Bai Ye quietly stood aside and said.

"Those terrifying guys in the world tide sea have awakened, and they must be withdrawn immediately, otherwise, it will be dangerous."

Dao Yan retracted his eyes and said to Bai Ye.

"Well, it's almost time, and it's time to withdraw them. Let's go in and have a look."

Saying that, Bai Ye stepped into the world channel one step at a time.

Dao Yan also followed.

There is nothing to worry about with Bai Ye in Daoyan. In his opinion, although the creatures in the extreme depths of the world's tide sea are very terrifying, Bai Ye should not be weaker than the other party.

Bai Ye stood on the edge of the world tide sea and said loudly: "The world tide sea treasure hunt time is over, everyone will come out and withdraw!"

Although his voice was not very loud, it was clearly heard in everyone's ears.

At this time, everyone in the tide sea of ​​the world heard Bai Ye's voice, and they all retreated, and they rushed towards the world channel like a tide.

The fastest ones are Ye Fan Duan De, the Great Emperor Wushi, the Great Emperor Ruthless Man, the Undying Emperor, and the seventh-order powerhouses such as Wutian and Feipeng Zhonglou. Their speed is very fast, with a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles. For them, it is only between breaths.

The rest of the powerhouses are much slower.

"Want to leave? Since you're in, don't go out, stay here forever!"

The huge giant who is almost as high as the sky in the depths of the world's tidal sea said coldly.

There is an endless amount of chaotic energy that is constantly permeating around him, and there are even stars surrounding him, which looks extremely terrifying.

"Daoyan, you move them all out."

Bai Ye said to Daoyan beside him.

Bai Ye can clearly feel that the giants in the deepest tidal seas of the world are very terrifying, and their realm of strength is at least at the peak of the eighth-order or even the ninth-order!

He can't be the slightest sloppy.

After listening, Daoyan took the lead and said, "It's the master!"

Daoyan suddenly turned into a million rays of light, rushing towards the tide of the world, without a single rays of light, wrapping every strong man, before they could react, they felt their feet light, and they were instantly transferred by Daoyan came out.

In the endless void, hundreds of millions of figures suddenly appeared.

"Take them in quickly."

Bai Ye looked at the dense figure in front of him and said.


Daoyan waved his hand, and all the billions of figures in front of him were taken away by him.

He is about to go to the entrance of the world.

Just as his figure disappeared towards the entrance of the world, the huge giant of the world's tide sea snorted coldly, and the endless void was suddenly frozen. Daoyan's figure stayed in place, and it was impossible to move.

Ye Fan and others were completely frozen there.

At this moment, time and space seemed to be completely frozen.

"Let's go? Did you agree with me? A group of ants still want to escape under the eyes of this seat! This seat has said that since you have come in, you will stay here forever, and go into the endless tide sea to hunt for treasures. What are the treasures of the endless tide sea? Can you ants get your hands on it? Obliterate them all!"

The huge giant in the depths of the world's tide sea stretched out a finger, a chaotic eternal fairy light, crossed the distance of time and space, and attacked Bai Ye and others directly...  

At this time, Dao Yan, Ye Fan and the others, although they couldn't move, their notification was still there, and they felt that their bodies were about to burst when they felt the chaotic light of destruction.

However, just when the terrifying chaotic light was about to approach them, Bai Ye suddenly moved, and he burst out with billions of rays of light, shouting loudly, and the endless void was shaking. Fly out and annihilate the chaotic light that came.

"Ant? You really think highly of yourself. Today I want to see how you want to keep us!"

Bai Ye's eyes burst into endless rays of light, and he said to the huge giant in the depths of the world's tide sea.

With a wave of his hand, he lifted the restraint of Ye Fan Daoyan and others.

Daoyan, Ye Fan and the others saw that their bodies had resumed their actions, and hurriedly headed towards the entrance of the world.

With the city lord present, they also returned to the city of the heavens with confidence.

"Finally regaining freedom, it's really terrifying, that terrifying creature actually banned all time and space across the endless starry sky. This method is simply too perverted."

Duan De, who returned to Zhutian City, said with some fear.

"I'm afraid this terrifying powerhouse has reached the ninth-order realm, right?"

Ye Fan and the others stopped at the entrance of the world and looked at the creatures at the entrance of the world.

It's too easy for such terrifying creatures to kill them, I'm afraid they can all be wiped out with a single finger!

2.1 If it wasn't for the city lord to take action, they would have turned into the dust of the universe.

"The ninth order, it should not be there yet. Although the strength of the creature is very terrifying, it should not have reached the level of ninth order. If it is really a ninth order creature, we can annihilate one of his thoughts, and we don't need to take action at all. !"

Daoyan on the side also stared at the entrance of the world, took Ye Fan's words and said.

He was born in the eighth-order realm very clearly, what kind of realm the ninth-order is, that is not the realm they can imagine.

"How do you know he's not in the ninth-order realm?"

Duan De looked at Dao Yan curiously and asked.

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