Bai Ye looked at Ye Xing with special emotion. The elder brother whom the Ruthless Great Emperor had been waiting for his whole life was actually such a man.

Bai Ye waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, your sister paid the price, and I saved you in exchange for equal value."

Ye Xing didn't understand Bai Ye's words very well. The Ruthless Emperor stepped forward slowly and came to Bai Ye's door. With a flip of his hand, a bronze immortal hall and a true dragon immortality medicine appeared in her hands.

She pushed the two treasures directly in front of Bai Ye and said: "This is a little thank you for resurrecting my brother. If you have any needs in the future, you can come to me, and I will definitely help you. won't refuse."


Chapter [-] Influence of the Ruthless Emperor

City of the Heavens.

The Ruthless Emperor didn't care whether Bai Ye accepted it or not, put down the things, and left Zhutian City with his brother.

Bai Ye looked at the two things left by the Ruthless Great Emperor in front of him, and an imperceptible smile appeared on his face.

The real dragon immortality medicine, the sixth-order top-level magic medicine, is worth 900 million value points.

Bronze Immortal Hall, a seventh-order intermediate immortal treasure, worth 5000 World Coins.

"Xiao Bai, these things should belong to me, right?"

Bai Ye asked with some embarrassment in his heart, since he became the city lord of Zhutian City, this is the first time he has accepted a gift from a customer, although it was forcibly accepted!

"Of course, this is an item presented by the customer, and of course it belongs to the city owner."

Xiaobai responded.

After getting Xiaobai's affirmative answer, Bai Ye showed a slight smile.

The value points brought to him by this order this time are very objective. The value points that were squandered because of promotion to Zhutian City were quickly supplemented.

This time, the connection is to the world that covers the sky. Bai Ye believes that there will be other supreme or great emperors coming soon.

It may be that the strength is not as good as the Ruthless Great Emperor, but when it comes to treasures, every Great Emperor and the Supreme Being of the restricted area are not bad.

Now he's waiting for customers to come.

"City Lord!"

173 After the Ruthless Great Emperor left, Bai Ye also planned to return to the Zhutian Tower. Just as he turned around, Wutian floated over to the Zhutian Tower and asked Bai Ye, "That woman just now. Who is it, is it from the seventh-order world?"

Bai Ye turned his head slightly and glanced at Wutian, and said: "She, like you, belongs to the world breaker, and the world she lives in is also a sixth-order world, but the world she lives in is a bit special, it can be counted It is the strongest among all sixth-order worlds, and it may not be long before their world will be automatically promoted to seventh-order world."

"Oh? The strongest sixth-order world? Will you be promoted to the seventh-order world soon?"

These two important pieces of information shook the sky.

"In that world, how many strong people like her are there?"

Wutian then asked.

Now that he is in the seventh-rank intermediate level, he is very interested in the powerhouses stronger than himself. Maybe communicating with them can improve his perception?

Bai Ye thought for a while and said, "There should be four or so strong people like her, all of them belong to the world breaker, why? Are you interested in the world she lives in?"

In the end, Bai Ye looked at Wutian with a half-smile.

Wutian was blunt and said: "I have some interest, presumably Lord City Lord should know that in the seventh rank, every small step is very difficult, and the gap can even be described as a world of difference, if you can compare with them If there is a friendly exchange, the little monk will definitely be able to get a lot of inspiration."

"There will be opportunities. It won't be long before more and more top powerhouses in the world she lives will come to Zhutian City. At that time, it will be up to you whether you can seize the opportunity or not."

After Bai Ye knew Wutian's thoughts, he said indifferently.

"The little monk is waiting."

After Wutian listened, he folded his hands and made a salute, then disappeared outside the Zhutian Tower, and Bai Ye returned to the Zhutian Tower.

However, the news of a seventh-order top powerhouse suddenly appeared in Zhutian City, but it spread in various big worlds.


Journey to the West to Conquer the Demon World.

On Lingshan.

"The strength of this woman is really terrifying! The strength of the seventh-order top? Is this Zhutian City connecting a seventh-order world? If so, then there should be more and more strong people like this, it seems that it is time It is necessary to connect with other worlds and integrate the world, otherwise, we will be far behind.”

The Tathagata watched the video from the mobile phone of the heavens and was deeply touched.

"However, to provoke Zhutian City, you are so courageous!"

In the backyard of Lingshan, the Tathagata discussed with several important Buddhist figures about the new seventh-order top powerhouses in Zhutian City.

"If Zhutian City is really connected to the seventh-order world, integration with other worlds is the only option. It's just that Zhutian City has not released the exact news yet. I don't know what kind of world Zhutian City is now connected to."

Manjusri Bodhisattva sat aside and spoke slowly.

"I don't have to wait too much. If you really want to integrate the world, you must first look at the front, first look at the current situation of the thirteen worlds merging together, and wait until the new world formed by the fusion is completely stable, and then we will When discussing, even if it is urgent, there is no need to rush it for a while.”

The smiling Mi Lefo, who was lying on the side, said with a smile.

All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas nodded slowly after hearing this.

"Well, I called everyone here today to talk about this matter, that is, to prepare everyone in their hearts. They may merge with other big worlds at any time in the future. If you have any objections, you can raise them."

Finally, the Tathagata spoke up and looked at the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

"I have no opinion, the world will expand and promote, so that our Buddhism can continue to develop and prosper, and purify many suffering beings. At that time, my Buddhism will reach an unprecedented peak!"

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