Not to mention Bai Ye's ability to detect the past and future. At this time, in Ye Fan's heart, Bai Ye is the almighty god.

A pair of bright eyes naturally showed respect for Bai Ye.

"You don't have to be humble. Looking at the world of heaven, your strength is also top-notch, and with your talent for cultivation, I am afraid that you will go further in the future. At that time, I am afraid that there are not many people who can reach you."

Bai Ye smiled lightly, looked at Ye Fan and said.

"City Lord, did you foresee something?"

Ye Fan's heart moved and asked Bai Ye.

He knows Bai Ye's ability to probe the past and future.

And as Bai Ye, he would never say useless words. Although his words sounded polite, Ye Fan didn't think so.

When he saw Bai Ye as the city lord of Zhutian City, sitting and watching the heavens, everything was in his eyes, he must have seen things that he could not predict.

Bai Ye took a deep look at Ye Fan and said, "You have a heart, you can actually find some information in my words, but some things still can't be stated directly, and it's meaningless if you say it. ,dont you agree?"

After hearing this, Ye Fan nodded thoughtfully, and said, "The city lord said that, I have the same opinion, life and the future are full of unknowns that are wonderful, if the city lord told me today about the road ahead and the achievements of my cultivation, it would be meaningless. , the meaning of life is to explore the unknown world and the future.”

Bai Ye glanced at Ye Fan and nodded slightly. He knew that Ye Fan was a very confident person, and he was full of confidence in the future.

But the reason why Bai Ye didn't tell his future is because after Ye Fan entered the ruined fairyland, all the hardships he faced with the Ruthless Great Emperor and others were unimaginable for ordinary people. After arriving at the Quasi Immortal Emperor, the suffering to be faced is of the level of despair and nightmare.

However, he believes that he will be able to resist in the end, so he doesn't need to say anything more. As he said, the future is full of unknowns.

If you know the ending and process of everything, then you can see the end of life at a glance. What is the joy of life that can see the end at a glance?

Sometimes unknown hardships are also a kind of growth. If you avoid this kind of growth, you will only grow into flowers in the greenhouse, and you will not be able to withstand too much wind and rain in the future...  

Bai Ye looked at Ye Fan with his hands on his back and looked confident, this Heavenly Emperor who had worked hard all his life for the peace of future generations, Bai Ye pondered for a moment and wanted to tell him something, but after thinking about it, he decided not to say anything.

If Ye Fan really encountered a catastrophe in the future, he would not be so helpless, because he appeared in their world.

There will be many variables in the future. As long as Ye Fan can pay enough value points, he can help him solve the troubles that he cannot solve.

"Okay, now the battle is over, you two please go down, I will also put away the battle platform of the heavens, and let the huge battle platform of the heavens float over the city of the heavens for a long time, it will also affect the The normal order of Sky City."

Bai Ye raised his eyes slightly and looked at Ye Fan and Wutian.

Ye Fan and Wutian knew each other, nodded lightly, and Wutian said to Ye Fan: "Master Ye, the little monk can't thank you, the little monk has already set up a table for the master Ye, and also invites the master Ye. Be sure to appreciate it.”

Ye Fan looked at Wu Tian in surprise: "You can drink too?"

In his impression, although Wutian is a demon, he has always regarded himself as a Buddha.

"Little monk, he just cultivates his mind but not his mouth. In addition, the rules and regulations of Buddhism are disdainful for little monks to abide by, and in the world I live in, the so-called orthodox Buddhism no longer exists."

Wutian said with a faint smile.

Ye Fan just remembered that the reason why Wutian was able to grow black is to avenge Buddhism. He wants to subvert all Buddhism. When he thinks about it like this, Wutian really doesn't obey any Buddhist precepts.

At this time, he had nothing to do, so he accepted Wutian's invitation, and he also wanted to learn more about Zhutian City from Wutian's mouth.

Right now, he is still relatively unfamiliar with Zhutian City, and there are still many places that he doesn't know yet, so he can get to know it well.


Chapter [-]: Living treasure Wang Dadong

City of the Heavens.

Wutian and Ye Fan stepped down from the battle platform of the heavens, and the surrounding audience had a feeling that it was over as soon as their buttocks were hot.

The end of Ye Fan and Wutian was too fast.

They thought that this would be a wonderful and long-lasting battle of seventh-order superpowers, but what they didn't expect was that the gap between Ye Fan and Wutian was huge, and the whole game was completely unilaterally directed by Ye Fan.

They don't understand at all.

After watching Ye Fan and Wutian's brief fight, apart from being amazed and powerful, the rest were only confused and confused.

However, some people still have some gains. After all, the path to advance to the seventh-order advanced level mentioned by Ye Fan is still very useful for some people.

After all, when they reach their realm and situation, it is almost inevitable to step into the seventh-order realm in the future, or even a higher realm.

As Zhutian City grows together, they will always grow to that day, knowing the gateway to a higher realm in advance, and now they can prepare well.

It can be considered that it is possible to study the road leading to 29 and later in advance, and there is enough time to organize my own avenue and lay a solid foundation for the future. Even if there is no clue now, when time settles down, there will always be inspiration in some days in the future. Take a moment to seize the opportunity.

As long as you have a direction, you will naturally pay attention to it in the future, or you will move in one direction subtly.

"Everyone, you are all gone too."

Bai Ye turned to look at the tens of thousands of spectators from various worlds on the battle platform of the heavens and said.

Wang Lin stood up slowly, glanced in the direction where Wutian and Ye Fan disappeared, and then stepped down and disappeared on the battle platform of the heavens.

"Oh, I'm really disappointed. I came all the way here. I didn't expect such a result. This fight was like two second men performing."

Wang Dadong reluctantly stood up from his seat and said carelessly.

The flame messenger on the side glanced at him, and said lightly: "You should be quiet, if you are heard by those two, you may cry."

Wang Dadong smiled and said, "How is it possible, how can they hear each other so far apart?" with an indifferent expression.

Before the flame messenger could speak, the blade on the side patted Wang Dadong's shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't you know that a super-powerful like the seventh-order can see hundreds of millions of miles and hear the world of all directions, Zhutian City is so Short distance, you're standing here talking ill of them, don't you think the two of them can't hear you?"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Dadong's face changed immediately. He looked at the blade and the flame messenger and said, "Don't scare me, I didn't say anything."

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