"500 billion value points? Did I hear it correctly? It only cost 100 billion value points to be promoted to Zhutian City. It actually takes 500 billion value points to open the Zhutian Tower?!"

Bai Ye said in disbelief.

Xiaobai said very indifferently: "So, I will tell you about this when you promote Zhutian City to Seven Stars, but now you can choose not to open it, just take it as if I told one in advance. information."

"500 billion value points sounds like a lot, but if this auction goes well, it won't be difficult to get 500 billion value points together."

Bai Ye thought carefully in his heart and said.

The sooner the All Heavens Pagoda is opened, the better, so that it can arouse the enthusiasm of the powerhouses in the heavens and the world, and can also quickly cultivate a group of super powerhouses. .

Chapter [*]: The upcoming auction

In the moment when Bai Ye appeared, Wu Tian, ​​who was downstairs in Ju, and other strong men discovered Bai Ye.

"Lord City Lord, you're out."

When a group of people noticed it, they rushed out of the chrysanthemum and went downstairs to the front of Bai Ye.

Bai Ye came back to his senses slightly, glanced at them lightly, and said softly, "You are here to integrate the world, right?"

"Yes, Lord City Lord."

"Now that Zhutian City has been promoted again and connected to the seventh-order world, we also feel a sense of urgency. All of us want to integrate the world and promote to a higher world."

Wutian took a step forward, looked at Bai Ye respectfully and said.

Bai Ye said quietly: "There is no problem with the fusion of other worlds, but it is still very difficult for the sixth-order world to merge into the seventh-order world. It is necessary to have several sixth-order worlds to merge together to be able to reluctantly. It forms a seventh-order world, so if you want to fuse several fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-order worlds together to form a seventh-order world."

As soon as he said these words, he was stunned for a moment~.

"Can't it be merged into a seventh-order world-? Then how about..."

Before Wutian could finish his words, Bai Ye said with a chuckle, "You don't have to worry about this, integrating the world is nothing more than raising the world level, so that there are no constraints and obstacles in your cultivation path. Today, the world of Zhutiancheng has already It has become incomparably vast and is evolving towards a seventh-order world. The world breakers or the world's top powerhouses among you can come to the world of Zhutian City and open up an area to cultivate and live."

"Lord City Lord, do you mean to develop the world of Zhutian City?!"

After Wutian heard it, his eyes widened slightly and he looked at Bai Ye and said.

Bai Ye nodded slightly.

"The news will be sent out soon, and an auction will be held tomorrow. At that time, the powerhouses in the world of the heavens can bid for a piece of territory. As long as the territory is auctioned, they can build a city and open a residence and live forever."

Bai Ye smiled lightly and said.


Bai Ye said these few words, and all the powerhouses present exploded. Can they build a city and open a mansion in the world of the heavens?This is something they can't imagine.

They know that the city of the heavens will continue to upgrade, and the world of the heavens will also evolve and advance. If they can acquire a piece of land in the world of the city of the heavens, then their future cultivation will not have any constraints.

The only thing that makes them reluctant is their feelings for their hometown, but if they have enough value points and rank a large area, then they can even connect all their relatives and friends into the world of heaven.

The Zhutiancheng world is big enough, even if they move all of their worlds, there is no problem. The current Zhutiancheng world can be said to be the prototype of a big thousand world, which is many times larger than their middle thousand world.

So even if they build a small world in the world of the heavens there will be no problem.

From the meaning of Bai Ye's words, as long as they can get the land, they can develop at will, so in this case, they have nothing to worry about.

They can completely transfer their own family or the top powerhouses of the original world to the world of the heavens, so that their circle of friends, social circles, and life circles have not changed.

As for the ordinary people of the original world, they have nothing to do with them.

Just when they were in shock and thinking, Bai Ye had disappeared in front of them.

Seeing Bai Ye disappear, they were stunned, and they still had many questions to ask.

However, at this time, Shen Wansan took a slight step forward and said, "Everyone, tomorrow is the opening time of the auction. You should go back and prepare enough value points for the auction tomorrow."

"How many value points are needed?"

Someone asked.

"Of course, the more the better. The value point has not yet been determined, but there will definitely be regions with high and low value, and it should be able to meet everyone's requirements."

Shen Wansan said with a smile.

Everyone suddenly fell silent, they silently left the Zhutianlou, and quickly returned to their original worlds.


Afterwards, the matter about the auction of land in the world of the heavens was spread through the world of the heavens through the mobile phone of the heavens.

Cover the world.

In the restricted area of ​​the Great Ruthless Man, Ye Fan, Duan De, the Great Emperor Wushi and others were discussing things in the world of Zhutiancheng.

They originally wanted to enter the fairyland together to kill the undead emperor, but suddenly received such news.

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"All Heavens World Auction Area, everyone, what do you think?"

Ye Fan spoke first.

"Zhutian World auction area, this is a good thing, the energy contained in Zhutiancheng world is much stronger than our world, and Zhutiancheng world still has the possibility of infinite promotion, if we can be in Zhutiancheng world If we can take pictures of an area, it will be very beneficial for us in the future.”

The pure and beautiful Ruthless Emperor said lightly.

"I also think it's good. The growth potential of our world is far less than that of the world of Zhutiancheng. Even if our world can be promoted to the seventh-order world, it is still incomparable with the growth rate of the world of Zhutiancheng. Staying in the world of Zhutian City for a long time, you will see many supreme powerhouses stronger than us in the future, which is also very beneficial to us."

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