
Unknowingly, just a few more days passed, and after Zhutian City was calm for a few days, the representatives of the major worlds came to Zhutian City again. They were all waiting for Bai Ye to leave the customs, so they took care of their affairs.

"Is this the list your world needs for fusion?"

Shen Wansan looked at the list of several world collections in his hand, and said to Xiao Xuan, Wutian, Wang Lin, generals... and others.

"Yes, we have discussed it, and then trouble Mr. Shen to inform the Lord of the City."

Wutian said with a smile on the side.

"Since you have discussed it, it's no problem. When the Lord of the City leaves the customs, I will definitely give this list to the Lord of the City."

Shen Wansan said with a faint smile.

"Then trouble Mr. Shen."

"You're welcome." Nai.

Chapter [*]: Monkey King and King Quan

"However, this time, the seclusion time of Lord City Master is much longer than before. I hope you will wait patiently."

Shen Wansan said again.

"It doesn't matter, as long as Mr. Shen can convey what we mean."

Wang Lin was on the side and said with a smile.


While they were talking, two people walked in at the entrance of Zhutian City.

A little doll in the shape of a child, and a young man in a martial arts uniform, they squinted their eyes and were very curious about everything in front of them.

"Where is this place, Ah Quan."

The young man in the martial arts uniform is the Monkey King of the Dragon Ball World, and the child-like doll standing next to him is the supreme being of the Dragon Ball world, King Quan.

He touched the back of his head, tilted his head and looked at the little King Quanwang and said.

"I don't know either."

King Quan touched his bald head, smashed his eyes and said.

As if he was also wondering, he had come to some strange place. He remembered that he had played games with Sun Wukong in the Temple of All Kings before, and suddenly two mysterious cards flew into the hands of him and Sun Wukong.

Immediately after, a strange voice sounded in their minds: "Do you enter the heavens?"

For the playful King Quan and Sun Wukong, they agreed without thinking, and then they disappeared in the Hall of King Quan and came to this unfamiliar space.

It doesn't seem to exist in any space in their universe, because Jeon King doesn't feel any familiar breath at all, and it even loses contact with the original Dragon Ball universe.

This makes Sun Wukong feel very strange.

Although they were puzzled, they were not afraid and slowly marched towards the city of the heavens. The moment they stepped into the city of the heavens, a series of information was passed into their minds.

After a while they were all digested.

"Zhutian City? What kind of place is this? It looks very powerful."

Sun Wukong said with a somewhat naive expression.

"Yeah, it looks so fun here, there are a lot of people, their breath seems to be very strong."

King Quan slowly flew into the air, looked around, and flew away before he knew it.

"Aquan, wait for me."

Sun Wukong shouted from behind.

King Quan was overjoyed to have come to a new place, and felt that everything around him was very fresh.

"A new guest is here."

In front of Zhutianlou, Wutian, Wang Lin, Shen Wansan and the others looked at Sun Wukong and King Quan, and said lightly.

"Will they be people from the seventh-order world?"

Wang Lin looked at King Quan and Sun Wukong floating in the air and said.

"It doesn't look like it, but they don't feel so powerful."

Xiao Xuan frowned slightly and said.

"Eighth-order powerhouses should not be detected by us. Whether they come from the seventh-order world, or even from the sixth-order world, their strength should be above the seventh-order, so they cannot judge others by their appearance."

Wutian said from the side.

The rest of the people nodded in agreement. With the current level of Zhutian City, at least the invited customers should be the powerhouses in the sixth-order world.

Therefore, even if the strength of the two in front of them is weak, they should not be too weak.

Just as Sun Wukong and King Quan were wandering around in Zhutian City, Daoyan suddenly appeared in front of them.

"What rank world do you two come from?"

Daoyan looked at King Quan and Sun Wukong and said.

"So strong!"

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