Wang Dadong looked around nervously and with a guilty conscience.

"Haha, look at how timid you are, don't worry, a big man like them will not pay attention to a small character like you, as long as you don't say a lot of disrespectful things, I think they should not pay attention to you. ."

The blade glanced at Wang Dadong playfully, then laughed out loud, stepped out and left the place step by step.

The flame messenger had a shallow smile on his face, looked at Wang Dadong and shook his head slightly, and disappeared in place.

Wang Dadong was stunned for a moment before he reacted. Looking at the direction where the blade and the flame messenger disappeared, he shouted, "Okay, you two dare to play with this uncle!"

"Let's go, people are almost gone."

The knife ghost stabbed him with his elbow and said coldly.

Wang Dadong looked at the knife ghost, and then looked around, and found that there were only two people left. At this time, Bai Ye was looking at him lightly, and he was a little cold. Seemingly very sensible, he hurriedly smiled and said, "Excuse me, I'm going to get down, I'll get down right away."

The voice fell, and he quickly left the battle platform with the sword ghost and began to find the blade and the flame messenger to settle accounts.

Bai Ye looked at Wang Dadong who was like a living treasure, shook his head, and said lightly, "Xiao Bai, put away the city of the heavens."

With that said, he returned to the highest level of the All-Heaven Building.

With his departure, the battle platform of the heavens trembled slightly and slowly sank into nothingness, the sky suddenly became much emptier, and the streets of the entire city of the heavens also became brighter.

"Is it over?" Tong Xiangyu looked at the battle platform of the heavens that had been closed, and said blankly, "It's too fast."

"You don't understand the shopkeeper. The battle between masters is often a single move to win or lose. I think when I was in the arena..."

Bai Zhantang wanted to talk about his early scenery and history incessantly, but Tong Xiangyu waved his hand and said, "Well... eh, Zhantang, I still miss your Jianghu, eh, tell you, There is nothing to say about your Jianghu, and these powerful Huahua worlds, how can your Jianghu experience be applied to these two superpowers."

Bai Zhantang felt a little nervous when Tong Xiangyu said this. He hurriedly looked at Guo Furong for some comfort, because Guo Furong, like him, came from the rivers and lakes and should be able to understand him.

But Guo Furong pondered for a moment, then raised her head and said, "I think what our shopkeeper said is very reasonable."

"Zhantang, forget those things in the past. It's good to be a mortal here with peace of mind."

In the end, Guo Furong looked at Bai Zhantang earnestly and said.

When Bai Zhantang heard 180's words, he was about to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Li Dazui and Lu Xiucai gave him a sympathetic look.

"Don't stick around there, didn't you see a lot of guests coming, hurry up and say hello."

In the end, Tong Xiangyu shouted to Bai Zhantang.

With the end of the battle between Ye Fan and Wutian, strong men from many different worlds entered the Tongfu Inn, and the empty inn immediately filled up.

Although Bai Zhantang was very heartbroken, but seeing so many customers patronizing, all the bad emotions were swept away, and he greeted the customers with a smile.

When Ju went downstairs, Wutian and Ye Fan sat together.

With the arrival of the two of them, all the powerhouses of the fifth and sixth orders all rushed into the chrysanthemum downstairs.

However, Ye Fan and Wutian were sitting in the private room on the second floor, eating some different delicacies from the world of the heavens, chatting and laughing, and Ye Fan asked Wutian some things about the city of the heavens.

Wutian told Ye Fan everything he knew.

As Ye Fan thought, Wutian also felt unfathomable for Bai Ye, the city lord of Zhutian City. Bai Ye, the city lord of Zhutian City, can provide almost any help to everyone, as long as you can pay the price, there is nothing he can't do. matter.


Chapter [*]: The seventh-order powerhouse that is about to be born!

"Zhutian City is an incomprehensible existence, and with the upgrade of Zhutian City in the future, it will come into contact with higher-level worlds in the future. At that time, Zhutian City will be more lively than the scene in front of you. If you don't hurry up to keep up with Zhutian City. If I keep my pace, I will probably be eliminated, so if I stay in the current state for a long time, I will be a little anxious."

Wutian gently drank a glass of wine and said truthfully.

"With the continuous upgrade of Zhutian City, will it connect to a higher world? I am looking forward to this."

Ye Fan also drank a glass of wine, his eyes as bright as stars exuded a slight light.

"Master Ye's talent is unparalleled, and even the Lord of the City appreciates it very much. The future achievements may not be comparable to the little monk."

Wutian poured a glass of wine for Ye Fan and said with a smile on his face.

He heard clearly what Bai Ye said to Ye Fan on the battle platform of the heavens, and he had no doubts about what Bai Ye said.

Since Bai Ye said that, he will never aim at nothing, and there must be his reasoning in his words.

Ye Fan chuckled lightly: "The city lord is only talking politely, but my cultivators have the heart to go higher and farther, even if there are unimaginable sufferings in the future, they must step on it until they step into the heavens and the sky. At the pinnacle of the world, even if there is no life on that road, even if you die, you will not regret it.”

After Ye Fan finished speaking, he drank the wine lightly, and there was a sharp meaning on his body, and the wine glass raised by Wutian paused slightly beside his mouth.

What Ye Fan said was like what a passionate young man said, and he had endless yearning for the future, but Wutian had been meditating for countless years, and his inner turmoil was far less turbulent than Ye Fan's.

If someone else said this, he would sneer, and if he was in a good mood, he might give him a few warnings.

But what Ye Fan said was different.

Obviously, Ye Fan is not a young man with no experience in the world, but a top powerhouse looking down on a big world.

Such a strong man must have experienced many unimaginable hardships.

Usually, such a strong person should be much calmer, but he did not expect Ye Fan to be able to say such a thing.

It seems that extreme self-confidence and blood combined with powerful abilities will condense an unimaginable force.

He walked more calmly, one step at a time, but he lacked the same lofty aspirations as Ye Fan, but he didn't plan to change, because he was not Ye Fan, and the paths they took were different. Can't say whose opinion is better.

"Master Ye, this arrogant little monk is far inferior to ah ¨.."

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