"Value points? How many value points are needed?"

Ye Fan asked casually.

"Different levels of powerhouses need different value points to enter the tide sea of ​​the world. First-order ordinary people need 10 value points, second-order warriors need 100 points, third-order warriors need 1000 points, fourth-order warriors need 10000 points, fifth-order warriors need 1 points, It needs 10 points, 1000 points for the sixth level, and [*] world coins for the seventh level!"

Zhonglou frowned slightly at the end. The seventh order requires 1 world coins, which is not a small amount. 1000 world coins is worth 1 million points, and now he and Feipeng have no world coins. The world coins are It needs seventh-order treasures to be exchanged. He and Feipeng have just been promoted to seventh-order, and there are no seventh-order treasures at all.

This made him a little bit troubled.

"¨"World Coin? What is this?"

Ye Fan suddenly asked.

"This little monk forgot to tell Shizhu Ye that World Coin is the currency that the seventh-order treasures are exchanged for in Zhutian City. 1000 World Coins are equivalent to 1 million value points."

Wutian explained quietly on the side.

"It turns out that the fee is quite reasonable. If there are really incredible treasures in it, 1 World Coins are very worth it."

Ye Fan nodded slightly and said.

1 World Coins is nothing to him at all, and he just takes out a seventh-order treasure for more than 1000 World Coins.

"I just didn't expect that the city lord would actually allow ordinary people of the first, second and third orders to enter. Can ordinary people like the first order, the second order and the third order be able to fly?"

Hearing the existence of first-order ordinary people, Ye Fan was a little surprised.

"There should be a reason for the city owner to arrange this way. The city owner will make arrangements at that time."

Zhonglou said lightly.

Bai Ye did this, and Zhonglou believed that Bai Ye should have his own considerations.


Ye Fan nodded slightly and said, "Is there any mention of when it will start in the message?"

"Half a day later, the opening time of the World Tide Ocean will be maintained from three to seven days. If we want to get enough opportunities in the World Tide Ocean, let us seize the time."

The heavy building opened his mouth.

"Half a day, it seems that I have to go back and bring this news back. Now I don't have a mobile phone in the world, and I don't know the news at all. I have to tell them the news. I'll be here today, Goodbye."

Ye Fan stood up slowly, clasped his fists with a few people, and disappeared in Ju going downstairs. .

Chapter [*]: Unprecedented action (please subscribe!)

At the same time, the news released by Bai Ye spread all over the world of the heavens through the mobile phone of the heavens.

Everyone is talking.


New world.

In the territory of the Daqin Empire, Ying Zheng was sitting on the dragon seat in the Xianyang City Palace. After getting the news, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"Li Si, immediately summon [*] elite warriors to follow me to Zhutian City!"

Ying Zheng slowly stood up from the dragon seat, looked at His Highness Li Si and said.

"Ten thousand warriors? Your Majesty this is..."

Li Si was a little puzzled when he heard Ying Zheng's order, and asked subconsciously.

"You don't need to ask more about this, you'll know when the time comes, go and do it quickly."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Li Si responded and withdrew.

"What kind of place will the tide sea in the world be? But there shouldn't be much danger if even first-order ordinary people can enter."

Standing in the middle of the dragon seat, Ying Zheng raised his head slightly and looked into the distance. According to the news he got in the mobile phone of the heavens, this world tide sea is a rare opportunity. Everyone can get a chance.

Even so, this is a rare opportunity to enhance national strength. If the value points may not be enough, Ying Zhengdu wants to send hundreds of thousands of troops to go there.

It is a pity that he cannot afford the value points required by the hundreds of thousands of troops, and he can only choose [*] elite warriors to go.

With the creation of the new world, the strength of the people of the Daqin Empire has increased a lot, and many powerhouses above the third rank have been born.

Now Ying Zheng is in the realm of the fourth-order peak.

As long as they can continue to gain opportunities in the tide of the world this time, then the Great Qin Empire will be unprecedentedly strong, and it will not be difficult to expand its territory several times or even ten times.


In the Tang Dynasty in the new world, Li Shiming issued a similar order. He almost had the same thoughts as Ying Zheng. As a successful emperor, he hoped that his empire would continue to grow stronger.

As long as there is any opportunity to become stronger, they will not let it go.


The No. [*] territory in the world, Hulong Villa, was ignored by Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage, and all the people of Hulong Villa were recruited.

Hundreds of people in the entire Hulong Villa stood in the square, and Zhu ignored it and stood on the high platform, and said loudly to the hundreds of Hulong Villa elites under the stage: "You will go to Zhutian City with this king later, I hope you can work hard to find your own opportunities, as long as your strength can be improved, this king will reuse you in the future, and defend the Daming Jiangshan together with this king!"

"I swear allegiance to the gods! I swear to defend Daming Jiangshan!"

Hundreds of elite warriors from Hulong Villa knelt on one knee and shouted.

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