Daoyan smiled and looked at Hongmeng and said.

Hongmeng looked a little stunned. After a moment of silence, he looked at Daoyan and said, "Do you know what the realm is now, Lord City Lord?"

Daoyan was a little stunned by his sudden question, and then said with a smile: "The strength of the master is not something I can test, you only need to know the fact that in the world of the heavens, the strength of the master is supreme. Yes, no one can compare to the master."

"Supremacy? I feel that way too."

Hongmeng murmured.

The black robe and white night in the token space gave him an unsurpassed feeling, and now he clearly knows that he still has a lot of room for growth.

At this time, in addition to being shocked, he was also filled with joy, and he finally saw the hope of a breakthrough in his stagnant realm. .

Chapter two hundred and seventy-four: Insolent Sanqing

"Now that we are teammates, we need to maintain the rules of Zhutian City together in the future."

Daoyan said with a smile.

Hongmeng looked at him and nodded lightly.

While they were talking, three more guests were welcomed at the entrance of Zhutian City.

Entrance to Zhutian City.

"Hmph, Zhutian City? How dare you take such a name. We have never heard of such a place before sitting in the nine days."

An old man with silver hair scattered all over his head opened his mouth and said.

When they stepped into Zhutian City, a series of information suddenly came in their minds.

"This place is quite weird and looks a bit extraordinary. It should be a great treasure to be able to attract the three of us together. If you can get it..."

A middle-aged Taoist looked carefully at every part of Zhutian City, and there was a trace of greed in his eyes.

"Two junior brothers, I'll go in and have a look. I can feel that there seem to be a lot of human races living in this city of heaven. Let's see what this place is."

An old man with a charitable face opened his mouth with a pear wood crutch.

"Well, I'd like to see what's so special about this so-called City of the Heavens."

The gloomy-eyed old man snorted coldly and said.

With that said, the three of them entered the city of the heavens.

They walked slowly in Zhutian City, and their eyes were scrutinizing every place in Zhutian City. When he saw that Zhutian City was only inhabited by some ordinary mortals, the arrogance on his face was even more.

All they saw were some low-level cultivators who stayed in Zhutian City, plus some shop owners in Zhutian City.

All the other powerhouses are heading towards the world outside Zhutian City.

However, in the world outside Zhutian City, in addition to the eighth-order powerhouses, other powerhouses can only rely on the naked eye to observe some areas that are visible to the naked eye.

Therefore, I have no interest in going to the Zhutian City world to paint the region of Hongmeng.

"It's just that there are some low-level monks living there. It doesn't seem that there is anything special about this city of heaven. I thought there would be many outstanding powerhouses here, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that."

The Taoist who looked like a middle-aged man spoke with disdain on his face.

Soon, they came to the Zhutianlou, and seeing the guests coming, Shen Wansan walked out from the Zhutianlou.

"Three, what do you need?"

Shen Wansan looked at the three Taoists in front of him and said very politely, Shen Wansan knew their identities the first time he saw them.

The old man with shady eyes in the middle is the original Tianzun.

Strength level: Seventh-order intermediate.

The original world: the world of Fengshenbang (Tier [*])

The middle-aged man on the left is the Taoist Master Tongtian.

Strength level: Seventh-order intermediate.

The original world: the world of Fengshenbang (Tier [*])

The charitable old man on the right advocates inaction—morality.

Strength level: Seventh-order intermediate

The original world: the world of Fengshenbang (Tier [*])

"Who are you? Need? We don't need anything. Even if there is, it's not something that a little mortal like you can ask. In addition, ask your city lord to speak out."

The original Tianzun glanced coldly at Shen Wansan and said.

As a Tianzun with Tianqi, how could a mortal person be able to talk to him.

"City Lord? I'm sorry, our Lord City Lord, not ordinary people can meet, and we don't have time to see you. If you don't need anything, then please come back."

Shen Wansan said very unhappily looking at the high expression on the original Tianzun's face.

He had seen a lot of strong people, and it was the first time he had met such a rude person.


Listening to Shen Wansan's words, the original Tianzun's face suddenly turned gloomy. How dare a mortal talk to him like this?

Tongtian Sect Master and Daode Tianzun frowned.

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