
In Fengyun World, Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, Xiaosanxiao and others gathered together.

"What is the world tide sea mentioned in the mobile phone of the heavens?"

Nie Feng looked at Xiao San and said with a smile.

He knows that Xiao Sanxiao has lived for thousands of years and is well-informed, and hopes that Xiao Sanxiao can understand something.

However, he looked too high to laugh three smiles, not to mention laugh three smiles, even seventh-order powerhouses like Ye Fan and Wutian didn't know such a place.

Xiaosan smiled and shook his head: "I have never heard of such a place, this place should be outside our world, since Zhutian said on the mobile phone that this is a place full of great opportunities, then let's Just spread this news, and then invite some strong people to go with you, which can be regarded as making some contributions to our world."

"Then let's do it according to the wishes of the seniors."

Nie Feng nodded and said, Bu Jingyun also expressed no opinion.

After they finished speaking, they notified each other.


At this time, after the powerhouses in the world of the heavens learned the news, they were all taking action and preparing.

They spread the news as much as possible to let everyone know, because judging from the information released, it has been stated that there is no limit to the number of places, that is to say, everyone can participate, and this time the city of Zhutian is fully opened, and there are no more restrictions. .

Obviously this time the white night is going to be a big ticket.

However, this is not to blame for Bai Ye, because this time to open the world tide sea, 2 million value points are needed, and Bai Ye has to earn back the value points as much as possible.

So Bai Ye intends to be as open as possible.


On the tower of the heavens, Bai Ye watched the pictures of the world of the heavens with a smile on his face.

Now the entire All-Heaven World can be said to be in action, and the All-Heaven City will usher in an unprecedented flow of people. Of course, it will also be accompanied by a huge amount of value points.

"City Lord, you seem to be playing a bit big this time. If so many people really come to Zhutian City, I am afraid that Zhutian City will be overwhelmed."

Xiaobai's voice sounded slowly in Bai Ye's ears.

Bai Ye raised his brows and said with a smile: "Big? This opportunity is rare, what if you don't play a bigger game? The initial investment will cost 2 million value points. If it is only done on a small scale, then I will lose a lot. Tiancheng is overwhelmed, so there is no need to worry, we can directly open a positioning channel for some worlds, and only need some people to come to Zhutiancheng."

In the end, Bai Ye gave a solution.

"This idea is not bad, but if you open another channel, you need to collect additional value points."

Xiaobai said lightly.

Bai Ye knew that Xiaobai always followed the rules and didn't want to say anything more.

"When the time comes, let's calculate it together. As long as all their value points are collected, these are all small money."

Bai Ye said calmly.

Bai Ye estimates that just by collecting tickets this time, he can get hundreds of millions or even one billion worth of points, and Bai Ye really doesn't care about some additional channel fees.

At the same time, he also has some expectations for the treasures and opportunities in the tide sea of ​​this world. When the tide sea of ​​the world opens, he will also enter it and search for some treasures.

Since Xiaobai said that the tide sea in this world is an endless treasure, of course he will not miss it.


Cover the world.

Ye Fan returned from Zhutian City, went directly to the Ruthless Emperor and told her about the tide of the world.

"The tide sea of ​​the world? Is there such a place?"

The Ruthless Emperor said softly, and the person sitting next to him was Ye Xing who had already condensed his flesh.

At this time, Ye Xing has been created by the Ruthless Great Emperor to create the most powerful chaotic body in the world!This is what the Ruthless Emperor spent a lot of heaven and earth treasures, as well as some of his own experience.

"The world of the heavens is full of wonders. I originally thought that our world was everything. I didn't expect that there are many big worlds that we don't know about, and the city of the heavens. All of this has subverted our original cognition."

Ye Fan sat opposite the Ruthless Emperor and said slowly. .

Chapter [-]: The heavens are waiting

The Ruthless Emperor nodded slightly. He turned his head slightly to look at his brother Ye Xing. She was still very impressed by Zhutian City. It was the city owner of Zhutian City who brought back his brother who had been dead for hundreds of thousands of years.

Such a shocking means surpasses anyone in the world, and no one can compare with it.

Completely subverted her cognition.

"Sister, this world's tide sea sounds very interesting, do we want to go?"

Listening to Ye Fan's conversation with the Ruthless Emperor, Ye Xing, who was sitting beside him, was quite moved.

The Ruthless Man looked at her and said with a shallow smile, "As long as you like it, brother, I can accompany you anywhere."

The Ruthless Emperor's bright eyes were full of soft colors, and his tone was very gentle.

"Okay, let's go later."

Ye Xing glanced at his sister Ruthless Great Emperor and stood up slowly, a pair of star eyes flashing a little bit of light, looking quite excited~.

He has been silent for hundreds of thousands, and now he is resurrected and has condensed the legendary chaos body. !

He didn't want to pull down his sister Ruthless Great Emperor too much. When she knew that her sister was one of the most powerful people in the world, Ye Xing was quite surprised. Grow up to the age-old-character.

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