All of a sudden, the surrounding millions of miles of space suddenly turned gray, without any color, as if the surrounding millions of miles of space had fallen into a special field.

"What's the matter? We feel that all perceptions and laws are gone?"

In the distance, Wang Dadong, Xiao Xuan, Tang Hao... and others, all fell into a dark world, their perception seemed to be cut off, everything around them was ignorant, the air seemed to stop flowing here, their world All colors were lost in an instant, and all laws were excluded.

At this time, the ordinary powerhouses on the edge of the tide sea of ​​the world were affected. They looked around curiously.

"This... what happened, am I colorblind? Why did the surrounding world suddenly change to no color at all?"

"Me too, I can't see the color anymore!"

"What the hell is going on here, what happened, is this a special change in the tide of the world?"

Some people just don't understand what's going on.

For this sudden change, some of them feel nervous and scared, but some are very calm.

"What are you worried about? There are so many super powerhouses in it, nothing will happen, and there is the mysterious Lord of the City. With him, nothing will happen to us. Lord of the City can bring us to Here then it will bring us all back."

Some people have a very good mentality and continue to cultivate as if nothing happened.

In fact, it's useless for them to worry. If something really happens, the super strong inside can't stand it. Even if they are afraid, it won't help.

Can't escape.

In addition, there is Bai Ye, and they don't need to worry about anything. In their hearts, Bai Ye, the city lord of the All-heaven City, is almost the god in their hearts, and is omnipotent!

Even if the sky falls, there is still a tall one on top of it, and they worry about it for nothing.

As some people spoke, the restless crowd gradually calmed down.

Yes, there are the Lord City Lord and those super strong people, what are they worried about, after a moment of commotion, they continue to practice.


In the center of the Dao Law Pool, the eighth-order creature is like the only god in the world, with a silver-white long spear condensed by the power of the Dao Law in his hand.

He pointed at Bai Ye with a silver-white spear and said coldly, "In my Dao field, I am invincible. It is too late for you to surrender to me, your strength is good, if you surrender to me, I can make You rule the heavens and become my spokesperson."

"Hmph, surrender to you and be your spokesperson? I'm so old, and no one has ever said such arrogant words to me. It seems that I didn't teach you a lesson. You wouldn't know that there is a saying in this world that there is a heaven and a man in the sky. Someone outside!"

Bai Ye looked at the mighty eighth-order creature with his hands on his back, and said with a cold snort.

As he said that, he didn't talk nonsense. He stretched out one hand and grabbed it directly towards the eighth-order creature. His palm had the blessing of the City of the Heavens, and any power was vulnerable in front of him.

"Stubborn, kill!"

The eighth-order creature saw Bai Ye grabbing it directly, and also snorted coldly, waving the long spear in his hand and charging towards Bai Ye.

"Eternal Death!"

Hundreds of millions of rays of light erupted from his silver-white spear, more violent than the energy of a hundred thousand suns.

In the 190th world, the chaotic energy in the tidal sea for millions of miles is violently tumbling and rolling, as if it has become extremely unstable.

However, Bai Ye's palm seemed to be able to ignore everything and directly squeeze all the energy of the eighth-order creature. The silver-white spear in his hand was caught by Bai Ye.

The eighth-order creature was horrified. Under his horrified gaze, Bai Ye crushed the silver-white long spear in his hand and completely dissipated in his hand.

Bai Ye's figure also came to him in an instant, looking down at him coldly and said: "Submit or die!"

At this time, Bai Ye seemed to be the only ruler in the world. The eighth-order creature suddenly felt the supreme breath in Bai Ye's body. This was the breath that made him feel fear. As long as he dared to say a word, he believed that Bai Ye would not hesitate. to erase him from this world.

His eyes kept flickering. Although he was very unwilling in his heart, if he didn't know what to do in this situation, he would face destruction. Although his self-esteem was very strong, he didn't want to be killed as soon as he was born. situation.

After thinking and hesitating for a moment, he still lowered his noble head towards Bai Ye, knelt down on one knee to Bai Ye, almost gritted his teeth and said, "I am willing to surrender."

Chapter two hundred and fifty seventh: come back

Seeing that the noble head of the eighth-order creature lowered its head to express submission, Bai Ye nodded slightly, and with a wave of his hand, he tore apart the gray space of a million miles, and the world regained its color.

Seeing that Bai Ye easily tore open his own Dao domain, the pupils of the white-level creatures shrank, and now he knows how big the gap between himself and Bai Ye is, and now he is completely convinced.

"Get up, what's your name?"

Bai Ye looked at the eighth-order creature with his hands behind his back and said.

"As the master sees, I have just been born and I don't have a name yet, and I hope the master will give me a name."

The eighth-order creature respectfully spoke to Bai Ye.

"No name yet?"

Bai Ye glanced at him.


Bai Ye was silent for a moment, and then he said, "You are derived from Wan Dao, your root is Dao, and you will be called Daoyan in the future."

"Daoyan, Daoyan, this name is not bad, it fits my background very well, thank you master for giving me the name."

The eighth-order creature accepted Bai Ye's name and thanked Bai Ye.

"Well, follow me in the future, you will never bury you, follow me, your future potential will be developed to the maximum extent, well, I will take away this Dao Law Pool, you should not object?"

Bai Ye glanced at the eighth-order creature, Daoyan, and said.

Daoyan glanced at the Dao Law Pool at the moment and said, "Everything is at the disposal of the master."

Bai Ye nodded slightly, without any ambiguity. With a wave of his hand, the endless Dao Law Pool vibrated, and rose to the ground in front of everyone's eyes, quickly shrinking into Zhang Fan's hands.

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