The Tathagata on Lingshan had a stern face and was reprimanding Sun Monkey.

From the mouth of his disciple Chen Xuanzang, he learned that Sun Wukong had offended Bai Ye, the city master of Zhutian City.

Zhutian City is not something they can offend. In dealing with the relationship between Zhutian City, the Tathagata has always been very careful.

Dare not to have any disrespect.

has been carefully maintaining the relationship with the city of the heavens,

It's good to be a monkey, and he actually annoyed the city lord of Zhutian City when he went out!

Fortunately, the city lord of Zhutian City didn't care, otherwise he would have to peel off Monkey King's monkey skin.

Sun Wukong sat cross-legged aside, frowning and lowering his head. He was in a sad mood. He was taught a lesson by his master on the way, and when he returned to Lingshan, he had to feel the wrath of the Tathagata Buddha.

Sun Wukong closed the senses of his ears, and secretly took out the mobile phone of the heavens to relieve the boredom. At this time, the Buddha was chatting in his ears like a resentful woman, and he was very annoying.

If he hadn't been able to beat the Tathagata Buddha, or according to his temperament, he would have to knock him down from the Buddhist altar with a stick.

However, his strength is not good, and he can only endure.

He took out Zhutian's mobile phone and looked at it, and suddenly a news popped up.

"Zhutiancheng - a showdown between the seventh-order superpowers! 》

"A duel between the seventh-order superpowers?"

Sun Wukong, looking at the title, was shocked and clicked in without hesitation.

On the first side of the news, I saw a huge battle platform floating in the sky above Zhutian City. Two tall figures could be seen on the battle platform. One of them he knew was Wutian.

He knows the power of Wutian. With a cultivation that reaches the sky, the sky and the world are silent.

It can be said that the first person other than Zhutian City City Master Bai Ye, no one dares to provoke him.

Although he didn't know the other figure, the title said, the showdown between the seventh-order superpowers. It seems that this person standing on the opposite side of Wutian is also a seventh-order superpower.

"It seems that this super-powerful person should have gone to the same world as the mysterious female powerhouse before."

Sun Wukong's mind is still relatively flexible, and he can guess with a little thought that Ye Fan and the Ruthless Emperor should have come out of the same world.

Sun Wukong took the mobile phone and saw the god, as if he did not realize that the Buddha was on the verge of rage at this time.

"You bastard, this seat is teaching you, how dare you turn off your hearing!"

Tathagata Buddha looked at Sun Wukong and looked at Zhutian's mobile phone as if he couldn't hear his own words. He knew that this grand monkey must have closed the six senses. He suddenly got angry and stretched out a big hand to grab Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong suddenly felt the terrifying pressure, the monkey hair on his body stood up, and he quickly stood up.

Facing the big hand of Tathagata Buddha, he hurriedly shouted: "Buddha, stop, there is an amazing news from Zhutian City!"

Hearing the news about Zhutian City, Tathagata Buddha's big hand immediately stopped in the void, and then slowly retracted.

"What news! If you dare to deceive me, I will be on Wuzhi Mountain again for five hundred years!"

Tathagata Buddha looked at Sun Wukong with angry eyes and asked.

"How dare my old grandson lie to you, you can see for yourself."

Sun Wukong sent the Zhutian mobile phone in his hand to the Tathagata Buddha across the void. As soon as the Tathagata Buddha stretched out his hand, he took the Zhutian mobile phone into his hand.

When he saw the information on the news, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"A duel between Wutian and another seventh-order superpower?"

The Tathagata Buddha pondered for a moment, and after explaining to the Buddhas, he disappeared on the Lingshan Mountain and rushed towards the city of the heavens.

Chen Xuanzang and Sun Wukong also wanted to go with him, but they were afraid to see Bai Ye, because they just annoyed Bai Ye today and dared not face Bai Ye.

Thinking that he would miss the duel between the seventh-order superpowers, Chen Xuanzang glared at Sun Wukong fiercely.

Sun Wukong looked at his master, shrank his neck slightly and didn't dare to make a sound.


The soul travels the world.

Pluto Acha, who had just returned to the underworld not long ago, watched the news on Zhutian's mobile phone, and hurriedly rushed to Zhutian City again with his elder brother Chi You.

They are still very interested in the showdown between the seventh-order superpowers.

The same thing happened in the world of Super Seminary. Not long after Kaisha and Angel Yan returned to the world, they flew back after seeing the news of Zhutian's mobile phone...  


Stiff about the big world.

The generals, Kuang Tianyou, Ma Xiaoling, Madam Renwang, and others set off for Zhutian City after seeing the information on Zhutian's mobile phone.

The battle between the seventh-order superpowers attracted all the powerhouses in the heavens and the world.

The Douluo World, which has always been relatively silent, and all the top powerhouses in the Doupo World have all rushed to Zhutian City.

All the powerhouses in the heavens and the worlds who saw the news rushed to the city of the heavens.

Even Utred, the destroyer of the Panlong World, came to Zhutian City for the first time after receiving the news.

At Bai Ye's request, Ye Fan's fight with Wutian was delayed by a stick of incense, because he already knew a lot of powerhouses through Zhutian City.On the way to Zhutian City.

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