Not long after his words fell, two light and shadows, black and white, suddenly appeared in the void. The two light and shadows opened their eyes together, and a dazzling light erupted. The moment they opened their eyes, the dark clouds in the entire sky all collapsed. .

It seems that they are gods who have crossed over from eternity, possessing vast and unpredictable power.

The two lights and shadows stood there as if they were the only ones between heaven and earth.

"You two ants are not dead yet!"

The half-step seventh-order monster, looking at the two familiar souls in front of him, dropped the spear in his hand again, trying to completely annihilate Zhonglou and Feipeng.

However, just as he dropped the spear, the white light and shadow stood quietly in the void, and the endless lightning could not hurt him in the slightest. He slowly pointed out a finger, and the falling spear tip said coldly. : "Destroy!"

Suddenly, a strange and unpredictable energy burst out, and the huge spear burst out from the endless dark energy, shattered inch by inch under the horrified eyes of everyone, turned into powder and dissipated in the void.

" is this possible?!"

Pluto Acha and Angel Yan looked at the scene in disbelief.

They all know that the two lights and shadows appearing in front of them are the Fei Peng and Zhonglou that have dissipated. To be precise, they should be their souls.

What they didn't expect was that the two people who reappeared in 'Resurrection from the Dead' were actually so strong!A single finger shattered the mutated monster's Destruction Spear.

At this time, there was a huge mutant monster who was in shock with them.

It does not feel any breath or energy fluctuations on Feipeng and Zhonglou, as if these two lights and shadows are just the incarnation of pure energy between heaven and earth.

He thought he could easily crush them to death, but what he didn't expect was that after the two people's bodies exploded, they suddenly appeared so strong.

It seems that the strength is no longer under him, or even surpassed?

He can't figure it out yet, but the only thought in his mind now is to crush the two ants in front of him as soon as possible!

This time, he shot very rudely and directly, directly clenching his palms into fists, and waving his fists to bombard the two of them.

A fist the size of a hill, wrapped in a thousand air currents, rolled down the void.


Chapter Two Hundred and Nineteen: Merit and Golden Light Shaping the Flesh

New world.

At this moment, the entire earth shook violently, as if it could not bear this huge force.

However, the black light and shadow slowly stepped forward, facing the punch that seemed to be able to kill, he raised it slightly, and there seemed to be a dazzling light in his eyes.


He directly turned his palm into a sword, a jet of black and dazzling sword light, like the only ray of light between heaven and earth, ignoring the distance, he slashed directly across the void and slashed on the hill-sized fist.

Like cutting tofu, the seemingly hard and powerful fist was neatly cut open, and fell on the ground like a huge meteorite, smashing a [-]-meter-deep pit on the ground.

The whole earth trembled.


The half-step seventh-order monster roared loudly, and the sun, moon, and stars in the sky were shaking, as if it was about to be roared down by him~.

He couldn't believe that his fist was cut off so easily. His whole body was as hard as steel, and ordinary powerhouses couldn't hurt him at all.

At this time, in addition to his rage, there was a trace of fear in his huge pupils.

The two lights and shadows in front of him, one black and one white, suddenly made him feel scared. He faintly felt that the strength of Feipeng and Zhonglou who appeared again seemed to have surpassed him!

This momentary change made him feel very incredible.

He couldn't figure out where these two humans suddenly gained power beyond him.

However, in his thinking, he couldn't understand how Feipeng and Zhonglou suddenly became stronger. He was just a born monster, and of course he couldn't understand the reason why humans kept getting stronger in desperation.

But Bai Ye and others are very clear.

"It's time to end."

The white light and shadow opened the mouth coldly.

He slowly stepped forward and came directly to the half-step seventh-order monster. He hung above his forehead and looked at him coldly.

"What do you want to do!"

Half-step seventh-order monster's pupils shrank, staring at the small white light and shadow in front of him and said.

"Send you where you need to go."

The white light and shadow opened the mouth coldly.

Calm and very domineering.

As he spoke, he slowly stretched out a finger, and a white sword light shot out from between his fingers, like a white laser, directly penetrating his forehead!


The half-step seventh-order monster roared violently, but it could not change his fate of being annihilated. His breath of life was constantly fading away, and suddenly his body suddenly collapsed, turning into countless pieces of flesh and blood scattered everywhere.

The half-step seventh-order monster was annihilated in a hit of white light and shadow, but among the scattered flesh and blood, a wisp of pure darkness rose silently, trying to escape.

But all this was perceived by the black light and shadow.

He turned his eyes slightly, looked at the direction in which the dark demonic energy fled, and snorted coldly, saying, "I let you escape once, and I will never let you escape a second time!"

As he said that, his finger lightly tapped out, and a sharp black light hit the pure dark demonic energy. The dark demonic energy seemed to have life, and it let out a mournful scream, like a continuous living creature. Creeping and struggling.

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