"Kneel down and thank you, this master, he is the one who made the move, and the foreheads have such a great fortune."

Shocked for a moment, Tong Xiangyu turned around and spoke to Bai Zhantang and several people from Li Dazui.

With that said, Tong Xiangyu was about to bring a few people to kneel towards Daoyan, and Daoyan put his hands up, and before they all bowed down, he helped them all up.

He looked at a few people and said with a light smile: "You don't have to be so polite, this is just a transaction. I improved your strength just to exchange money for a meal. By the way, can I serve it now?"

"Okay, okay, Dazui will cook all of your best dishes for the benefactor to taste, and Zhantang will go and take out the good wines collected in our store, remember to take the best ones!"

Tong Xiangyu came back to his senses and hurriedly instructed Li Dazui and Bai Zhantang.

"Xiusai, Furong, you two, rub your shoulders and backs for your benefactor."

Tong Xiangyu concealed his inner joy at this time, and was busy commanding everyone.

Lu Xiucai and Guo Furong hurriedly came to Daoyan's side and wanted to rub Daoyan's shoulders and back, but Daoyan hurriedly stopped him and said, "No, I just want to taste the food and drink of the world, you don't have to serve me. "

"Benefactor, don't be polite to the foreheads, we should serve you."

Seeing that Daoyan refused to serve Lu Xiucai and Guo Furong, Tong Xiangyu hurriedly said with a smile.

She gave Lu Xiucai and Guo Furong a look and told them to continue, but at this time Daoyan frowned slightly and said, "I said no, don't let me repeat it a second time."

Seeing Daoyan's face changing color, Tong Xiangyu's smile froze there, then he waved his hand to Lu Xiucai and Guo Furong and said, "Since the benefactor doesn't want you to serve, then you all go down."

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Lu Xiucai and Guo Furong quickly retreated.

Tong Xiangyu turned his eyes and said to Daoyan with a smile: "Since the benefactor doesn't like it, then we will let the benefactor eat and drink well today."

Tong Xiangyu sat beside Daoyan and talked with him.

Soon the food and beverages were served.

"Benefactor, try it, this is my favorite Babao chicken, sweet and sour carp, steamed hairy crab, and braised beef with sauce..."

Li Dazui introduced the characteristics of several of his dishes to Daoyan.

Daoyan smelled the fragrance, picked up his chopsticks and tasted it, nodded and said, "Yes, it is indeed delicious, I have never eaten human food."


"That's right, come and let me pour the wine and eat these dishes, it will be even more delicious with the aged flower carvings from our store."

Tong Xiangyu hurriedly poured a big bowl of wine for Daoyan.

Daoyan took a sip, smacked his mouth and said, "Yes, it is indeed more fragrant and delicious. It is really delicious. The food in the world is really delicious."

Seeing Daoyan eating happily, Tong Xiangyu and Li Dazui all showed happy smiles.

"Slow down..."

Daoyan became happier the more he ate, and the more he ate, the more appetizing he felt, and finally he grabbed the Babao Chicken and gnawed it.

Just when Daoyan was feasting at Tongfu Inn, there was a big movement in the tidal sea of ​​the world.

At this time, the tide of the world surged violently, it seemed that some kind of balance was broken, and the extremely terrifying creatures recovered.


"Who is so bold to break into the tide of the world!"

In the depths of the world's tidal sea, a giant who does not know how tall stood up and looked down at the whole world's tidal sea. The vast and loud voice echoed and rolled in the whole world's tidal sea!

This tall giant is condensed from endless chaotic energy. His eyes are like the sun and the moon spinning, and the terrifying aura is like the endless ocean pressing toward the entire endless tide.

At this time, everyone in the tidal sea of ​​the world felt a terrifying aura like Tianwei.

"This terrifying coercion, is there an incomparably terrifying creature awakening?!"

At this time, the powerhouses who were searching for treasures in all corners looked up at the sky one after another.So.

Chapter [-]: Ninth-order creatures?

"Get out now!"

Somewhere in the tide sea of ​​the world, Ye Fan, Duan De Wushi the Great, and the Ruthless Great Emperor all felt the danger, and hurriedly headed for the exit of the world tide sea.

They could feel how terrifying the breath of this sudden recovery was, and just a wisp of breath made them feel cold.

Definitely not in their power.

Many of the other powerhouses also felt the terrifying and dangerous aura, and hurriedly fled towards the exit regardless of the treasure in front of them.

At this time, Daoyan in Zhutian City also felt a terrifying aura. He raised his head slightly, put down the Babao Chicken in his hand, and suddenly disappeared in the Tongfu Inn.


Seeing the figure of Daoyan disappearing suddenly, Tong Xiangyu and the others were stunned. They were talking, but Daoyan's figure suddenly disappeared.

They rushed to the door and saw Dao Yan stopped in front of the world entrance in the sky. At the same time, Bai Ye's figure also appeared.

Bai Ye glanced at Daoyan, whose mouth was full of oil, and chuckled lightly, "Are you still happy to eat?"

Daoyan responded with a smile: "The delicacy in the world can only be known if you taste it."

Then he looked closely at the tide sea of ​​the world, his eyes shone with eternal light, and through the distance of time and space, he saw the creatures in the very depths of the tide sea of ​​the world.

"What did you see?"

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