In his opinion, the terrifying creature was simply invincible. He had never seen such a terrifying and powerful creature. .

Chapter [*]: The horror showdown has come to an end

"It's very simple, with the energy of the world tide sea, it should not be able to breed ninth-order creatures. If there are ninth-order creatures, they can basically ignore the barriers of the heavens and the world, and it is impossible to stay in the world tide sea. On the one hand, if the opponent is really a ninth-order creature, even if we escape to Zhutian City, it will not help, the ninth-order supreme powerhouse can easily smash the world barrier and kill it."

Dao Yan spoke quietly.

The ninth-order supreme powerhouse, it can be said that nothing can stop his footsteps, no matter how many worlds are separated or endless time and space, he can kill the people he wants to kill!Nothing can stop it.

"The ninth-order powerhouse, is it so scary?!"

Duan De, who was beside him, said blankly.

"It's more than terrifying. In the eyes of the ninth-order supreme powerhouses, all living beings are insignificant ants in their eyes. A single thought can destroy the world of the heavens, and raising a hand can create a big world, like that. Powerhouses are not what we can imagine, if 29th-order powerhouses can still have the concept of the world, then for the ninth-order powerhouses, there are no rules and world restrictions at all, it is completely another level of life."

Dao Yan spoke again.

"How did you know this?"

Ye Fan listened next to him, suddenly turned his head to look at Dao Yan and asked.

Although Daoyan is an eighth-order powerhouse, he was just born out of it. He should have never seen a ninth-order powerhouse, right?

Where did he get this information from?

Ye Fan was quite puzzled.

Daoyan retracted his gaze from a distance, glanced at Ye Fan lightly and said, "You will know when you reach the eighth level, when you reach the eighth level, your soul will have an unknown realm starry sky, which will flash in your mind from time to time. Some clips, the way of your soul, will have a feeling for the supreme realm, it is very mysterious, very difficult to explain, and you will naturally understand when you reach the eighth order."

Dao Yan gave a simple explanation, but it was difficult for him to explain the specific things.

Ye Fan and the others fell silent when they heard Daoyan's words.

"Eighth-order? It seems that we need to break through as soon as possible. After the event of this world tide sea is over, I am afraid that the city of the heavens will be upgraded again, and I am afraid that there will be a lot of eighth-order powerhouses coming."

At this time, Ye Fan also had a very strong desire to break through the eighth order.

In the eyes of the ninth-order supreme powerhouses, they are all ants, but their seventh-order powerhouses are not ants to the eighth-order powerhouses with high strength.

After seeing so much, Ye Fan also felt some pressure at this time.


In the endless tidal sea, Bai Ye emits hundreds of millions of rays of light, like a hundred thousand suns gathered together, illuminating the entire endless tidal sea, facing the huge giant in the extreme depths of the world's tidal sea.

"This seat is really misunderstood. I didn't expect that in this low-dimensional universe, there is actually a strong person like you. This seat has not met an opponent for a long time. Today, I can exercise my muscles and bones well."

The huge giant in the depths of the world's tide sea, a pair of huge eyes kept turning, and the rays of terror and destruction continued to burst out, floating out a chain of order, as if all the rules were in his hands.

"The world is shattered!"

The huge giant shouted loudly, the whole world tidal sea continued to roll violently, countless worlds were shattered, and the endless void was constantly collapsing. The big hand grabbed it towards Bai Ye.

The destructive power of one after another source is constantly permeating, and the entire endless void has become a little unstable, and it seems that it can't bear his power.

However, Bai Ye just glanced at him faintly, and also stuck out a hand to shoot it out. Endless rays of light erupted, the void was directly shattered by the town, and the chaotic energy continued to permeate, bursting out endless space-dimensional rays of light.

Like a catastrophic explosion, the void black hole continued to spread, swallowing everything.

The power of the two seems to have reached the limit that this universe can withstand, and the countless stars in the endless void are constantly shaking and falling.


Two terrifying, incomprehensible palms faced each other in the void, and an endless force of destruction erupted in the void. The endless void completely collapsed, and an unimaginably large black hole appeared and expanded rapidly, as if to this place. The universe was completely swallowed up.

Seeing this situation, Bai Ye hurriedly retreated to the front of the world passage, and the huge giant was desperately resisting the shattered huge black hole.

"Enjoy it!"

Bai Ye glanced at the huge giant in the very depths of the world's tide sea, and said coldly.

When the black hole was about to expand in front of him, Bai Ye headed into the world channel and returned to Zhutian City, where the world channel was closed.

Before the world passage was completely closed, the roar of a huge giant in the very depths of the world's tide sea could be heard.

Dao Yan and Ye Fan, who were watching from the outside, were stunned when they looked at the scene inside, and their bodies felt a little cold.

The scene was too terrifying, it was like destroying the world. They didn't know if the unimaginable black hole at the end appeared, and it would swallow the tide of the world into it.

"Daoyan, let all those strong people out."

At this time, Bai Ye took away all the light and breath, and opened his mouth to Daoyan 193 times.

"Yes, Master, do you want to release them all?"

Daoyan looked at the size of Zhutian City and said to Bai Ye.

He was worried that Zhutian City would not be able to accommodate more than [*] million people.

"Xiao Bai, open various world channels."

Bai Ye said to Xiao Bai in his heart.


Soon many world passages appeared in the sky above Zhutian City, Bai Ye turned to Daoyan and said: "Put them into the corresponding world, the powerhouses above the fifth rank, you can ask their opinions, they are Would you like to stay in Zhutian City or return to the original world, this shouldn’t be difficult for you, right?”

"This is simple. They all have the breath of their respective worlds, and it is easy to identify them."

Daoyan said with a slight smile.

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