Sun Wukong is very sensitive to the strong, and Daoyan feels that he is stronger than Beerus and Weiss.

"What tier world? I don't know either."

King Quan looked at Dao Yan and opened his mouth with big eyes.

King Quan didn't know what rank his world belonged to, and he felt very at a loss for Daoyan's question.

"I don't know? Then you go to register first. When the time comes, your world rank will be found out."

Daoyan spoke to the dazed King Quan and Sun Wukong.

The two nodded inexplicably.

"Come with me."

Dao Yan said lightly.

King Quan and Sun Wukong followed Daoyan and came to the Zhutian Tower. Daoyan said to Shen Wansan, "Make a registration for them."

"Yes, Lord Daoyan."

Shen Wansan said with a smile.

Shen Wansan knew that Daoyan was Bai Ye's servant, that is, the city lord's own person, so he called him as an adult. After all, he knew that Daoyan was an eighth-order super powerhouse, and he would not show any disrespect...... .....

Shen Wansan used the scanning function of Zhutian City to shine on King Quan and Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong

Strength level: seventh-order low

Original World: Dragon Ball Super (Tier [-])



Strength level: eighth-order low

Original World: Dragon Ball Super (Tier [-])

After checking the strength background of King Quan and Sun Wukong, everyone was very shocked. The little doll in front of him was actually an eighth-order powerhouse?

Daoyan didn't think of this, because he didn't feel any aura belonging to the eighth-order powerhouse on King Quan's body.

King Quan looks like a child, harmless to humans and animals, and looks very cute. If you don't know, you would think that King Quan is the son of Sun Wukong.

But no one would have thought that such a harmless child would be an eighth-order super powerhouse!

Sure enough, you can't judge a person's strength by appearance.

Sun Wukong's performance did not surprise them, a seventh-order powerhouse was not enough to surprise them.

It's just that the name Sun Wukong made them feel a little surprised. They knew that this name belonged to the monkey, but they didn't expect that people in other worlds would also call the name Sun Wukong.

But they were not too surprised.

What shocked them the most was the unremarkable King Quan Wang.

However, after everyone 2.1 was shocked for a moment, they quickly recovered.

"Do you need anything?"

The calm Shen Wansan looked at King Quan and Sun Wukong and said.


King Quan and Sun Wukong touched the back of their heads together, obviously they didn't quite understand the meaning of Shen Wansan's words.

Shen Wansan looked at the dazed and puzzled expressions of the two of them, and said with a slight smile: "Whatever needs or wishes you have, I can satisfy you here. If it is a difficult special request, you all need to wait. "

"Wish? Can you fulfill your wish here?"

Sun Wukong looked at Shen Wansan in surprise and said.

Shen Wansan smiled and nodded and said: "Of course, as long as you can pay enough value points, we can fulfill any wishes.".

Chapter [-]: The Angry King of All

"Wish can be fulfilled, is that the same function as Shenlong?"

Sun Wukong smashed his eyes and said.


People are puzzled.

They don't know what the dragon said by Sun Wukong is?Is it a dragon that can fulfill other people's wishes?

See people wondering.

Sun Wukong didn't know how to explain it for a while, so he patted the back of his head and said, "Actually, I don't have any desires, if I want to say anything, it is to keep getting stronger, becoming as strong as him, or even stronger than him. bigger and stronger!"

Speaking, he pointed to Daoyan, and finally his attitude became a little serious.

Daoyan looked at him, grinned and said with a light smile: "Interesting, if you want to become as strong as me, or even better than me, then you have to practice for a lot of years."

Daoyan was not dissatisfied with Sun Wukong's direct pointing at him.

He can understand if he wants to become stronger, but there are few people with straight temperament like Sun Wukong, but she likes this kind of temperament a little. Such people are often easier to communicate with.

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