"Oh? The river of nothingness?"

After a moment of contemplation, Bai Ye slowly raised his head and said, "You guys wait a while, wait for me to check it out."

"Xiao Bai, find and locate this river of nothingness."

Bai Ye said in his heart.


Soon, Xiaobai was located in the river of nothingness that was hundreds of millions of miles away from the new world.

"The location has been located, do you want to show it?"

After a while, Xiao Bai's voice sounded.


Bai Ye nodded slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a slowly flowing Tianhe appeared on the top floor of the All-Heaven Tower. This Tianhe was hazy and boundless, like a boundless chaos spreading to the surrounding.

Can't see its origin, nor its end.

"This is……"

Feipeng and Zhonglou looked at the picture in front of them and opened their eyes wide. They didn't know what the vast and boundless river of nothingness was in front of them.

It is vast and does not seem to be harmful, but it gives people a sense of unease, as if any life standing in front of it can easily be annihilated.

"What exactly is this?"

Bai Ye looked at the scene in front of him and asked Xiao Bai in his heart.

"This is the chaotic energy of the universe, or it can be said to be the world tide sea. In this world tide sea, all the worlds will be submerged in it, but don't worry, this world tide sea can be said to be harmless, but it is harmful to the world. It is beneficial to be submerged by the tide of the world, and it will bring new rules, potential, and even endless treasures to the world. It can be said that all new worlds will be baptized in this way.”

Xiaobai spoke very calmly.

"Oh? Harmless? How to say?"

Bai Ye then asked.

"Actually, every time a higher-level new world is born, the tide of the world will appear, baptizing this world, so that the new world can be regarded as completely stable."

Xiaobai continued to explain.

"City Lord, I don't want to promote the development of the powerhouses in the world. Now it can be said to be a good opportunity."

Xiaobai seemed to think for a while and then added a sentence.

"Oh? Could it be that this world's tide sea can also improve people's strength?"

Bai Ye asked in surprise.

"Of course, the world tide sea is the most original energy in the universe. There are countless treasures of the most original source, and there are many laws and rules of the universe. No matter what kind of powerhouse, it is a treasure house of incomparable expectations. Of course, this requires It can directly contact the world tide sea, and the world tide sea will not appear for a long time, so in history, no one has been able to inform and contact the world tide sea."

Xiaobai explained patiently.

"It sounds very good, so is there life in this world's tide sea?"

Bai Ye thought of what he said before the building, the new world Tiandao seems to perceive life in the tide sea of ​​the world. If there is life in this vast and boundless world tide sea, will it be all kinds of powerful?

"Yes, and they are very powerful, but they will not invade the new world. If there are beings who actively enter the tide sea of ​​the world, they may attack, because no one has entered, but it does not matter, Zhutiancheng can help suppress Live those overly powerful beings, and only allow the highest seventh-order beings to appear."

Xiaobai said calmly.

"How many value points does that require?"

Bai Ye then asked, and after Xiao Bai said this, he had some thoughts in his heart at this time.

"2 million value points are needed."

Xiaobai reported an astonishing number.

"2 billion value points?"

Bai Ye was also startled when he heard this number, but thinking that the life of the tide sea in the world suppressed by Zhutian City may have eighth-order life or even ninth-order life, Bai Ye didn't feel strange...  

He was silent for a moment and asked a question.

"How long will the tide of this world stay? And what is the value?"

This is what Bai Ye is very concerned about. If the tide sea of ​​the world stays long enough and the treasures are valuable enough, it will be a treasure trove.

If the stay is not long enough and the value is not enough, then there is no need to enter the tide of the world.

2 million value points is no joke.

If the value points obtained are not yet 2 million value points, or just a little more than that, it will be a pitfall.

"In terms of value, the city owner can rest assured that as long as he normally enters the tide sea of ​​the world, the value points obtained by the current number of powerhouses in the world of the heavens are decided to be amazing, far more than 2 million value points, but the tide sea of ​​the world. The stay time is relatively short, usually only three to seven days, but even so, the value is very huge.”

Xiaobai then said.

His words are alluring Bai Ye inside and out. It seems that as long as Bai Ye doesn't agree, he will miss major opportunities and face major losses.

"City Lord, can you decide?"

After thinking for a moment, Bai Ye nodded and said, "Okay, let's send this news."

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