Many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas present had this vision.

Tathagata also nodded after listening.


New world.

Chonglou and Feipeng are a group of two, constantly beheading the monsters in this world. With the cooperation of the two, they have killed more than half of the monsters in this world.

The remaining half of the monsters were beheaded by other powerhouses.

At this time, there were only two or three monsters left in this world.

The two rushed towards the place where there were only two or three monsters left. During the flight, Mo Zunlou looked at Zhutian's mobile phone and saw a very shocking picture.

"This woman looks so powerful! Does she really have the strength of the seventh-order top?"

Mo Zunlou looked at the title, marked with the words of the seventh-order peak strength, which was very shocking.

As far as he knows, the strongest person who appeared in Zhutian City before should be Wutian, the seventh-rank intermediate strong person, with such strength, he can look down on all their worlds, and this suddenly appeared in Zhutian City. The mysterious woman actually reached the seventh-order peak strength!

"Feipeng, it seems that we have to discuss the integration of the world with other worlds as soon as possible. You should know what this means for the sudden appearance of the seventh-order top powerhouse."

Fei Peng frowned slightly, of course he knew what this meant, there was a strange seventh-order powerhouse, and he was a seventh-order top powerhouse, which showed that the city of the heavens had been connected to a higher world.

The world they live in doesn't seem so strong now, or even weak.

"If we don't act again, then we will be left behind by Zhutian City and become the weakest among the worlds connected by Zhutian City."

Mo Zunlou looked at the information in Zhutian's mobile phone, and said with a pair of cold eyes flashing light.


Chapter [-] The sense of urgency in the world of all parties

New world.

Chonglou is arrogant by nature, and he will never be willing to be left behind.

He must become stronger!

Even by all means!

He didn't want anything in this life. He only had one thought and expectation in his heart, that is, he hoped that he could stand on the absolute peak of Taoism in this life~.

Independence Peak.

This is his life.

Feeling the strong desire of Zhonglou, Fei Peng sighed slightly in his heart: "It seems that the fusion of the world is already-it is imperative."

As the number one divine general in the heavenly realm in the world of Immortal Sword, and now he has become the new master of the divine realm, how could he be willing to be left behind by so many people?

The same arrogance.

It's just that he is more reserved, not as direct as Zhonglou.

"After cleaning up all the monsters in this world, let's discuss it and see how many strong people in the world have the same idea as us."

After Fei Peng figured it out, he glanced at Zhonglou and said calmly.

When Zhonglou saw Feipeng's agreement, a smile appeared on his cold face, and he said cheerfully: "There are a few people who can cultivate to a realm like you and me, and there are a few who are willing to stay in the current realm, and they should all agree! "

"In the past, we couldn't see the higher realm, and we couldn't get in touch with the powerhouses in other worlds, so we were neglected and relaxed, but now everything is different. Since we came into contact with the city of the heavens, everything has been subverted, and we don't need to be discovered. We are bound by the world, we can jump out of a fixed circle, just like a frog jumping out of a narrow well, the future of our world will become infinitely broad!"

The words of Zhonglou are sonorous, and when it comes to the end, it is full of pride, as if the sky is vast and the sea is only me.

Feipeng seemed to be infected by him, and suddenly laughed loudly: "Okay, let's grow together! Look how vast this universe is!"

"Haha, this is the Fei Peng we know. We haven't had the blood of our youth for a long time, and now is the time to rekindle it."

Mo Zun Lou also followed Fei Peng and laughed.

The two laughed across the sky, laughter full of pride and heroism, shaking the world.


"Seventh-order top powerhouse!"

In a corner of the new world, Kaisha and Angel Yan were resting on a huge rock. Not far from them, was a monster the size of a hill that they had just killed.

Looking at the figure of the Ruthless Great Emperor in Zhutian's mobile phone, Kaisha was shocked.

The kind of strength that can make the sun and the moon sink by raising her hand has left a deep impression on her.

"Yan, it seems that we are automatically weakened again. I am afraid that in a short time, we will become mediocre in all worlds, and may even have a very low sense of existence."

Kaisha sat on the top of the rock, looked at Angel Yan sitting under her feet, and said leisurely.

"Queen, you don't have to worry. With Zhutian City, as long as we have enough resources and cultivate with our hearts, we should not be buried."

Angel Yan also saw the information in Zhutian's mobile phone, and comforted Kaisha.

"Resources? Cultivation? It takes a long time to prepare. I'm afraid, with Zhutian City's rapid connection to higher worlds, it is not enough for us to cultivate in a strict manner, unless we can be like this new world. , there will be many good fortune opportunities, so that we can be promoted quickly."

Keisha said worriedly.

Angel Yan slightly stretched her brows, she seemed to understand the meaning of Keisha's words, and asked: "Queen, what do you mean, I hope our world can merge with other big worlds to give birth to a brand new world? "

Kaisha nodded lightly and said, "Yes, it seems that the only way to keep up with the city of the heavens is to not be thrown into oblivion in the heavens and the world, and integrate with other big worlds."

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