After finishing the conversation with Xiaobai, Bai Ye turned his head slightly and said to Zhonglou and Feipeng: "This river of nothingness is the ocean of tides in the world, you don't have to worry, 2.1 This ocean of tides in the world does not harm the new world in the slightest. It is beneficial, and it is also a great opportunity for you."

"The tide of the world? Great opportunity? How do you say this?"

Chonglou frowned and said.

There seemed to be confusion between the eyebrows.

Fei Peng's eyes flickered slightly and looked at Bai Ye.

"You will know when you watch the information on Zhutian's mobile phone. You go out and wait in Zhutian City first, and you will get the answer soon."

Bai Ye smiled lightly and said something mysterious.

He said this, Chonglou and Feipeng were even more puzzled and curious. They wanted to ask in detail, but seeing Bai Ye's order to evict guests, it was inconvenient for them to continue to ask questions. They left Zhutianlou with full of doubts. . .

Chapter [-]: The Seventh-Order Powerhouses Gather

After Feipeng and Zhonglou left Zhutianlou, they came to Ju and went downstairs.

They found a place and sat down directly, and some people around looked at them with a sense of surprise.

"Feipeng, Zhonglou, they came back from the new world. It seems that they have broken through to the seventh-order realm. I seem to feel a sense of oppression from them."

"Breaking through the seventh-order is a matter of course for them. You didn't watch the previous news video. The two of them killed the half-step seventh-order mutant monster very easily. It was just a few simple blows to kill that powerful monster. They were killed, and their strength was between half-step seventh-order and seventh-order. If the new world cannot accommodate seventh-order powerhouses, I am afraid they will break through on the spot."

"I watched that video, and it was precisely because of that video that almost everyone could assert that they could break through the seventh-order as long as they left the newborn world."

"Hey, I'm really envious. Being able to successfully break through the seventh rank will have a heavy weight in Zhutian City in the future."

Some 29 people sat around and discussed.

However, Zhonglou and Feipeng ignored the discussions of the people around them, but took out Zhutian's mobile phone and stared at them all the time.

Their thoughts are still stuck in the heavens and the words that Bai Ye told them.


Ye Fan and Wutian in the private room on the second floor also sensed the breath of Fei Peng and the heavy building.

"It seems that two seventh-order powerhouses have come downstairs. They should be the two people who broke through in the new world you mentioned earlier, right?"

Ye Fan drank a glass of wine lightly, glanced at Wutian lightly and said.

Wutian nodded and said: "Yes, they have just broken through the seventh rank now, and they still don't know how to restrain the majestic breath, it is easy to sense it."

"I'm full, let's go meet them. I would like to know them. There are not many people like them who have been quiet for many years and can rekindle the heart of the strong."

Ye Fan put down the wine glass in his hand, stood up slowly, and chuckled softly.

"Well, since Shizhu Ye is interested in them, the little monk will accompany you to see them."

With a smile on Wutian's face, he put down the chopsticks in his hand, stood up and walked downstairs with Ye Fan.

Downstairs, Feipeng and Zhonglou, who were concentrating on watching Zhutian's mobile phone, suddenly felt two powerful breaths approaching.

Their eyes suddenly left Zhutian's mobile phone, turned their heads slightly to look at the entrance of the stairs, and two tall figures appeared, walking towards them.

"No Heaven"

They still know Wutian, but the man in white next to Wutian feels very unfamiliar, but they can feel an extremely powerful breath from Ye Fan, which seems to be much more than Wutian.

Ye Fan and Wutian walked in front of them, smiled and said, "Ye Fan, you are Feipeng and Zhonglou."

Ye Fan introduced himself, Feipeng and Zhonglou slowly stood up and spoke separately.

"Going downstairs."

"Under Feipeng."

"Do you know us?"

Zhonglou looked at Ye Fan with some doubts and said.

"Haha, that's it, I just heard about your business, it's very good, living against the dead, breaking through the limit, from the realm of the sixth-order top, directly breaking through the seventh-order realm, this kind of will and spirit is not too much. ."

Ye Fan looked at them and said with a smile.

"Your Excellency has won the prize, and we are just lucky."

Chonglou said with a light smile.

"You don't have to be humble. Speaking of it, luck is also a part of strength."

Ye Fan smiled lightly.

Regardless of whether Zhonglou and Feipeng agreed or not, they sat down directly, but Wutian said indifferently: "You two may not know much about the situation of Shizhu Ye, Xiao Seng will tell you about it. "

Feipeng and Zhonglou looked directly at Wutian and listened patiently. They didn't know anything about the young man in white before them, but they could feel that he was very complicated and could bring a sense of oppression to both of them. His strength was at least seventh-order. Intermediate or even advanced powerhouse!

"The Lord Ye came to the sixth-order world, and it is the top world of the sixth-order. According to the Lord of the City, the world in which Lord Ye lives can be promoted to the seventh-order world in a short time, and the strength of Lord Ye himself has reached the seventh-order. The peak realm is one of the peak powerhouses in the world where he lives, and I am afraid that with the promotion of the world he lives in, he will soon be promoted to the eighth-order powerhouse."

Wutian briefly introduced Ye Fan's background to Feipeng and Zhonglou.

After Fei Peng and Wutian's introduction, there were some surprises in their eyes.

"The seventh-order peak realm powerhouse! I'm sorry."

Chonglou and Feipeng hurriedly gave Ye Fan a fist.

When they entered the seventh-order powerhouse, they knew that each level of the seventh-order was equivalent to the gap between the previous fifth-order promotion and the sixth-order.

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