Suddenly there was a huge wave of fluctuations above the nine heavens, and a Taoist Zipao walked out, accompanied by wisps of chaotic energy.

The Taoist Zipao waved his hand, and the stars moved, the whole world seemed to be spinning, and the figure of Sanqing suddenly disappeared in place and appeared beside him.

Dao Yan's palm fell.

However, Daoyan did not feel strange, because when he and Hongmeng came to this world, they were aware of the existence of this purple-robed Taoist.


Sanqing looked at the purple-robed Taoist and shouted respectfully.

This purple-robed Taoist who suddenly appeared was the master of Sanqing, Hongjun Taozu.

Hongjun Daozu just glanced at Sanqing lightly, then turned his eyes to Daoyan and Hongmeng and said, "Where are the two fellow Daoists from? Why did you kill my three disciples?"

Hongjun Daozu spoke very politely to Daoyan and Hongmeng, because he felt a faint sense of oppression on Daoyan and Hongmeng.

This shows that the two mysterious visitors in front of him are strong people who surpass him. These two people should not belong to their 29th world.

Daoyan looked at Hongjun and said quietly: "The aura on your body is actually consistent with this side of heaven, are you the incarnation of this world's heaven?"

Daoyan didn't answer Hongjun's question, but was curious about the aura on Hongjun's body.

"I'm not the incarnation of the Tao of Heaven. I fit the Tao with my body and integrate with the Tao of heaven. It can be said that the Tao of heaven is me, and I am the Tao of heaven."

Daozu Hongjun said calmly.

"Fit with the body? It's interesting. There are still people in this world who are willing to fit the body. Isn't this self-destruction!"

Daoyan smiled faintly, and there was some disdain in his words.

"I'm sacrificing myself to become Tao, you won't understand this!"

Daozu Hongjun said solemnly.

"Okay, I don't care what your path is. Since you can represent the way of heaven, then hand over your three disciples to me. They have committed unforgivable sins. Today, I must make them fall under the law."

Daoyan didn't want to discuss anything with Hongjun Daozu, he just wanted to feel that Sanqing had been resolved so that he could return to his life.

"Oh? What kind of law did my three disciples commit? You want them to be put to death?"

Daozu Hongjun said quietly.

"Master, you want to save us. They came to our world and want to kill the three of us. It is clearly a challenge to us! The saints should not be humiliated, let alone killed!"

The original Tianzun said to Hongjun Daozu.

"Hehe, you are all dead today, and no one can save you."

Daoyan glanced at the original Tianzun and said.

"Can't the two of you be accommodating? If the saint dies, the world will be in chaos, and I can compensate for the sins of the three of them."

Hongjun Daozu felt the strong killing intent on Daoyan and hurriedly said.

"You'd better leave this matter alone, otherwise, your world will be destroyed! The death of three saints, your world is the biggest loss of vitality, if you dare to resist, don't say I didn't remind you, you This world will completely disappear into the universe!"

Dao Yan glanced coldly at Hongjun Daozu and said.

An incomparably vast breath was released from his body, causing Hongjun to feel his heart palpitate.

He knows that the mysterious powerhouse in front of him is still stronger than him. He is definitely not the opponent's opponent, but he can't hand over his three disciples to them. Otherwise, the order of heaven and earth will be in chaos. The way of heaven will also be greatly damaged. He is now in line with the way, and he will never allow such a thing to happen.

"Master, can you tell us about us!"

The Master Tongtian was frightened by the murderous aura on Daoyan, and quickly looked at his master Hongjun Daozu and said.

Hongjun Daozu glanced at his three disciples, and said quietly: "Don't worry, I will not hand you over as a teacher."

Daoyan and Hongmeng shook their heads after listening to Daozu Hongjun's words.

"Sure enough, you still chose a dead end. Since you are so protective of these three disciples, let this world be destroyed together with your three disciples!"

The corners of Dao Yan's mouth slightly evoked a cold smile.

"Humph! If you want to destroy my world, you have to see if you have the ability!"

Daozu Hongjun said with an unusually cold pair of eyes.

As he said, he waved his hand, the power of heaven revolved, and a terrifying spear suddenly appeared in the sky. !

The spear floated up and down between heaven and earth, firmly locking Hongmeng and Daoyan.

Such a change suddenly occurred between the heavens and the earth, and all the powerful people living in this world sensed it, and came to the ground one after another, looking up at the terrifying vision of heaven and earth.

"What is that! It looks very terrifying, how can there be such an evil weapon in this world!"

Some Mighty Ones exclaimed.

"I don't know, I've never heard of it, but aren't the three saints above the void! How did the three of them get together?"

Some powerful people suddenly discovered Sanqing in the sky. They didn't know Hongmeng and Daoyan, and they had never seen Hongjun Daozu, so the three saints they were most familiar with were Sanqing.

"I don't know, let's take a look. To be able to induce three saints to appear together, this must be a shocking 200 event."

Sanqing hadn't been together for a long time. The last time they appeared together was at the Fengshen Bang. Since then, Sanqing has never appeared in his own dojo.

The world has since entered the era of heavenly rule.

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