"He? What happened to him? Are you afraid of a child?"

Bai Zhantang said with a smile.

After he said that, he came to King Quan, touched his bald little head and said, "This little doll is very cute, as for scaring you like that? Speaking of which, you two don't like children very much. ?"

At this moment, King Quan was concentrating on eating, completely ignoring whether anyone touched him or not, as if he didn't feel anything.

"you you……"

Tong Xiangyu and Guo Furong's eyes widened immediately. They were so frightened that they were speechless when they saw that Bai Zhantang dared to touch King Quan's bald head.

"You guys, what happened today?"

Bai Zhantang saw that Tong Xiangyu and Guo Furong's expressions had changed, and he said with great confusion, he suddenly felt that the shopkeeper and Guo Furong were acting very strange today.

It was as if he was stroking a demon king.

At this time, Daoyan looked at the situation in front of him, shook his head slightly, walked to Bai Zhantang and said softly, "Do you know who he is?"

"Who else could he be? Isn't he just a child?"

Bai Zhantang obviously didn't know, and simply said.

Daoyan shook his head slightly and looked at Bai Zhantang and said, "If he was just an ordinary child, do you think they could be scared like that?"

Bai Zhantang seemed to feel something was wrong when he heard what he said, and asked Daoyan nervously, "Who is he? You won't tell me that he is a super strong man, will you?"

Daoyan nodded and said: "You guessed it right, he is indeed a super strong, and he is an eighth-order strong like me."

"Eighth-order? Are you kidding me?"

Bai Zhantang's eyes widened and he said incredulously.

"Do you think I'm kidding you?"

Daoyan smiled lightly.

Bai Zhantang looked at Daoyan's serious appearance, his hands suddenly became stiff, and when he saw that his hand was still on King Quan's small head, he showed a crying expression, and he slowly moved his hand from King Quan's small head. move up.

However, just as he moved his hand away, King Quan suddenly looked up at him.

At this glance, Bai Zhantang almost didn't cry.

"¨"Yes...sorry...sorry, I didn't know you were..."

Bai Zhantang showed a smile that was uglier than crying as he watched King Quan stammered and said.

However, before he could finish speaking, King Quan suddenly showed him a cute smile, and said in a milky voice, "It's very comfortable, continue."

Hearing what he said, Bai Zhantang was a little stunned.

"Comfortable? Continue?"

"Haha... It seems that Ah Quan enjoys your touch, go ahead, or Ah Quan will be unhappy."

Sun Wukong was also feasting on the side, his mouth was full of meat, he looked up at Bai Zhantang and said.

Bai Zhantang stood there, dumbfounded.

Daoyan glanced at him and said, "Then you will have to work hard for you."

With that said, he also sat down, ate and drank C.

At this time, Bai Zhantang was looking at King Quan's bald little head, and he had a different taste. At this time, King Quan's little head was no longer chubby, but rather like a landmine.

However, King Quan had already spoken, and he didn't dare to go against it.

It was a pleasure to touch King Quan's little head before, but this time can be said to be very tormented, it can be said that his hands are stiff at this time.

He didn't expect that King Quan still had the habit of making people touch his head.

At this time, a strange scene was formed in the Tongfu Inn. Three people were sitting and eating and drinking. A man stood behind a child and kept stroking his bald head.


Just as a few people were eating and drinking, Bai Ye, who was on the top floor of the Zhutian Building, officially broke through to the eighth-order realm, and strands of chaotic energy continued to permeate from his body, and the aura of the Great Dao reverberated on the top floor of the entire Zhutian Building.

"Finally broke through, this eighth-order realm is really completely different, and now I feel like I can squeeze a big world with my hand."

Bai Ye suddenly opened his eyes, and endless stars were born and died in his eyes. .

Chapter [-]: White Night's Thoughts

At this time, Bai Ye's temperament has completely changed and improved, and the breath has become vast and ethereal, seeming to be absent, very mysterious.

There seems to be a kind of detachment without any cause and effect.

He walked slowly to the window, looking at the vast land outside Zhutian City, he suddenly wanted to do something.

"Zhutian City is gradually evolving towards a big world. It seems that some strong people will also be invited to live there. Otherwise, it will be just a city and it will look a bit monotonous."

Bai Ye's eyes were brighter than the stars in the sky, and suddenly some thoughts came to him.

"Oh? Does the city lord want to transform some of the cities of the heavens?"

At this time, Xiao Bai's voice followed.

Bai Ye nodded and said, "To be precise, by applying all the vast land outside Zhutian City, I hope that Zhutian City can accommodate more powerhouses."


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