All they saw was the appearance of Sanqing, so they didn't know the real seriousness of the matter. At this time, the disciples under the Sanqingmen saw their master and their master, Hongjun Daozu appear together, and they were almost stunned. eyeball.

They knew that their master, Hongjun Daozu, was born, especially when they learned that their master was going to be in harmony with the way of heaven, they didn't care about the affairs of the world.

Unless it is a big change in the world, otherwise, Hongjun Daozu will not appear.

At this time, the aura in the sky was very terrifying. They couldn't get close, and could only watch from a distance. They found that there were two mysterious powerhouses they didn't know in front of their master and ancestor.

"Who are those two mysterious powerhouses? I feel the supreme coercion on them. Could it be that the birth of the master and the master has something to do with them?"

Some disciples of Sanqing on the ground made guesses.

"Looking at the situation, it looks like that, but is there a stronger existence in this world than our master and master?!".

Chapter two hundred and seventy-seven: the destruction of the gods world

Some Anglican disciples can't imagine that there are more powerful existences in this world than seeing the master and the ancestor.

"I don't know this. It is rumored that before the opening of the sky, there were [*] demon gods in the chaos, and some of the powerful demon gods can even be compared to the great god Pangu. Could these two be the chaos demon gods before the opening of the sky?!"

Some disciples boldly guessed.

"No, the Chaos Demon God heard that almost all of them died before and after the opening of the sky, do you really have to avoid the existence of the Chaos Demon God who has avoided the opening of the sky?!"

Someone said in disbelief.

"This is not necessarily true. After all, we have not experienced such an era, and such things are not certain."

A disciple of Chanjiao opened his mouth and said.

"If this is the case, then this world will encounter great troubles again. I wonder if Master and Master can successfully suppress these two powerful Chaos Demon Gods!"

Some disciples said worriedly.

"Don't worry, the ancestors have already stepped forward in person, and they should be able to suppress these two Chaos Demon Gods. Now our ancestors can almost be integrated with the Tao of Heaven, which is equivalent to the Tao of Heaven. No matter how powerful the Demon God of Chaos is, it should not surpass the Tao of Heaven! Shizu should be able to settle things soon."

Some disciples are more optimistic. In their opinion, their master, Hongjun Daozu, is already the supreme existence in this world, and no one can match, let alone surpass!

The Tao of Heaven is the ceiling of all their monks, and no one can go against the will of the Tao of Heaven.

"Well, that is also true, the master has already incarnated into the heaven, and he should be able to suppress these two Chaos Demon Gods soon!"

The disciples of Sanqingmen still maintain a relatively optimistic attitude.

At this time, they all judged Daoyan and Hongmeng as two powerful Chaos Demon Gods.


But at this time, Nuwa, who was sitting quietly in the Wa Palace, suddenly opened her eyes.

"What's going on here? How did the Heavenly Dao become so chaotic ¨.?"

She also sensed the fluctuations of Heavenly Dao.

Without any consideration, she stepped out of the Wa Palace and disappeared into her dojo.

When she reappeared, she was already around Hongjun Daozu and others.

Standing not far away, she saw the presence of Hongjun Daozu and Sanqing Sage, which surprised her.

"Hongjun Daozu and Sanqing have both appeared! This is quite rare!"

Looking at this scene, she knew that something must have happened. Daozu Hongjun and Sanqing would not easily appear in front of people, and they appeared together!

This is a very rare miracle!

Also not far from them were two strangers whom she did not know.

But she could see at a glance that the two strangers in front of her were very complicated, and Nu Wa even felt a faint pressure on them.

This made her very frightened. This kind of feeling was the first time she had such a feeling, except for Hongjun Daozu, who was in harmony with the way of heaven.

She frowned slightly, stepped closer to Hongjun Daozu, looked at Hongjun Daozu and said, "Daozu, what the hell is going on?"

Daozu Hongjun glanced at Nuwa lightly, and said, "These two mysterious Daoists in front of me want to kill my three disciples. I have no choice but to fight with them two."

"To kill three saints?!"

Nu Wa was shocked!

Daozu Hongjun dared to threaten to kill three saints, and forced Daozu Hongjun to come forward in person. How powerful are these two strange and mysterious powerhouses? !

"The two of them look very unfamiliar, and the aura on their bodies is incompatible with our world. Shouldn't they be the powerhouses in our world?"

Nuwa listened to the words of Daozu Hongjun, turned her head slightly and looked at Daoyan and Hongmeng and said.

"A trick? You're still flattering yourself. It's too easy for us to destroy your world, and we won't waste time with you. Since you're an old man who doesn't know anything, you'll use the whole world for you three. If a disciple is buried with us, then we will be butchers for once!"

Saying that, Daoyan raised his hand, and a ray of eternal chaotic light hit the blood-colored spear in the nine heavens. The blood-colored spear was vulnerable under the eternal chaotic light, shattered instantly, and turned into countless tiny ice crystals scattered to the ground.

As soon as he raised his hand, he destroyed the Heavenly Dao Killer of Hongjun Daozu.

Hongjun Daozu was horrified in his heart, his eyelids jumped, he was not a strong man who had never imagined Dao Yan, but he did not expect Dao Yan to be such a strong man!

This is completely beyond the power of heaven!

"Destroy it!"

At this time, the power of Daoyan was released without reservation, the whole world trembled, the sky collapsed, and the world seemed to be unable to accommodate his existence.

"What's going on! How did the heaven and earth shake violently!"

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