"what is that!"

At this time, all the powerhouses in Zhutian City all looked at the huge ancient battle platform on Zhutian City that was hundreds of feet long and wide.


Everyone walked out of the street and looked in shock at the battle platform of the heavens that appeared above the city of the heavens.

"Oh my God, what is this, what happened to Mo Zi?"

Tongfu Inn, Tong Xiangyu walked out of the inn and looked at the battle platform of the heavens above Zhutian City in the sky, covering his mouth and exclaimed.

"Isn't there some terrifying powerhouse coming to attack Zhutian City?"

Li Dazui hurriedly ran out of the back kitchen with a big spoon in his hand, and said blankly.

"What are you thinking? With the city lord here, who can attack the city of the heavens? Didn't you see that the city lord was in front of the Zhutian Tower? Who would have the courage to take action in front of the city lord."

Guo Furong rolled her eyes at Li Dazui and said.

"Then what the hell is going on? It's the first time I've seen such a scene in Zhutian City for so long."

Li Dazui continued to speak.

"This looks like a battle arena. Could it be that someone is going to be in the arena here?"

Bai Zhantang watched it carefully for a while, and said, floating on the huge battle platform of the heavens in the sky.

"Hey, what you say is really like that. You see Wutian and a strange man standing there in front of the Zhutian Tower. Could it be that the two of them are going to duel?"

Lu Xiucai squatted on the crack of the door and said furtively, saying that he pointed to Wutian and Ye Fan in front of the Zhutian Tower.

"Impossible, Wutian is the strongest in Zhutian City, except for Lord City Lord, who has the strength and courage to fight against him? That strange man should not look very strong."

Tong Xiangyu's sister-in-law, Mo Xiaobei, stuck out a small head from the crowd and said.

Bai Zhantang tapped lightly on her little head and said, "You bastard knows something, but you don't look strong? Can you still tell if others are strong? If you are not strong, you can compete with Lord City Lord and Wu Wu. Stand together in the sky? You go try to stand with them again, and see if they will blow you away."

Bai Zhantang taught Mo Xiaobei a lesson.

"Sister-in-law, he bullied me."

Mo Xiaobei touched his head and complained to Tong Xiangyu.

Tong Xiangyu glared at Bai Zhantang, then touched Mo Xiaobei's head and said, "Hurry in, don't watch the fun here as a child, sister-in-law will clean him up when he turns around."

"I won't go in, I'll take a look. It's rare for such a thing to happen in Zhutian City, and I also want to see it."

Mo Xiaobei said stubbornly.

Tong Xiangyu had no choice but to let her stay by her side to prevent her from getting lost. Now the city of Zhutian is in chaos, and all the people crowded onto the street and looked up at the city of the heavens in the sky, discussing enthusiastically.


"Both please."

Bai Ye smiled softly at Ye Fan and Wutian.

Wutian looked at Ye Fan and folded his hands together and said, "Master Ye, please first."

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Ye Fan nodded, without being polite, he stepped out and stepped directly onto the battle platform of the heavens, followed by Wutian.

After the two of them set foot on the battle platform of the heavens, Bai Ye slowly flew into the air, looked at all the residents of the city of the heavens and said, "This is the battle platform of the heavens, and there will be a seventh-order super strong battle on it. If you are interested in the battle between players, you can go to the sky to watch, but you need to collect value points, 1000 value points, please come up if you want to watch."

As he said that, he waved his hand and a large void ladder appeared, spreading from the void to the streets of Zhutian City.

Everyone below became enthusiastic, and there was a lot of discussion.

"The battle between seventh-order superpowers? This is very rare, but I didn't see that the strange man was actually a seventh-order superpower."

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"What do you know, such a strong man can't be seen by us."

"1000 value points for one, a bit expensive."

Some second- and third-order cultivators muttered to themselves.

"Expensive? The battle between the seventh-order superpowers, but it is a grand event in the heavens and the world. It can be said to be very rare. If you can watch it once in your life, it will be a bragging capital to talk about with your descendants in the future. I have spent all the value points on me, and I have to take a look."

A third-order monk said excitedly.

Saying that, he took a step forward without hesitation and stepped directly onto the stairs. There are many people who think like him. Although they are not rich, they do not hesitate too much. The battle between the seventh-order superpowers It is extremely rare. For them, the seventh-order superpower is like a fairy, and it is worthwhile to watch such a character fight in this life.

At this time, Wang Lin, who was downstairs in Ju, looked at Wutian and Ye Fan on the battle platform of the heavens, and slowly stepped down from Juju and climbed the stairs of the void.

The battle between the seventh-order superpowers is very attractive to him, which is much larger than those of the second- and third-order or fourth- and fifth-order monks, because he is now in the sixth-order strength, and the seventh-order superpowers Combat can bring him a lot of inspiration.

The battle of this level of powerhouse can be said to be unavoidable.

Others are watching the fun, he is watching deeper.


Chapter [*] The powerhouses of the heavens gather

The news of the battle between the seventh-order superpowers, under the action of the mobile phones of the heavens, quickly spread among the heavens and the world.

Journey to the West to Conquer the Demon World.

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