"The subordinate knows that if the controller is really interested, the subordinate can take the controller there."

Uhtred said respectfully.

"Well, it seems that you really know how to get to Zhutian City, so are you all ready now?"

Hongmeng nodded slightly and looked at the four rulers and said.

"Ready? Oh...we're all ready to go any time."

They froze for a moment, then reacted and hurriedly said.

"Then you are all ready, so let's go now."

Hongmeng said impatiently.


Destruction Master Uhtred responded respectfully.

As he said that, he took out his ID card, meditated silently, and disappeared in place with Hongmeng and the Four Rulers.


Zhutian City, at this time, the flow of people is gradually increasing. After receiving the news, the powerhouses of all worlds came to Zhutian City for the first time.

Zhutian City World Auction Cultivation Area, this can be said to be a great news for them.

If they can take root in the Zhutian City world, then they don't have to return to the original world, they can directly cultivate and retreat in Zhutian City.

For them, this is equivalent to the feeling of directly buying a house in the city with a rural household registration.

When he came to Zhutian City, Utred, the master of destruction, brought Hongmeng and the masters of the four rules directly to Ju downstairs.

A few of them went directly to the window on the second floor where the chrysanthemum went downstairs.

A few people from Hongmeng sat down and looked at everything outside the window.

"This city of all heavens is really extraordinary. There is such a magical place between heaven and earth, and it can actually attract people from the world of the heavens. What kind of existence will the city owner of this city be."

Hongmeng's eyes swept across every corner of Zhutian City and muttered to himself.

The existence of Zhutiancheng completely broke his cognition. Outside of their universe, there were actually many world universes that he did not know, and this Zhutiancheng was able to connect them all together, which really made him feel. to very shocked.

"I have seen the strength of the city lord of Zhutian City with my own eyes. It is very powerful, and it can even be said to be powerful beyond imagination. The ordinary eighth-order powerhouse is not his opponent at all, even the eighth-order top powerhouse is in front of him. I don’t have the prestige either, my subordinates feel that the strength of the city master of the heavens should have the strength of the ninth-order, or even stronger, otherwise, it will not have the ability to connect the world of the heavens at all.”

Destroyed Master Utred expresses his own opinions and understanding.

"Oh? The ninth order is even stronger? What kind of strength is that?"

Hongmeng's eyes narrowed slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.


With the passage of time, there are more and more powerhouses in Zhutian City, and almost all the powerhouses in the fifth-order and sixth-order worlds have arrived.

In the last seventh-order world, some important figures in the Dragon Ball world were all present. After learning the news, King Quan and Sun Wukong returned to the original world, bringing the great priests, angels, and major gods of destruction with them. come over.

The powerhouses of the Dragon Ball World walked on the street, mighty and mighty, attracting the attention of many people.

They all know that Quan 197 Wang and others are from the seventh-order world, so they are still more curious about Quan Wang and Sun Wukong and others.

"Are the powerhouses here good? I even feel a lot of aura stronger than me."

Beerus, who was walking in the crowd, glanced around and said.

"Lord Beerus, there are people here who are stronger than Ah Quan. It can be said that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers here."

Sun Wukong spoke to Beerus from the side.

"Oh? A powerhouse stronger than Lord Quanwang? Are you kidding me? Are there any powerhouses stronger than Lord Quanwang in this world?"

Beerus opened his eyes slightly and looked at Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong shook his head and said: "I'm not in the mood to joke with Lord Beerus, the servants of the city master of Zhutian City have reached the eighth rank, and Ah Quan's strength is also the eighth rank. Although I can't tell their strengths, but I am sure that the strength of the city lord of Zhutian City definitely surpasses Ah Quan.”

"What? A servant of the eighth-order strength? Who is this city lord of Zhutian City? Is he so strong?"

Beerus said in disbelief.

But just as he opened his mouth to speak, suddenly a gaze that made his body feel cold swept across his body.

Beerus' body suddenly froze, and he had a feeling that his body was about to explode. .

Chapter [*]: Circle painting area

At this moment, he seemed to be stared at by a peerless beast, and his body was stiff and did not dare to move.

"This powerful breath..."

At this moment, the great priest standing behind King Quan had a look of shock on his face. The sudden and powerful breath completely overtook him, giving him a strong sense of oppression.

"Whose breath is this, so powerful."

Jiren and Vegeta, who were standing beside Sun Wukong at the moment, had expressions of astonishment on their faces.

Standing at the front, King Quan looked up with a sense of emotion. Not far in front of Ju, who went downstairs to the second floor, a determined man with angular eyebrows was looking at them with a smile that was not a smile.

This person is Hongmeng who has just arrived in Zhutian City.

"who are you?"

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