Ye Fan is a seventh-order peak realm powerhouse, but there is a huge gap with them.

They still don't dare to be presumptuous in front of such a strong person. After all, they learned from Wutian's mouth that the world Ye Fan lives in will not take long to be promoted to the seventh-order world, and his strength may also be very high. Quickly break through to the eighth-order realm!

They need to look up to such a strong man!

"Don't be restrained, we, as fellows, may fight together in the future, we don't need so many rules and etiquette, how to relax 183, how to come, sit down..."

Ye Fan looked at Feipeng and Zhonglou with a light smile and said, it seems that there is no air.

Feipeng and Zhonglou also sat down without ceremony, and Wutian also chose a place to sit down.

Seeing how many people were sitting down, Ye Fan said, "Just now I saw that you two were quite solemn, sitting quietly without saying a word, but what happened?"

Ye Fan's observation is still relatively meticulous. From the time they went downstairs, they found that Zhonglou and Feipeng were sitting there quietly, their eyes fixed on Zhutian's mobile phone, silently, as if they were thinking.

Following Ye Fan's question, Wutian also looked at Zhonglou and Feipeng with hindsight.

Feipeng's lips lightly opened, and he paused, seeming hesitant.

"Come on, there is nothing to hide about this matter. After all, the city owner also said that this matter will be announced soon, so it is not a secret."

Zhonglou glanced at Feipeng and said.

Ye Fan looked at the two of them with such expressions, and his face suddenly became curious.

Seeing Zhonglou say this, Fei Peng didn't have any worries, and said directly: "This is the case..."

Ye Fan and Wutian looked at him and listened quietly.

Feipeng told them all about the new world Tiandao, and what he said to them in the white night of Zhutianlou. .

Chapter [*]: The news is released, the world tide sea will start

"The river of nothingness, the tide of the world?"

Ye Fan fell into contemplation after hearing it, and he obviously had never heard of the world tide sea mentioned by Feipeng.

Wutian is also confused. He doesn't know the information Feipeng said at all, but listening to Feipeng's description, the tide sea in this world seems to be very remarkable.

Although he didn't know what was going on, he vaguely felt that there would be a sensational message in the world of the heavens on the mobile phone of the heavens.

"The city owner said that there is no harm in the world tide sea this time, and there is even a big chance. I don't know what kind of information the city owner will release next."

Fei Peng was silent for a moment and then said.

They have always kept in mind what Bai Ye said to them in Zhutianlou.

"Big chance? So, the city owner wants us to enter the tide sea of ​​that world?"

Ye Fan thought for a while, and seemed to have vaguely guessed Bai Ye's thoughts. He knew that Bai Ye's methods were unpredictable. If the emergence of the world tide sea this time can bring them great opportunities, then it must be to enter the world tide sea. among.

Although he didn't know how to get close, he knew that Bai Ye would definitely be able to do it. Now in Ye Fan's eyes, Bai Ye, the city lord of Zhutian City, was already an omnipotent existence.

"I don't know yet, but Brother Ye said so, it's really possible."

Zhonglou pondered for a moment and said.

After talking with each other, their relationship with Ye Fan improved a lot, and found that Ye Fan was very friendly and did not rely on himself to be strong.

"If that's the case, then I'm looking forward to it. The tide of the world, I don't know what kind of creation will be in it."

Ye Fan opened his mouth with anticipation.

"Since the city owner has said so, I am afraid that there are benefits that we can't imagine in this world's tide sea, but we just don't know if there will be terrifying creatures in this world's tide sea."

Wutian was on the side, silent for a moment and said.

"Terrible creatures? As long as there are no eighth-order creatures, there will be no threat. Even if there are eighth-order creatures, I don't necessarily have to make a foray. Until now, I haven't seen what an eighth-order creature is. What kind of strength, if you can fight against it, it is a very rare thing.”

Ye Fan was slightly refreshed. He looked down on his creatures below the eighth-order. Even if he encountered an eighth-order creature, Ye Fan felt that he could fight against it. Even if it was not an opponent, he believed that the eighth-order creature could not be killed. Own!

Growing up all the way, Ye Fan has gathered an invincible heart. He doesn't know how many things he has done on the way to grow up. Even in the dark and turbulent years, he was in the realm of the great saint. The body of the Holy Body of Dacheng is fighting against the Supreme Being in the forbidden area.

He has spent his entire life fighting and growing with beings stronger than himself, so even in the face of eighth-order creatures, he has no fear.

Feeling the invincible aura emanating from Ye Fan, the three people sitting, including Wutian, were all stunned.

Even if they were able to say such words in the face of eighth-order creatures, they felt that Ye Fan seemed to have an aura different from them.

This is an invincible and fearless momentum.

"I hope there will not be too powerful creatures, but since the city lord has already spoken, it means that everything is under the watch of the city lord, and there should be no major problems. Even if it is killed by a creature of the same rank, it is considered a skill. It’s not as good as people, I can’t complain about people, as long as there is no existence beyond what we can bear.”

Wutian thought about it and said.

The more they discussed, the more they felt that Bai Ye wanted to let them enter the sea of ​​​​the world to grab treasures.

Just as they were discussing, the mobile phones of several people suddenly vibrated.

"Information is coming."

Zhonglou looked at Zhutian's mobile phone and said.

"How to say?"

Ye Fan didn't take out Zhutian's mobile phone and looked at Zhonglou and asked.

"Sure enough, as Brother Ye said, the main city will open the passage to the world tide sea, and let all the powerhouses in the heavens and the world go to the world tide sea to find opportunities, everyone can enter, there is no limit, but it needs some Only value points can enter.”

Zhonglou looked at the information on Zhutian's mobile phone and said.

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