Xiaobai seemed a little curious and then asked.

"Specifically, make use of all the seemingly redundant land, make this place a complete world, invite many potential powerhouses to live here, and make the world of Zhutiancheng more prosperous."

Bai Ye's bright eyes shone slightly and said.

Xiaobai was silent for a moment, as if thinking about something, and then said: "It sounds good, the world of Zhutiancheng will definitely become the most advanced world in 197. If you cultivate a group of potential powerhouses now, for It is a good plan for the future.”

Obviously Xiaobai understood Bai Ye's thoughts and agreed.

"Well, now that there are more and more high-level powerhouses, it's time to start working on it."

Bai Ye said softly to himself.

Saying that, he stepped out of the All Heavens Tower.

With his appearance, Shen Wansan hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Sir City Lord, you are out of the customs. The powerhouses in the world of the heavens have been waiting for you for a while."

"Oh? What's the matter with them?"

Bai Ye glanced at Shen Wansan lightly and said.

"Yes, they want to fuse the world. Here is a list of all the worlds that need to be fused together. Check it out."

Shen Wansan said respectfully.

With that said, he handed over a list of world fusions to Bai Ye's hands.

Bai Ye took over the list in his hand, glanced at it lightly, and said quietly: "They actually divided all the worlds into four types of worlds and merged them. It's still a bit elegant to see."

"Yes, the world is divided into four categories, but they discussed it repeatedly for a long time before finally finalizing the list."

Shen Wansan took over the words and said.

"Hmph, it seems that after seeing the promotion of Zhutian City, they felt a sense of oppression." Bai Ye smiled lightly, and then he changed his tone: "However, the integration of the world is not in a hurry, and now I have it. With the new plan, I guess they won't have any plans to integrate the world after they hear it."

"Oh? Lord City Lord, what are your plans?"

Shen Wansan suddenly said curiously.

"Now that the world of Zhutian City has become extremely vast, it cannot be left empty like this. I plan to hold another auction to auction off all the land rights."

Bai Ye said lightly.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Shen Wansan immediately understood Bai Ye's meaning, and said, "What does the city lord mean, do you want to expand the scope of Zhutian City's urban construction and develop the world of Zhutian City into a world with a prosperous population?"

Bai Ye glanced at Shen Wansan approvingly and said, "You're smart, I'll leave this to you."

"Yes, but when is the date of this auction set?"

Shen Wansan responded and then asked.

Bai Ye said without thinking: "There is nothing to do now, the sooner the better, and it will be tomorrow."


Shen Wansan responded respectfully.

"The current Zhutian City seems to lack some entertainment facilities, and all the powerhouses seem to have nowhere to stay when they come to Zhutian City."

Bai Ye looked at his Zhutian City, and seemed to feel that something was missing, and muttered to himself in his heart.

"If the city owner wants the city of the heavens to become a little more interesting, he can open the tower of the heavens."

Xiao Bai's voice suddenly sounded.

"The Pagoda of the Heavens? Are there any Pagodas in the City of the Heavens?"

Bai Ye was very unfamiliar with what Xiaobai said about the All-Heaven Tower. As the city lord of All-Heaven City, he never knew that any All-Heaven Tower existed.

"Zhutian Tower is a hidden function of Zhutian City. It takes a huge amount of value points to open it. Originally, I planned to tell the city owner when Zhutian City was promoted to seven stars, but the city owner has brought up this topic now. remembered."

Xiaobai explained lightly.

"So that's the case, so what's so magical about this tower of the heavens?"

Bai Ye asked.

"The Pagoda of the Heavens is divided into nine layers, one layer and one world, corresponding to the nine equal-level worlds of the heavens and the world, regardless of the energy inside and the laws of the Dao are more than a hundred times higher than the outside world, so Cultivating in it can get twice the result with half the effort, and can greatly reduce the time to break through the original realm... There are still many effects, and when it is opened, the city owner will experience it himself, and will naturally understand all of it."

Xiaobai answered quietly.

"It sounds very good. If it really has the effect you said, then this tower of the heavens is really a very attractive place."

Bai Ye was very moved by what Xiao Bai said.

He was all moved, not to mention the powerhouses of the heavens and the world.

"How many value points do you need to open the Tower of the Heavens?"

Then Bai Ye asked about the value points needed to open the Tower of the Heavens.

He vaguely said a very surprising number.

"500 billion value points."

Xiaobai spoke very calmly.

Although Bai Ye was prepared, he was still frightened by the numbers reported by Xiao Bai.

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