At this time, the Ruthless Emperor, who was walking slowly, took her steps calmly, and it seemed that even if she came to a completely unfamiliar space, she was very confident that she could resist everything.

Who is she?

She is the invincible emperor who covers the sky and the world.There is nothing in this world that can make her worry and fear.

This is the belief that the invincible emperor should have, firmly believing that he is invincible in this world!

When she walked across the Zhutiancheng Bridge, a series of Zhutiancheng information poured into her mind, the Ruthless Great Emperor's footsteps were a little slow, and he seemed to feel a little surprised by the information in his head.

Then she slowly raised her head, and through the bizarre mask, a pair of eyes burst into a terrifying look that the sun and the moon were sinking into, trying to spy on the reality of the city of the heavens.

The huge coercion broke out, and all the residents and powerhouses of Zhutian City felt horrified.

"what happened?!"

"It seems that a terrifying powerhouse has come."

All the powerhouses in Zhutian City looked in the direction of Zhutianlou. Wutian was also cultivating in Zhutian City at this time. When she felt the terrifying aura of the Ruthless Man, her face changed slightly.

He stepped out of the training room and looked up at the Ruthless Emperor standing quietly in front of the All-Heaven Tower.

"This breath, it seems that a stronger person has come to Zhutian City, and it seems that he will not be lonely in the future."

This is the first time for Wutian to see a powerhouse stronger than himself appearing, but this powerhouse seems to have a bad mind!

"After all, I look at myself too high, do I really think that I am invincible? How dare you be presumptuous in Zhutian City!"

The aura of the Ruthless Man became stronger and stronger, and she slowly stretched out a hand, as if she wanted to hold the entire Zhutianlou in her hand.


Bai Ye was sitting on the top floor of the Zhutian Building, and a stern look flashed in his eyes. No matter how amazing and talented the Ruthless Emperor was, since he dared to shoot at Zhutian City, he couldn't let it go so easily!


Bai Ye snorted coldly, the entire city of the heavens trembled, and the boundless rules of heaven and earth descended, turning into golden chains, covering the sky and covering the earth, entwining towards the Ruthless Great Emperor...  

"As soon as the flower blooms, the king will come to the world~"

The ruthless man moved the seal in her hand, and a large number of visions formed around her, trying to block the chains.


The chain is indestructible, and the moment it touches the vision, the vision is torn to pieces, and the Ruthless Empress is bound directly.

At the same time, Bai Ye's figure also appeared in front of the Ruthless Empress, looking at the Ruthless Empress coldly.

"Who are you? What's going on with this city of the heavens? Are you a forbidden area of ​​life floating in a foreign space?!"

The Ruthless Emperor was a little embarrassed at the moment, looked at Bai Ye, and said slowly.

This young man who suddenly appeared was surrounded by a terrifying power, which directly blocked his own exploration, and he was able to subdue himself. This level of power was never seen before by ruthless people in the original world.

The Ruthless Emperor's voice is very psychedelic, making it difficult to hear her real voice, and even to distinguish between males and females.

Bai Ye did not answer the words of the Ruthless Great Emperor. Now Bai Ye is a little angry in his heart. He was still praising the Ruthless Great Emperor in his heart just now, but she was instantly slapped in the face, which made Bai Ye extremely embarrassed.

"Since the establishment of Zhutian City, you are still the first customer who dares to take action against Zhutian City. How should I punish you?" Bai Ye 2.1 looked at the Ruthless Great Emperor and said, killing the Ruthless Great Emperor like this would be a waste. After all, Among the current Zhutian City customers, Ruthless Man is considered the strongest, and in addition, the world of covering the sky is also an extremely powerful world, which has a good development value.

"However, before punishing you, I can tell you that this is not the forbidden area of ​​life in your original world, but the city of the heavens, and this seat is the city lord of the city of the heavens."

The Ruthless Emperor's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Bai Ye quietly, without speaking, as if he was thinking about something.

Bai Ye cast a glance at the Ruthless Great Emperor, and then said: "Zhutian City connects the heavens and the world. As long as I can pay the price, I can meet all his requirements, including resurrecting people who have died for countless years."

When the Ruthless Emperor heard the last sentence, his emotions clearly fluctuated, and his eyes were fixed on Bai Ye.


Chapter Two Hundred and Eleven: Punishment

City of the Heavens.

"You can resurrect the dead?"

The Ruthless Emperor stared at Bai Ye tightly, as if he didn't believe it.

In order to be able to resurrect her brother, she tried all the methods in the world and it was impossible. She never thought that she would come here unintentionally, and there would be a way to resurrect a person who had died a long time ago.

Bai Ye saw her doubts, but he didn't care. He touched his forehead and said, "I thought of the punishment for you, so let's buy your life with your worth!"

"In view of your disrespect to Zhutian City, 10000 World Coins will be deducted from you now!"

Following Bai Ye's words, streaks of golden light flew out from the body of the Ruthless Empress.

"Swallowing the Heavens, a seventh-level intermediate-level exercise, worth 4000 World Coins..."

"Indestructible Heaven's Art, a seventh-order intermediate-level exercise method, worth 4200 World Coins..."

"Nine secret techniques, seventh-level intermediate exercises, worth 4500 world coins..."

Bai Ye directly collected the three treasures into Zhutian City, then transferred the remaining World Coins to the ID card, and threw them to the Ruthless Great Emperor.

The Ruthless Emperor's eyes flashed with surprise, the chains on his body dissipated in an instant, and he dumbly accepted the ID card thrown by Bai Ye 29.

"You seem to know me well?"

After a while, the Ruthless Great Emperor said that whether it was his own cultivation technique or the resurrection that Bai Ye had mentioned earlier, it meant that Bai Ye seemed to know everything about him very clearly.

She doesn't know where Bai Ye got this information, but if Bai Ye can really be resurrected, she is willing to pay all the price!

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