They all know that the Lord of Destruction has always been taciturn and will never fabricate lies to deceive them.

"It's like this..."

Uhtred, watching a few people begin to believe him, told all the information about Zhutian City.

Including the recent auction of land in Zhutiancheng World.

Hearing the other extreme masters froze for a while, they were a little dumbfounded in shock.

"I didn't expect that there is still a magical place in this world, especially that the city lord of Zhutian City can actually take an eighth-order super powerhouse as a slave. This method can be said to be heaven and earth!"

The Lord of Death, Phisoris, was the first to come back to her senses and murmured.  …  

"Yeah, the strength of the eighth-order powerhouse should exceed the four supreme gods. The city lord of Zhutian City can actually make the existence of the strength surpassing the four supreme gods as slaves. His strength is really unimaginable."

Destiny Master Auf also almost babbled.

The Lord of Destruction Utred watched them quietly, knowing that the news was difficult to digest.


Just when they were discussing in secret, they didn't know that outside their world, Hongmeng, sitting quietly in nothingness, was watching them.

"Zhutiancheng World? It sounds like an amazing place. Does such a place really exist in this world?"

Hongmeng muttered to himself.

Since he was born, he has never been aware of the existence of other worlds, and now he heard that there are other worlds that exist, and they are higher than the world he lives in, which immediately makes him interested.

"Zhutiancheng World, it seems that it is time to go out and take a look."

Saying that, he ripped open the Panlong world directly, and without entering, he came directly to the hell where the four rules dominate.

Just as the Four Masters continued to discuss the world of Zhutian City, a tall man with a nihilistic aura appeared beside them.

Seeing the silent appearance of Hongmeng, the four masters were startled.

Actually approaching them without them noticing, the strength of the incoming person is definitely far beyond them.

"Who are you 2.1?!"

Lord of Destruction Utred looked at the visitor coldly and said.

"Who am I? Your world is created by me, who do you say I am?"

Hongmeng glanced at him lightly, and said with a light smile.

"You made our world? You are?"

The Lord of Destiny on the side stared at Hongmeng with wide eyes and said something he couldn't imagine.

"Hehe, don't you believe it? The four supreme gods came out."

Hongmeng kept a smile on his face and said lightly.

As he spoke, the void fluctuated for a while, and the four supreme gods all appeared at once. When they saw Hongmeng, they immediately knelt down and bowed to Hongmeng, and said in unison, "Meet the controller."

The four rule masters watched the four supreme gods kneel and bow to the strange man in front of them, and their eyes were about to pop out. .

Chapter [*]: The arrival of all members of the Dragon Ball Universe

"Don't get down on your knees!"

Looking at the four masters who were there foolishly, a supreme god shouted at them coldly, hitting their souls like thunder.

Amidst this shock, the four of them quickly recovered and knelt down to Hongmeng.

"Bye... meet the controller!"

Hongmeng glanced at them lightly, and said, "Don't be too polite, get up."

"You four go down."

Then Hongmeng spoke to the four supreme gods who were kneeling there.


The four supreme gods were originally transformed by the supreme rules, and there were no emotional fluctuations on their faces. After hearing Hongmeng's words, they disappeared in front of several people without any sloppyness.

"Tell me about the city of the heavens that you mentioned."

Immediately afterwards, Hongmeng spoke to the Four Lords again.

"Zhutian City, the controller also knows this Zhutian City?"

The Lord of Destruction looked at Hongmeng in astonishment and said.

The other three also looked at Hongmeng in surprise.

Hongmeng nodded and said: "You don't have to be surprised, any of your actions are under my observation. In my eyes, you don't have any secrets at all. Originally, any operation of your world, rise and fall, I will not have any intervention, but this city of the heavens seems to be a bit strange, I am very interested and want to take a look, but I can't find the existence of this city of the heavens, so I am very curious, Uhtred, you should know how to enter this city of the heavens to see the world, right?"

Uhtred was very shocked that Hongmeng knew about Zhutian City.

But when he realized that their world was created by him, he didn't feel so strange.

The man in front of him is their God of Creation.

Being able to create a sixth-order world, he estimates that Hongmeng should have at least the strength of the eighth-order. If Hongmeng goes to Zhutian City, then he is also an extremely strong person.

With Hongmeng present, their Panlong World will be greatly elevated in the Zhutian City world. With an eighth-order powerhouse as their support, they also feel a little proud and a little confident.

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