Bai Ye's eyes flashed coldly.

"If they don't know the current affairs, then let their world completely disappear from heaven and earth!"

Bai Ye said coldly, a cold domineering emanating from him naturally.

When he said these words, the three of Daoyan felt a shudder.


Daoyan replied, he slowly raised his head and looked at the world channel of the Fengshenbang, a cold smile appeared on his face.

"Brother Hongmeng, would you like to come with me?"

Daoyan looked at Hongmeng next to him and said.

Hongmeng smiled slightly, nodded and said, "I am very happy."

With that said, the two of them stepped directly into the world of the Conferred God List.


At this time, all the Sanqing deities in the world of Fengshenbang opened their eyes.

They were sitting cross-legged on the cloud bed in their respective dojos, and their faces were very ugly.

"Zhutiancheng! I didn't expect that the mysterious Zhutiancheng would have such a terrifying powerhouse. He raised his hand and killed me. I am afraid that such strength is already above the master. How can there be such a strength between heaven and earth? How could I not know it when I waited?!”

In Kunlun Mountain, in Yuxu Palace, the original Tianzun whispered with gloomy eyes.

In Jinao Island Biyou Palace and Xuandudong Bajing Palace, Tongtian Sect Master and Daode Tianzun also fell into contemplation.

They entered a strange and mysterious place inexplicably, and were finally killed by a super strong.

This made them feel nervous and afraid. They wondered if they were dreaming?

But as saints, they should have no nightmares, but they can't believe that there is such a thing.

How could they, as supreme saints, be killed by a strong man who surpassed them!

They were very puzzled. In the end, they took out a jade token and contacted each other. After the three people's ventilation, they knew that this matter was real!

Even if one of them really had a dream, it is impossible for the three of them to enter the same dream at the same time.

"What the hell is going on here? Shall we ask the teacher to respect you and clear up our doubts?"

Tongtian Sect Master opened his mouth and said.

It stands to reason that they know everything in this world, and the sudden appearance of the city of the heavens makes them feel strange and afraid.

"Well, since we don't know, we can only ask the teacher to respect him. It's just that at this time, the teacher is in harmony with the way of heaven. I don't know if he will see me and wait."

Daode Tianzun sat cross-legged on the futon of the Eight Views Palace, frowned deeply and said...  

"I am afraid that only Master and his old man can solve our confusion about this matter, otherwise this matter will always be a lump in our hearts."

The original Tianzun, who has been relatively silent, said.

"Okay, then the three of my brothers will go to Zixiao Palace to meet the master."

In the end, the three decided to go to Zixiao Palace.


Just as they were heading towards the Zixiao Palace, Daoyan and Hongmeng, who had stepped into the world of Fengshen, immediately sensed the aura of Sanqing.

As the eighth-order superpowers, they can easily cover a big world with a single consciousness, and it is very simple to capture Sanqing.

Although they came to the Conferred God World, the Heavenly Dao rejected them very much, but they were both resisted. The Heavenly Dao of a sixth-order world did not pose any threat to them. One must know that Hongmeng could create the existence of a sixth-order world.

The Heavenly Dao of a sixth-order world, not to mention that it can be destroyed by raising a hand, at least it can be easily suppressed.

"You can't run away!"

Daoyan and Hongmeng walked hundreds of millions of miles away, and they suddenly stood in front of Sanqing.

"You... how are you..."

Seeing the sudden appearance of Daoyan and Hongmeng, Sanqing was horrified.

"What? Isn't it weird? I said that if you want to kill you, you must do it. Do you think my words are child's play?"

Daoyan sneered at Sanqing and said.

"Hey, come to our site in 2.1, it's not so easy for you to kill me. I once said that as long as the way of heaven is not destroyed, I will not die! You can't kill me and wait! Start the way of heaven here. But I won't agree!"

Primordial Heavenly Venerate said in a stern voice.

Now that he knew that it was useless to serve soft, so his attitude became tougher.

"Oh? Is it? Heaven? If your Heaven dares to block it, I might as well destroy it together!"

Daoyan folded his arms and said coldly, a playful smile appeared on his face.

"You can die in peace!"

Saying that, Daoyan patted them directly with a palm, and Sanqing's eyes widened, once again feeling the threat of death.

When the big palm that destroyed the sky and the earth was about to approach, the original Tianzun suddenly raised his head and shouted: "Master, save me!".

Chapter [*]: Hongjun is now

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