strength Realm: Seventh-Order Top

Original World: Covering the Sky World (Tier [*])

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth twitched slightly.

The strength of the Ruthless Emperor did not surprise him. After all, the woman in front of him was astonished by the existence of the ancients.

Speaking of the Ruthless Emperor, he used a mortal body to smash everything to block the horizontal push of the divine body and the king's body. An emperor's body, refining into a pole emperor soldier.

The world calls her the ruthless emperor.

But everything she did was only for one person, that is, her long-dead brother, not to become an immortal, but to wait for your return in the red dust.

When Bai Ye saw it at that time, he was deeply touched.

The Ruthless Great Emperor, who has amazed the ages, also has unknown sadness and helplessness.

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