Several people looked at him in disbelief and said.

They were already shocked by Dao Yan's identity at this time.

Being able to be accepted as a servant by Bai Ye and brought out from the tide of the world must be very difficult. They know that Bai Ye's vision is very high. If they want to become Bai Ye's servants, it is impossible.

Not to mention that it is impossible for them to be the other fifth-order sixth-order powerhouses, just don't know if seventh-order powerhouses can.

Immediately, they became very curious about Dao Yan's strength.

But Daoyan just took a sip of tea and didn't speak. He didn't want to tell them too many secrets about him.

"Then what strength are you now?"

Bai Zhantang looked at Daoyan and said carefully.

He was very curious about Dao Yan's strength, and he could be accepted as a servant by Bai Ye, but he wanted to see what was special about Dao Yan.

"According to the master, I am currently at the eighth level."

Daoyan put down the teacup, glanced at them, and said lightly.

"Eight... Eighth-order?! Oh my God, are you an eighth-order super powerhouse?!"

Tong Xiangyu's face suddenly froze, looking at Daoyan with wide eyes and said.

Bai Zhantang and the others did the same, their movements were stagnant, as if they were frozen there.

"What happen to you guys?"

Daoyan looked at their stiff expressions and asked.

After he said this, a few people came back to their senses and said, "No... nothing, we were just too surprised. By the way, guest officer, what do you want to eat, just speak up, today's meal is free."

Bai Zhantang quickly courted Daoyan.

"Free? Not good, you should be paid for food."

Daoyan frowned as he looked at their sudden change of attitude and said.

"It's just a meal of wine and food. It's not worth a lot of money. As long as you are satisfied, it's an honor for the store."

Bai Zhantang continued.

"Yes, yes, it's just a meal, it's nothing. With a big man like you visiting our small shop, the foremen Tongfu Inn is simply full of brilliance."

Tong Xiangyu reacted and smiled enthusiastically at Daoyan.

Daoyan looked at them and shook his head and said, "No, even though my Daoyan was just born, I still know that you have the rules in this world. You should give money when you eat. My Daoyan will definitely not obey the rules.".

Chapter [*]: The Awakening of Terrorist Creatures

"This one……"

Seeing Daoyan being so serious, Bai Zhantang and the others were stunned. They didn't expect Daoyan to be so principled.

"Well, I see that your strength is so low, so I will improve your strength Leng, and it will be a meal."

Dao Yan thought about it seriously and said.

"Increase strength?"

Hearing Daoyan's words, the eyes of several people suddenly lit up. They are also able to have high strength like other powerhouses. If Daoyan can improve their strength, that would be great.

Before they could react, Dao Yan sat there, pointed out, and a few soft rays of light shot out, submerging into the bodies of several people.

Immediately, Bai Zhantang, Tong Xiangyu, Lu Xiucai, Guo Furong, including Mo Xiaobei in the back kitchen and in the room all underwent great changes.

rub rub...

The strength of several people is like sitting on a rocket, and they are rapidly improving~.

"Tier [*]! My-strength has reached Tier [*]!"

Bai Zhantang observed the situation on his body in disbelief, and said blankly.

Dao Yan just raised his strength to Tier [*] with a random shot?What kind of magic trick is this?

The same goes for the rest of Tong Xiang, Yu Lu Xiucai, Guo Furong, and a few others. Li Dazui and Mo Xiaobei ran out of the back kitchen and the room as if they had seen a ghost.

"Sister-in-law, my strength has improved! I have reached the fourth rank!"

"The shopkeeper, so am I!"

But when they saw Bai Zhantang and several others, they were stunned. After their strength improved, they found that Bai Zhantang, Tong Xiangyu, Lu Xiucai, and Guo Furong were in the same realm as them.

"The shopkeeper, you? Also improved?"

Li Dazui and Mo Xiaobei looked at Tong Xiangyu and others in disbelief and said.

They thought that God favored them and gave him a boost in strength. Unexpectedly, Tong Xiangyu and others, like them, suddenly became fourth-order masters.

Tong Xiangyu and Bai Zhantang looked at Li Dazui and Mo Xiaobei, who were also very surprised. Obviously Dazui and Xiaobei were not here, how could they have improved their strength?

Could it be that the Dao Yan in front of him is not an immortal and can perceive everything?

In fact, this is nothing to Daoyan, not to mention a small inn, even if it is a million miles, tens of thousands of miles, or even hundreds of millions of miles... Across time and space, he can clearly observe everything, a small The small inn has a range of more than ten meters, and there are a few people he can see clearly at a glance.

Since it is to improve their strength, Dao Yan simply is more generous, and improves the strength of all the people in the entire inn.

As an eighth-order super powerhouse, it is still easy to upgrade their strength to the fourth-order, and he can easily do it even at a higher realm, but he thinks that the fourth-order strength is enough for them. .

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