
One after another silhouettes rose from the ground, turned into a long rainbow and flew into the distance.

For a while, Zhutian City seemed to be evacuated in an instant, and almost all the powerhouses went to the world outside Zhutian City. .

Chapter [-]: Zhutian City Law Enforcement Team Guard

"Brother Hongmeng, why don't you go take a look?"

After Ju went downstairs, Daoyan quietly came to Hongmeng's side and said with a chuckle.

Hongmeng put down the teacup in his hand, glanced at Daoyan lightly and said: "There is nothing to see, at our realm, a world consciousness can be easily covered, and the best pieces of land can be clearly seen without looking at them. If you can perceive it, why bother to see it for yourself?"

He watched Daoyan come, without the slightest accident, his expression was unusually calm, as if nothing in this world could make any waves in his heart.

"Haha, Brother Hongmeng's words are really direct, he said it well, in our realm, the world outside the city of the heavens, we can cover all of them with a single consciousness, these places, no matter how good or bad, have no effect on us, we just choose It’s just a residence, only a higher world, such as the eighth-order world, is the world cultivation environment we seek.”

Daoyan smiled and reached Hongmeng's side.

"You didn't come here to tell me this, did you?"

Hongmeng raised his brows, with a shallow smile on his face, he looked at Daoyan again and said.

200 "Haha, Brother Hongmeng is really quick to talk. I'm here to invite Brother Hongmeng to be the law enforcement guard of Zhutian City. I don't know if Brother Hongmeng is interested."

Daoyan looked at Hongmeng and said directly.

"Law enforcement guards? Zhutian City really has an idea. The eighth-tier powerhouses are law enforcement guards. Is this what the city lord of Zhutian City means?"

Hongmeng drank the tea lightly, looked at Daoyan with a slight pause in his hand and said.

"Yes, this is exactly what the master ordered. Now, with the continuous influx of high-level powerhouses, Zhutian City needs to form a powerful law enforcement guard team. As the law enforcement guard of Zhutian City."

Dao Yan said without any concealment.

"What exciting benefits are there?"

Hongmeng looked at Daoyan slightly and said, but he didn't immediately agree or refuse.

He wanted to hear what conditions Zhutiancheng could give. After all, he was the master of the universe. If he didn't have enough attractive conditions, it would be difficult for him to let go of his body and work for Zhutiancheng.

"Don't worry about this, the master said that if you promise to become the law enforcement guard of Zhutian City, all the resources of Zhutian City will be used first, and the master can guarantee that the strength of the law enforcement guard will reach the ninth order in the future, or even higher, so this you Don't worry, my master never treats others badly."

Daoyan quietly looked at Hongmeng and said with a chuckle.

Hongmeng listened to Daoyan's words, thought for a while and then said, "Will that little guy from Dragon Ball Super World join in too?"

Daoyan shook his head and said, "Although he is very strong, his temperament is still a child. Such a position is not suitable for him."

"Okay, then I will join. I only hope that I can break through the current realm in my lifetime and see the scenery at a higher place."

Hongmeng and Daoyan had a simple chat and agreed.

"Haha, Brother Hongmeng is welcome to join our Zhutian City Law Enforcement Guard. This is the Zhutian City Law Enforcement Token."

Daoyan laughed loudly, and pushed a purple-gold token to Hongmeng's front.

Hongmeng picked up the token on the table, with three characters of Law Enforcement Order written on the front, and three big characters of Zhutian City written on the back.

"This law enforcement order can use some of the power of Zhutian City to exert its power beyond the original realm. As for the responsibilities that the law enforcement guard team needs to undertake, it will naturally be known after Brother Hongmeng confesses his blood."

Dao Yan explained with a light smile.


Hongmeng raised his eyebrows slightly, and a drop of blood flew out from between his fingers, directly submerging into the Law Enforcement Token. Immediately, the Law Enforcement Token was activated, and a vast force came, and Hongmeng's consciousness did not enter. In the card space, a black-robed phantom was sitting in the void. When Hongmeng entered this space, the black-robed phantom opened his eyes.

"You are……"

Hongmeng looked at the phantom in the void and said, his black robe phantom in the void felt an incomparably vast and supreme aura, as if he was the supreme ruler of this world.

It was the first time that Hongmeng felt this oppressive aura.

"This seat is the city lord of Zhutian City, Bai Ye, Hongmeng. Now you are officially a member of my Zhutian City law enforcement guard team. As a member of the law enforcement guard team, you must strictly implement the rules and regulations of Zhutian City. In addition, you can also be regarded as my personal guard. Sometimes you You will receive some special tasks, of course, rewards are indispensable, as long as you do your duty, the benefits will never be stingy, do you understand?"

Heipao Baiye sat cross-legged in the void, looking at Hongmeng and said.

"My subordinate understands."

Hongmeng said respectfully, originally he didn't understand what kind of existence Bai Ye, the city lord of Zhutian City, was, but now he clearly felt the supreme aura on Bai Ye's body, and Hongmeng suddenly became respectful.

"Okay, this token space can be connected with Zhutian City, and it can also be directly connected with this seat. It also contains part of the power of Zhutian City, and it directly suppresses those who dare to be reckless in Zhutian City."


Hongmeng said respectfully again.


Heipao Baiye nodded slightly and disappeared into the token space.

After Bai Ye disappeared, Hongmeng found that there was an incomparably vast and unpredictable power flowing in this token space.

"Is this the power of Zhutian City? It's really unimaginable."

Hongmeng stood there blankly, feeling everything, and after getting familiar with everything, he withdrew from the token space.

Hongmeng's eyes gleamed again.

"How about it?"

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