Angel Yan smiled and said: "As long as you decide, Queen, Yan will definitely follow."

"Well, this matter has to be discussed with those guys."

Keisha seemed to have made a decision in her heart, and said lightly.


Douluo World

Tang San, Tang Hao, Xiao Wu...the family sat together.

"Little San, look at the latest news on Zhutian's mobile phone."

As soon as he sat down, Tang Hao spoke to Tang San.

Tang San looked at Tang Hao's rather serious expression and asked, "Dad, did something happen to Zhutian City?"

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Tang Hao nodded and said: "Well, let's take a look first, this matter may be related to the future pattern of our world."

Tang San was a little puzzled listening to Tang Hao's words, but he didn't want to take out his phone to look at it, and Xiao Wu also came over.

"This sister is so powerful, but it's a pity that her brain is not very good, and she dares to take action against Zhutian City!"

Before Tang San said anything, Xiao Wu on the side opened her eyes wide, covered her mouth and exclaimed.

"Tier [-] top strength!"

Tang San looked at these big characters, his pupils shrank slightly, the strength of the seventh-rank intermediate can dominate all the big worlds, and what kind of peerless strength is the seventh-rank peak!

"Have you read it? What are your thoughts?"

Seeing Tang San's shocked appearance, Tang Hao asked.


Tang San returned to his senses, and after a moment of silence, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "The woman in this phone has never heard of it before, it should be a character from the new world, so that means that the city of the heavens is connected to the new world, and Judging from the strength of this mysterious woman, this new world should be a big world of at least the sixth or even seventh order. If the city of the heavens is really connected to such a world, I am afraid it will bring the whole world to the heavens and the world. big impact.”

Listening to Tang San's analysis, Tang Hao nodded slightly and said, "That's right, even if I don't know the real face of this world or its specific level, the appearance of this mysterious female powerhouse alone has already spread across the heavens and the world. It caused a sensation and influence, and almost everyone was talking about it. Many strong people who are similar to our world have been worried, and some people have even contacted me, should we merge our world with their world to create a new one? The world, you can see the far-reaching impact of this incident."

"It's not surprising to integrate the world, because our world will reach that point sooner or later, it's just a matter of time, but it's too early to talk about the integration of the world now, and now we know everything. Very little."

Tang San spoke quite calmly.

Tang Hao nodded, then said: "I also think it's a little early, so I haven't hurried to reply to them, but it's time to think about these questions, the speed of Zhutian City connecting to the new world is faster than we imagined. Be quick."


Chapter [-] Monster Mutation

Douluo World.

"Well, it's really time to think about this issue at this time, but it is advisable to be cautious when choosing a world that integrates."

Tang San nodded thoughtfully.

"This is natural, we still need to look at it, choose and compare a lot, at least the world forces are not that complicated."

Tang Hao also seemed to think a lot, and said calmly.

When he thought about it, if the forces in the world were too complicated, there would inevitably be many troubles at that time. This was not what he wanted to see. After experiencing so many things, Tang Hao still hoped to live a peaceful life.

Tang San was silent for a while, as if thinking about something.

He seemed to suddenly think of something, looked at Xiao Wu next to him and said.

"Xiao Wu, what about you? Do you have any opinions, or do you have a favorite world?"

Xiao Wu touched her chin with her fingers, tilted her head, thought for a moment and said seriously, "If I really want to merge with other worlds, I hope to be able to merge with the worlds of those elves, they are too It's cute, Xiao Wu likes it very much."

Hearing her answer, Tang San smiled and said, "Since Xiao Wu likes it, we will consider it, but I don't know if those little elves will have these thoughts."

"I think there should be, right?"

Xiao Wu blinked her eyes and said somewhat uncertainly.

"Anyway, if they really want to, I'll get in touch with them."

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu and said with a light smile.

"If they really wanted to, that would be great."

Xiao Wu and Tang San chatted, and in the end they discussed how to get along with those little elves in the future.

Tang Hao watched Tang San and Xiao Wu chatteringly discussing how to plan the future. With a smile on his face, he shook his head and walked out with his wife, giving the space to their young couple.


Immortal world.

Wang Lin stared at the pictures and information on Zhutian's mobile phone, and did not speak, but from his slightly frowning brows, it could be seen that he had many thoughts in his heart.

It's just that no one knows what he's thinking.

Li Muwan sat quietly and looked at him without making any sound, as if she didn't want to disturb him.

"You stay here, I'll go for a walk, and I'll be back soon."

Wang Lin put away his phone and stood up suddenly, looking at Li Muwan and said.

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