At that time, Ye Fanwutian and others were shocked beyond words.

Bai Ye and their hearts are already too powerful, and they can't imagine what kind of powerhouse can be stronger than Bai Ye.

Of course, Ye Fan and Wutian did not join their discussion, and they all focused on the two peerless figures in the Dao Law Pool.


"It seems that you are very confident, but I will not be polite. Of course, I will save your life in the end, because I have to use your means to get out of here."

Eighth-order creatures, their eyes are opened and closed, and the Dao Law is transpiring. At this time, the entire Dao Law Pool is affected by him.

The power of the Dao Law visible to the naked eye continued to gather around him.

Pieces of the big world are constantly reappearing. A peerless and powerful creature and powerhouse surround him, holding a peerless immortal soldier in his hand, as if to break through the world's time and space, and the surrounding void is constantly distorted by a wisp of breath. , it can be seen that they were also a powerhouse with the name of chaotic time and space.

The eighth-order creature slowly raised his hand, and the stars, sun and moon continued to appear, and the heavens and the worlds suddenly formed behind him.

As if pieces of the real big world reappeared, appearing around him, and he seemed to be the center of the universe in the middle.

"The heavens are dead!"

The eighth-order creature raised his hand and shot it directly towards Bai Ye, and the whole world shook violently, as if the unbearable force was about to collapse...  

Countless star worlds were constantly annihilated and shattered around him, as if he would smash the universe into pieces with one palm.

A palm containing all the heavens and myriad ways shattered the time and space, and shattered the surrounding void into chaos. Wherever the palm crossed, the void collapsed, the origin of the earth, wind, water and fire appeared, and the time and space were chaotic, as if the world was about to be destroyed. .

Everyone watching from a distance felt a palpitating power. If Ye Fan didn't fly out his immortal cauldron to protect the crowd, I'm afraid they couldn't bear the terrifying aura and instantly perished.

"too horrible!"

Wang Dadong, Our Lady of the King, Generals, Xiao Xuan... and others felt their souls tremble when they watched the eighth-order creatures take action.

If it wasn't for Ye Fan to protect them, they might have been crushed into pieces by the terrifying aura.

Although they are far enough away, what can the eighth-order powerhouses actually avoid if they are far enough away?

The eighth-order powerhouse can take action regardless of the distance, or even through time and space, and some realistic distances are zero distance for their eighth-order powerhouse.

However, Bai Ye still stood there quietly, seemingly unaffected by that palm.

He gently stretched out a finger and gently tapped out, his voice was cold: "Sure!"

With his words, 2.1 came out, as if the words followed the law, all the surrounding time and space froze and settled there, including the terrifying palm, which stopped at a distance of less than ten feet from Bai Ye. .

Looking at the suddenly frozen time and space, everyone in the distance was stunned.

"This this……"

They were speechless when they watched all this shock. The blow of the eighth-order terrifying powerhouse was actually given by the city lord with a single finger? !

What power is this? !

Wang Dadong and others' eyes widened, and their throats felt a little dry.

What kind of fairy method this is, it is completely beyond their cognition.

However, Ye Fan and the others had seen Bai Ye's methods before, so they were not too shocked, but seeing Bai Ye's shocking methods again, they couldn't help but marvel in their hearts. .

Chapter [*]: The eighth-order creature surrenders

At this time, the time and space of the entire Dao Law Pool seems to be fixed, and even the eighth-order creatures themselves are strongly bound.

"how can that be……"

His attack was completely fixed there, unable to move forward at all, it seemed that time and space really stopped.


Bai Ye said one word again, as if affecting the time and space of the ages, and the palm print of the eighth-order creature was gently blown away like an insignificant cloud.

The entire Dao Law Pool became silent.

"Can you take it now?"

Bai Ye looked at the eighth-order creature on his back and said coldly with his hands on his back.

"I don't agree! You take me another trick!"

The eighth-order creature's face became a little gloomy at this time, and he said indifferently.

He didn't believe that his noble self would lose to a strange human being!

He is an invincible creature bred by Wan Dao, how could he lose to a humble acquired 29 creature!

His proud and noble heart will not allow him to lose!

He was born with a unique background and was born invincible. How could he be allowed to lose the first battle he was born? !

He will never allow it!

"Oh? Don't agree? That's good, then you can try a trick. I'll show you today. I'm something you can't beat!"

Bai Ye's face was indifferent, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly as he looked at the eighth-order creature opposite and said.

At this time, the power of the Dao Law around the eighth-order creature was completely boiling, and it became extremely violent. A pair of icy eyes burst out with endless divine light, and the space of the Zhou Tian Law was affected by him.

He roared loudly, and the endless sun, moon, and stars continued to fall, as if the heavens were shaking violently.

One after another, the power of strange rules continuously erupted from his body.

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