In the end, he lost all vitality, stopped all movements, and dissipated in the void with a bang like a punctured balloon.

So far, this half-step seventh-order monster has been completely eliminated.

A group of powerhouses standing in the distance stared blankly at all this.

"They actually did it, breaking through their own limits!"

Angel Yan stood beside Kaisha and said in a daze. From her expression, it seemed that she had just witnessed a miracle.

Keisha also sighed with emotion: "They can put everything aside, regardless of life and death, and finally break through themselves and get sublimation. From them, I seem to have learned something."

"Queen, what did you realize?"

Angel Yan obviously hadn't recovered, and looked at Keisha blankly and asked.

Keisha smiled lightly and said, "You will understand in the future. Some things are difficult to explain clearly, and if you don't understand them, you will just follow suit."

Angel Yan's eyes flashed, and he fell silent thoughtfully.

In the distance, Pluto Ah Cha looked at the two peerless figures in the distant void, opened his mouth, and seemed to say something.

In the end, she seemed to think of something, turned her head slightly to look at her elder brother Chi You and said, "Brother, did you think from the very beginning that they could successfully break through and kill that half-step seventh-order monster?"

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She always felt that her eldest brother was silent from the beginning, as if he knew something.

Chi You was silent for a moment, then slowly retracted his gaze from a distance, looked at his sister, chuckled lightly, shook his head and said, "Actually, I wasn't sure at first, I just hope they can win, if they can Victory in this battle has opened up a new path for me."

Pluto Acha thought for a moment, and seemed to have sensed the meaning of his elder brother's words, and said with some worry: "Brother, no matter what time, I will not allow you to be like them. This time they can be said to be coincidence or lucky. Not everyone can break through themselves in extreme environments like them! As long as there is a slight deficiency in one aspect, they may die, and I will never allow you to learn from them!"


Speaking of the end, Pluto Acha seemed to use a commanding tone.

She has already lost her big brother once, and she doesn't want to lose it a second time!

She would not allow her eldest brother to do anything that took risks with her life. Even if her eldest brother stayed in the current state forever, she did not want him to take risks.

Seeing that his sister was so serious, Chi You patted her head and laughed loudly: "Okay, eldest brother listens to you, eldest brother will never learn from them, I will stay by Ah Cha and accompany Ah Cha. "

Seeing Chiyou say this, Ah Cha nodded in satisfaction.

While they were chatting, streaks of golden light appeared in the sky, falling on the black light and shadow in the void, as well as the white light and shadow.

Looking at the golden light that suddenly descended, the black light and shadow and the white light and shadow were somewhat unclear, so they stood blankly in the void.

"This is the golden light of merit. You killed the monsters to maintain the peace of this world, save the heavens from being swallowed up by the monsters, and save all living beings. This is an immeasurable merit. Now that your fleshly body is destroyed, you can use this golden light of merit to condense your fleshly body. "

At this time, Bai Ye stepped forward and spoke to the soul light and shadow of Feipeng and Zhonglou.

Feipeng and Zhonglou knew each other, bathed in the endless golden light of merit swaying from the top of the sky, and the two of them shouted together.

The two lights and shadows radiated radiance, like the sun and the moon floating in the void, and suddenly absorbed all the golden light.


Chapter [-]: Mysterious New Customer

New world.

The golden light of merit and virtue all over the sky seems to have been plundered by the two at this moment.

Everyone present opened their eyes wide and watched all this quietly.

"I didn't expect that after killing this mutant monster, so many golden lights of merit and virtue would appear. It seems that the biggest winners in the new world this time are the two of them."

Pluto Acha was in the distance, and said blankly.

She knows very well how rare the golden light of merit and virtue comes from the coming of heaven. If you use the golden light of merit and virtue to condense the flesh, then in the future, you will get some blessings in your own practice, and it can also help to avoid bad luck.

The utility can be said to be very large, especially for practitioners like them, it can be said that it can be met but not sought after.

"It's what they deserve."

Chi You quietly looked up at the two in the sky, and just said this.

In the sky, the two people who absorbed all the golden light of merit and virtue became golden light on their bodies, like a person with two rounds of sun dangling in the sky who couldn't open their eyes.

As time passed, the two people in the void absorbed a huge amount of golden light and formed two huge golden light cocoons, which were quietly suspended in the void.

It seems to be two giant eggs born between heaven and earth, surrounded by strange Dao rhymes, if you listen carefully, you can also hear the breathing of the two.

With every breath, the void vibrated slightly, with a wonderful rhythm, which sounded particularly strange.

"It seems that it will take a while to condense the body."

Bai Ye looked at the two golden light cocoons in front of him and muttered to himself.

Just when Bai Ye was slightly stunned, Xiao Bai's voice suddenly came: "City Lord, there are new customers coming, do you want to go back to Zhutian City?"

"New customer? Who is it?"

Bai Ye asked subconsciously.

"The people in the world who cover the sky, and their strength has reached the peak of the seventh-order realm, which is no different from the strength of the woman who came last time."

Xiaobai did not directly explain the identity of the person who came, but only revealed some information that Bai Ye was more interested in.

"Oh? A figure in the world that covers the sky? And the strength has reached the peak of the seventh-order?"

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